Constructive Feedback Requested


May 27, 2013
I don't like to submit my stories until I'm satisfied with them. I always run them through an editor first, so when he gets back to me, I'll end up fixing it up, then sending it back and so on, which takes a couple weeks usually.

Anyway, I thought I could post it on here first to get some feedback regarding the story itself, and not the technical details.

For anyone wondering, I have posted on Lit before, but decided to start anew with a fresh ID.

So here's my story. It's the first of a series that revolves around the nine characters mentioned. I plan on writing several stories in the series. I don't necessarily plan on directly connecting them, they just all revolve around the same set of primary characters.

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No. The poor man has tried--on another thread. As frequently noted (hint), the Web site doesn't welcome the posting of more than three paragraphs of a work on the forum, especially a work that hasn't been selected and published by the Web site already.

You're not helping.
Why did nobody mention the Story Discussion Circle? That's a good place to get feedback. Might wanna try there. :)