The sentence game

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I think you've reached your yakisoba limit now!

Yves, an all-knowing individual, showed Olive beautiful algorithms.

Althea's lust grew onerous, requiring immediate, though harrowing, masochistic satiation.

(The yakisoba was an attempt at operant conditioning, sanctioning people who ended their sentences with a "y" word. I had hoped it would cure them of that affliction so we would not be saddled with it for our next sentences).
Althea's lust grew onerous, requiring immediate, though harrowing, masochistic satiation.

(The yakisoba was an attempt at operant conditioning, sanctioning people who ended their sentences with a "y" word. I had hoped it would cure them of that affliction so we would not be saddled with it for our next sentences).

Gday Tio

So, at the instant Alana's tits imploded, Oliver noticed.
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