How do I best use Literotica as a reader?


Oct 28, 2005
I have seen topics on how writers can best get their stories out to readers, but I have not seen anything on the inverse. As a reader, how can I most efficiently find the stories that would appeal to me?

I started off by looking at the Top 50 (or so) for Categories that generally appeal and read the stories that sounded most interesting. I have then used tags to look at themes I may like (my tastes are a little too general for tags, to be honest) and similarly ran over a few pages per tag looking at anything with the 'H' icon that sounded appealing. I figure I must have seen... 0.0000001% of Literotica by now!

There is surely a more efficient way to narrow down the stories I would like. I have about a 1:10 hit/miss ratio at the moment and am probably failing to spot stories I would love. How do you look for new stories that would appeal to you?
i'm not sure there's a good answer to that question!

me personally, i've certainly favorited a few authors, then investigated who they dig on, and so on. you might want to consider setting up an evernote or something like that of your favorite authors, to facilitate your ability to read on multiple devices.

by favoriting authors instead of individual stories, you are vastly more likely to build a library of things to read.

but i'm curious what others suggest!

How do you look for new stories that would appeal to you?
Looking for NEW stories is always chancy. Looking for ALL appealing stories is easier.

* I find a story I like, maybe from a Hall of Fame, maybe by chance.
* I check other stories by the same author.
* I check "similar stories".
* I roll the dice.

When I find an author whose stories I like, I FAVE the author, then check every now and then to see if they've posted anything new. And After a month or so, I re-read some of the better stories.

I usually don't find tags helpful, not with my particular tastes and preferences. Sigh...
Like Hypoxia said, it's chancy. You never know what you're going to get when you click on a story, regardless of the category. Many writers assume that the sex scenes they write will appeal to all readers. That doesn't go over too well in the real world. Why writers think it will work on Lit is beyond me. A clear intro by the author is extremely helpful.
I look at it like entering a very large library...

An author I have enjoyed might catch my eye...

Perhaps the title seems to hold promise. My operating theory there is it gives me a snapshot of the authors gift with words. I admire great short story authors; they are MRE designers, packing a lot in a little pouch. The virtue of brevity constantly eludes.

The descriptions are worthless, as are ratings and feedback.

In a used bookstore or a library with limitations (here it is is 5 books per FAMILY) I open and scan a page or two...if a paragraph makes me want to read a second is a keeper.

I always enjoy the browse. Even if someone lacks the ability to deftly craft their story, the existence of the story itself always interests me. To peek in ANYONES mind like that excites the voyeur in me.
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It doesn't matter. Ninety-nine percent of LIT wares are hackney, generic wank-fodder. Publishers don't come to LIT in search of the next FIFTY SHADES OF GAY.

H.L.Mencken suggested writers oughta burn 100 of their stories before they pester an editor with a submission. BURN IT, was his advice for William Manchesters first novel. Manchester was surprised at the response but burned the manuscript a few years later.

At LIT the wares are equally crap, editors are inept, and readers are clueless.