One Man's Darkness- Closed for KamaKamaSutra

She pleaded with him, that wasn’t something he was expecting. But she wasn’t anywhere near ready to be allowed to go upstairs yet. He paused his hand on her leash and his other raised get her other chains. He sighed, and shortened the chain, removing about five feet of it. Walking over he picked up the towel, and reached into the cabinet, pulling out an old military blanket. They were thin and made of coarse material, but they would keep you warm and could be very comfortable once you were used to nothing. He walked back and laid It down near her pillow.

“I’m giving you this, where you realize it or not you made progress today. When I come back in the morning, you will have this folded just like it is now, and you will place it as close to the cabinet as you can with your pillow on top.”

With that, he turned to walk he flicked off the light and stepped onto the stairs. Speaking before finishing his climb.

“Breakfast is at the end of the countdown. “

He closed the door, and sealed her into the room once more, pulling off his mask he tossed it onto the kitchen counter and walked to his bedroom. The timer was still moving, just over twenty hours to go. He was sure she had thought that the punishment was over, but she had failed to answer his question, instead of dodging around it. He made sure the alarm was set to wake him up and he pulled his sheets back before laying down to rest.

It was the next morning when a knock on the door made woke him in a panic. He ran to the window and peered into the driveway. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the delivery man heading back to his truck. It must be the food he ordered. Going down the steps from his bedroom, he slowly opened the front door and pulled the package into the house. Putting the food up, he considered going down to the basement but instead he settled into the couch and flicked his television on. Keeping an eye on the clock on his phone even as Chester came and settled onto his lap.
The room was dark again. Well, at least he hadn’t tied her to the floor again. Taking the blanket, she folded it in half and laid one part on the floor and she slipped down between the folds. The roughness of the blanket rubbed against her delicate skin, irritating it but she was grateful for the warmth it gave her. She reached out a hand and pulled the pillow under her head. Lying there, in the dark, her fingertips moved over the collar. It felt weird on her neck. Suddenly her stomach growled and she flipped onto her back, tugging the half of the blanket over to cover her nakedness. Once again the blanket’s rough material rubbed against her, only this time, her breasts, the softness of her belly. It brushed against the reddish curls between her legs. The floor was still hard but at least, she had some warmth. On the tail of that thought, her eyes slowly closed.

Ree wasn’t sure what had woken her up. She sat up. The blanket fell to her waist. Her eyes went immediately to the tv. It was almost time! She had better hurry. Getting to her feet, she folded the blanket as instructed. She set it as close as she could to the cabinet. Retrieving her pillow, it was placed on the folded blanket. Ree sat on the floor and rubbed her eyes before letting her hands fall on her thighs. He had been right. Last night had been colder than any she had experienced thus far. Idly, her hands rubbed her upper arms as her eyes came back to the tv and it made her wonder if her punishment was over. She was so hungry. Biting her bottom lip, she wondered what was for breakfast and it couldn’t be good. While she waited for him to come down the stairs, she thought about him. Too many things he had said to her made her wonder if she knew him, well, maybe not knew him in a more intimate sense but maybe…. someone who had passed through her life at some point? Ree unconsciously chewed on the side of her fingernail. Her poor French manicure was going to hell anyway. Her nails were her pride and joy. While they weren’t long, they were oval shaped and she sported French tips. People had always complimented her nails. Now, they were a mess.
He stood at the stove, the morning light falling on his hands as he stirred the food in the cast iron skillet. The potatoes were crisping, and the onions and peppers were filing the air with fragrance, the eggs were finishing. He sprinkled the spices into them, giving the dish heat. The ascending tone of his alarm brought his attention back to the phone on the counter. Four zeros flash on the screen.

“Forty-eight hours...”

He gave the skillet a final toss, the spices flaring into the air coating the dish fully. Scraping the contents of the pan into two small bowls. He sat them beside his mask. When would he be able to see her without the damn thing? He disliked wearing it. The leather slipped over his face as he picked the bowls back up, slipping a plastic fork into them before turning the fridge. Using his foot, he applied the correct pressure as his fridge receded revealing the doorway to the basement. Stepping onto the first step of the stairs, he looked the seven words written on his whiteboard reminded him of the task in front of him


Stepping into the gloom he flicked the light as he stepped into the basement. The bowls giving off their aroma, filling the pristine air with the smell of spices and eggs. He stood at the edge of the space he had outlined for her. The blanket and pillow were set in a neat pile. She sat nearby. He held a bowl out to her before dropping to the ground just outside of the chains reach, he sat the second bowl down and plucked the fork up out of the one in his hand. A potato speared on the tines, a thin wisp of steam rises from it into the cool of the basement.

“Are you hungry? Come here, you can have some”
Ree heard him on the stairs and braced herself. She remained where she was, but her stomach was protesting. Loudly. And the smell of whatever he had been cooking drifted down to her nose. She could feel herself salivating. But what was he going to feed her this morning? Even while he ate whatever came from that heavenly smell.

“Are you hungry? Come here, you can have some”

Was she hungry? Hell yes she was. He was actually going to let her have some of what he had brought down with him. Glancing in his direction she saw he had two bowls and had lifted a piece of potato on his fork. Her eyes watched him, her mouth watering. Ree came as close as she could to him and sat back down, waiting. She waited for him to hand her the bowl.

“Yes,” her voice was low, almost a whisper. Her eyes were downcast, “Yes, I’m hungry.”
He watched as she moved, she still held onto her grace, but her body seemed resigned to the position she was in. He leaned forward, offering the fork she hesitated, before reaching for it.


She looked confused before she lowered her hand. He moved the fork to her lips, the potato resting against her lips. She waited before taking a bite. He wondered what she would do if she could see his smile. He sat down, repeating the process over and over again until the food was gone. Chasing the onions and peppers around before spearing them for her. Once she was done he took the bowl away, using the same fork he began to eat his own meal. That process took less time, he had always been a voracious eater. Standing up he returned the bowls upstairs, putting them in the sink before returning the basement.

“Wasn’t that easier, you put your pride aside and accepted the food. Then you were fed and nothing bad happened. Do you see how easy that was?”

At first she didn’t understand. It didn’t take long for her to get the idea. She might be hungry but she wasn’t an idiot. She opened her lips and he fed her.

“Wasn’t that easier, you put your pride aside and accepted the food. Then you were fed and nothing bad happened. Do you see how easy that was?”

It hadn’t been that easy at all. Especially when he insisted upon feeding her. It made her feel like a dog. The collar around her neck, the chain tied to it and lastly, being fed. She wasn’t a dog nor was she a baby. She had never treated anyone like this in her whole life. Her pride was low but it wasn’t broken. It was her pride that kept her from being nothing.

She wiped the back of her hand across her lips.

“If you think that was easy for me, you’re crazy.”

She stared over his shoulder, refusing to look at him. She also wondered if he was ever going to remove that mask. She sat thinking. Could she pull it off? Would he believe her?

He hasn’t really hurt me.
But he wants to break you down.

Her subconscious was arguing with her. Or, perhaps it was reminding her. He could have chosen a path of physical abuse to break her down, but instead he had taken another path. She felt anything but grateful. She hadn’t asked for this. He chose to teach her a lesson……but why? Was he someone from her past she had ignored or overlooked? There were so many questions and not enough answers.
He chuckled, a real laugh for a change. He sat down, crossing his legs and resting his arms on his lap. He wasn’t a huge man, but the positioning would create a bit of an illusion.

“It wasn’t supposed to be easy, simply easier. Time will show if your faking or not, but having no pride is just as bad as too much. You have to have the pride to have worth, but when you can accept things from others, even when it pushes all your boundaries you grow.

He reached under him, pulling the crop off his seat. Placing the handle of the crop against the floor he leaned forward toward her. The fiberglass core of the crop making a small creak as the leather stretched over it. He watched her, his hungry eyes on her body. The beautiful curves of her summoning so many lascivious thoughts his jeans strained along with the crop as the next step came to mind.

“Lets test how your progress. Come over here and kneel facing the television. Put your head down and raise your ass as high as you can.”
“It wasn’t supposed to be easy, simply easier. Time will show if your faking or not, but having no pride is just as bad as too much. You have to have the pride to have worth, but when you can accept things from others, even when it pushes all your boundaries you grow.

She raised her eyes as he spoke and listened. Simply easier? Than what?

Her eyes widened as she noticed the crop. As he leaned toward her, she tipped back away from him instinctively. She continued to watch is face and saw the lust in them. It wasn’t an unfamiliar sight to her. Men had lusted after her since she was a teenager.

“Lets test how your progress. Come over here and kneel facing the television. Put your head down and raise your ass as high as you can.”

If her eyes could have widened anymore than they already had, these words would have made that happen. Her eyes went from the crop to the tv to his face. She swallowed. Her mind remembered how he had used the crop on the back of her legs earlier. Her flesh still stung and she was more than sure that they entertained bruises.

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

Her chin lifted. Her eyes hardened with defiance and somewhere, deep in them was a spark of fear. She didn’t know this man from Adam. There was no trust here. There was simply either she did as she was told or there would be consequences. This she had already experienced. Then again, he could be testing her. Fear won out. He had previously given her no reason to believe otherwise. She didn’t move from where she was. Consequences be damned.
She was testing him, to see if he would react. He thought about striking her again, hitting her so hard that she remembered the lesson from before, but this time he had another idea. He flexed the crop in his hands, stretching his arms bringing them out in front of him crossing them and curling them back to his chest. He stood up, tapping the handle on the ground, testing it before walking to the cabinet. The metal door opening with a squeak, he hung the crop back up. He turned and smirked his lips, offering a sound of curiosity before strolling back to her, grabbing her chin, squeezing it tightly and speaking softly.

“Don’t think regression will be let go lightly, you will regret this decision.”

He left, walking upstairs. He went to the spare bedroom, where he planned on moving her too later. He had bought some ornate furniture. One of those was an ottoman, that was built by a man who made custom furniture. The cushion doubled as a sex wedge and he picked it up. The furniture was heavy but he managed it with two arms. Carrying it down the steps he made sure to dodge the cat on the stairs, though he was unaware of it following him through the kitchen and down into the basement. The cat hiding under the stairs once his master had sat the new edition to the basement furniture down.

Once the ottoman was on the ground, the royal blue velvet covering the top vibrant under the intense light. He scooted it toward her with his foot, watching as it slid toward her. He returned to the cabinet, opening a new drawer, pulling a length of coarse black rope. It was a natural fiber rope, died with a natural ink from Japan. He unraveled the various lengths he had cut before, securing one end to the legs of the ottoman, taking advantage of the bulbous feet to prevent the rope from slipping off, he reached for her. She jerked her hand back, but he persisted, grabbing her right arm. She fought as he stretched her arms out, tying the unsecured end to her writs and tightening till she was stretched over the ottoman, her stomach resting on the built-in wedge. It tilted her head down and brought her ass into the air. She flailed about, the fear was almost palpable now. He had to fight her to get her other hand under control, eventually locking that side down as well, her hands touching the floor as she struggled against the ropes. Her feet were free until he was able to secure her right leg first, he stayed to the side to prevent her from kicking him. She was taller, so her knees rested on the floors and the rope ran around the back of her legs and around the ottoman's legs. Here feet were loose, but she wasn’t able to move more than bringing them up or down. She had moved the ottoman a few feet back toward where he had set it down and her chain was tightening, if she kept at it she would accomplish nothing but cutting her own air supply out. Once her other leg was secured he ran a rope under the ottoman, crossing it and running another length over her. Once the ends met again he tied a simple knot, it wasn’t meant to secure her to the ottoman anymore than the ones on her wrist would do, but it would keep her still for what was to come. Once he felt she was secure enough, he left her for a moment. Going to the cabinet, he fingered a few of the instruments there, testing their materials, lengths, and thinking of their effects. He had done quite a bit of research into his purchases, each one had a different effect. He knew what he was going for and selected a flat black leather covered wood paddle, it had holes drilled through it but still maintained the integrity of the wood. He gave it a few swings, the wind whistling through it as he did. He chuckled and walked around behind her once more. He circled her as he spoke, the paddle hanging from his wrist by a leather strap.

“I’m going to remind you of the lesson I thought you learned once before. I am going to teach you something that perhaps I should have verbalized better earlier. I have expectations for your behavior while you’re a guest of this house. When I say something, you will do it. You will not argue, you will not think that you ignore my words and not getting reprimanded.”

He finished his prowl around her, and as the word reprimanded left his mouth the brought the paddle up and brought it back down onto the flesh of her ass. The holes whistled loudly, till her skin filled the holes before he returned it into a strike position. The first strike had been weak, the second wasn’t. It cracked across her backside, the lightning from his arm transferring into her flesh. He called out the number of strikes, each one building on the last as the numbers rose closer to double digits. Her skin was partially bruised from the strikes from the crop, now her ass was a mass of red, blue and black bruises. He stepped back and admired his handy work, her ass raw. He had stopped short of creating actual wounds on her skin. His heart raced, his pupils were dilated, his mind was hyper-focused. He had never experienced a thrill quite like this. He wondered if this was how drug users felt on their first high, he raised two fingers to his throat, finding his pulse it was roughly 164 bpm. That rough estimation excited him further. He reached his hand to her ass, feeling the heat rise even as her body jumped at his touch.

“Next time I won't hold back. Tell me, did you learn that my expectations are to be met? Or shall I continue? ”
Her struggles proved fruitless against him. He always managed to overpower her. Now, just because she got mouthy, she found herself strapped down to a damn ottoman, her ass still exposed to him and she found herself tied down to boot…. Wait…. What? A guest? Was he fuckin’ serious?

She was starting to sweat. He was walking around with a damn paddle hanging from his wrist. It wasn’t just any paddle either. The damn thing had holes bored into it. Just thinking about it made her shudder internally. She heard the air whistle through those fucking holes just before the paddle hit her bare ass. The first smack didn’t hurt nearly as bad as the second. It was as if he got his strength behind it. Each progressive hit, brought her major pain. Her ass went from hot to raw. She bit down on her bottom lip HARD to keep from crying out. She could feel the blood trickle down her chin. Her eyes were blurred by the time he paused.

“Next time I won't hold back. Tell me, did you learn that my expectations are to be met? Or shall I continue? ”

He held back? Her mind barely registered the words as she passed out from the pain. She didn’t even feel him touch her raw flesh. She hadn’t heard his question either. She laid there. Limp. Unconscious. Lucky her.
He was considering striking her again when he noticed her lack of any response. He poked her raw ass, hoping to see if she was faking it. Once he noticed her head as it lolled, a bit of blood dripping from her lip, his heart skipped a beat and he held his breath. Standing there he watched waiting for a sign that she was breathing, her chest raised and lowered shallowly. He let his own breath out, he had to take two breaths in rapid succession, he hadn’t realized how long he had been holding it in. Lifting her chin up gently, he wiped the blood trickling from her lip. She had bit her own lip, not badly but enough. He looked down at her, perhaps he should take her upstairs and let the rest, but… maybe it was time for something else. He walked to the cabinet, reaching on beside it, leaned against the wall was a large piece of wood. It had three holes drilled through it, two smaller ones and a single large one. Hefting it up, letting it rest on his should her walked back to below the chains hanging from their anchors. He connected it to the chains, it was difficult to get it up by himself, but once he got the first hook in it was a bit easier. He left it hanging there and moved to her. She seemed to still be out cold even as he moved her off the ottoman, he left the ropes connected to the stool even as he moved it to the edge of the room. Going back to her, he connected her to the anchors on the floor, she was spread eagle again, but this time he tied her on her stomach, leaving her bruised and raw ass on display. Retrieving a container from his supplies he unscrewed the top, the smell of menthol rose into the air, the thick gel cools on his fingers as he rubbed it on her skin. It wouldn’t help the ache, but it would help the skin heal a bit and the menthol would add a wonderful sting to her ass when she woke up.

It was a few hours later, he had closed the basement and was relaxing in the living room. The T.V. was tuned to local news and there was a blip about Reanna. Her case was intriguing to the couch detectives and they were always searching for new leads. Luckily all the real authorities still dismissed her case as a lost cause. He relaxed and enjoyed the feeling as his recliner enveloped him. His hand absently mindlessly stroked his shaft through his jeans. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling.

“I wonder what she feels like.”
She came to in darkness and with a soft moan of pain.

What happened?

It all came flooding back. She had refused to obey him and she had been beaten for it. Now, she was lying face down on the concrete, spread eagle and her ass hurt like hell. Maybe something beyond that. Ree flexed her ass cheeks and immediately stopped. Pain shot up her spine and spread throughout her body like wild fire. Without being able to look, she had a feeling he had beat her butt raw. She probably wouldn’t be able to sit for days. Tears came into her eyes and fell, pooling on the concrete below her, wetting her face. Once again she wondered what she had done to deserve all this. What had she done to deserve such a monster who had decided to be her judge and jury and despite his protesting otherwise, he most certainly had decided to judge her and deemed her in need of a lesson.

Ree listened. She was alone. For now. Whay would her next lesson be? She shuddered to think upon it.
He waited upstairs for hours, he ran the gambit of emotions, between feeling horrible for the pain he inflicted and then the arousal of how good it felt. He wondered how she felt about it? Did some dark part of her become aroused thinking about it, did the welts and sting of the paddle run through more than her brain? These thoughts burned through his mind as he descended into the darkness. He flicked the light on, the harsh light even bothered him this time, or perhaps that was more a side effect of his own mental state. She was splayed out on the floor, her ass was turning a few shades of red, blue, and purples. He cringed as he thought of how it must feel, even as his body surged at the excitement of the memory of the event. He walked directly to her and unclasped her chains. Once the last one was off he sat down in front of her. He didn’t think she had realized that she was completely unbound right now. But he wasn’t quite as stupid as to not come prepared. He had a collapsible baton in his back pocket just in case. He didn’t think he would need it, but just in case she wanted to attack him while he tried this.

“Sit up.”
He flicked on the overhead light. Her head was turned away from it. Her eyes closed but at the sound of his voice, her eyes blinked several times.

“Sit up.”

Her backside hurt dreadfully. It felt raw. Pain still radiated throughout her ass as well as the backside of her legs and into her lower back. With her palms flat on the floor she pushed up, realizing belatedly, that she was unbound. She tried to sit back on her heels and involuntarily yelped as she did so. Instead she found herself on her hands and knees. Lifting her head, she looked at him. Her voice felt rusty and unused.

“I’m….sorry. I can’t. It hurts too much.”

She did try again. Having experienced what she had at his hands, she wasn’t ready to experience it again. However, the results were the same. She simply couldn’t sit up so remained on her hands and knees in front of him.
He flinched inside as she did when she attempted to sit. He had been overzealous, letting his passion push him too far. He had done something he hadn’t intended and that was a problem. He curled his fingers in and out a few times, before clenching his knee and tapping a finger impatiently. He was running over his options, she wasn’t running in this state, but letting her out of this room was foolish. He searched the room, wondering what his options were. Standing, he walked to the wall that concealed the tub. Pressing the hidden switch the fixture revealed itself and was quickly prepped and started to fill.

“Soak, do not leave the tub till I tell you.”.

With that he walked away, taking the stairs leaving the darkness of the basement behind. Once he was on the main floor, he moved with purpose. The door was locked when he arrived, it always was. He had prepared the room once before. It was set up for a woman that he had met online. She had been love to him, it wasn’t the normal passion. It was shallow and ended as quickly as it had started. She faded into his life and out. But, she had promised to visit, and he had prepared this room in preparation. It wasn’t lavish but was very comfortable. The bed dominated the room. It was a light frame, the iron twisted into the shape of ivy. The bedding was voluminous and a light blue that lightened the room. He gathered up the bedding, the comforter, the sheets, and the pillows. He brought them with him as he descended the stairs, the hidden door closing behind him. Chester dove in between his feet and he stumbled, cursing as he regained his balance as the cat disappeared into the basement.

“Fucking cat”

He returned to the center of the room and lowered the bundle to the floor. Oblivious to where his guest was as he laid out the bedding.

“ I thought this bedding might help you rest. I have some ointment in the cabinet that will help your soreness. I put some on already but it might need another treatment soon. “
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Ree lifted her head and stared after him, watching him silently.

“Soak, do not leave the tub till I tell you.”.

She didn’t attempt to move until he was gone, back up the stairs into the room above or rooms above. Getting to her feet shakily, she moved toward the tub. This was going to hurt, but the need to sit in the water overwhelmed the thought of pain. Even as a child she sought out water for comfort. Ree lowered her abused body into the tub, drawing up her knees as she did so. The pain nearly crushed her. She lowered her forehead to her knees and because she was alone, she let the tears flow. She had never experienced anything of this nature before, not even when her mother was alive. Her mom had died young. Cancer had taken another victim. Her father had always doted on her. She had always been his little princess. He had never laid a hand on her. What this man had done to her backside was incomprehensible.

All too soon she herd him on the stairs again. He was returning. Quickly, she swiped her fingers across her face to remove all trace of her tears though she kept her head bent against her knees, her long red hair hiding her face from view.

“ I thought this bedding might help you rest. I have some ointment in the cabinet that will help your soreness. I put some on already but it might need another treatment soon. “

Raising her head at his voice, she tucked her hair behind her ear before her eyes followed his movements, widening in surprise as she saw the bedding. Her lips parted as if she wanted to say something but thought better of it, instead she merely nodded. The idea that he touched her body without her awareness of it, left her feeling….. strange. She felt confused. He was being kind and thoughtful and it was the last thing she expected from him. Who was this man in the mask?

One of her hands had griped the side of the tub as she turned slightly, she dared not do more for fear of causing herself more pain, to follow his movements. It was then she felt the soft brushing against her fingers. Glancing down, she saw a cat. Her lips twitched into a soft amused smile. A cat. Her fingers released their grip on the tub and wiggled against the cat’s backside. It arched into her fingers.

“Hello pretty kitty….”

Her words were ever so soft, barely heard.
“Her name is Chester, it’s a long story.”

He noticed the feline had strolled over to the bathtub, she was arching her back to Reanna’s touch. Cat’s were not covered in any of the books or stories he read about holding someone captive but seeing the soft smile on her face. Something that he had enjoyed in pictures, but had not seen since he brought her here reminded him of a passage in one of the books. Captivity can create strength where you wouldn’t expect. You can break someone’s minds through torture, coercion, and other techniques. But if you want to make someone see you in a positive light, create a world where they can find purpose. Directed purpose to be sure, one that fits with your own needs. Seeing Chester gave him an idea. He reached above him, pulling the smaller chain down and walking it to the tub. The leather collar hung from the end and he offered it to her. Holding the small lock that would prevent its removal in his hand. Placing it on the edge of the tub, the metal buckle making a small sound as it connected.

“When you ready. You can get out, and go rest on the bedding. I put a towel there for you. I’ll secure the lock once I return”

Turning he walked away, leaving her with the choice and Chester. He moved upstairs, slipping off his mask and opening a cabinet under the sink revealing a wine cooler. He chose a cheaper red and decided on a meal to pair it with. Using the food service was helpful, the prep was quick and he was able to have everything done in less than 30 minutes. The chicken breast was seasoned and grilled in a Mediterranean style and served over pasta with a tomato sauce. Concealing his face, he plated it and carried it and the rosé. The silverware was a risk, but the baton still rested in his pocket. This experiment might pay off more than trying to break her. He walked down the step and took a breath before stepping onto the hard floor of the room.

“I have dinner if you're hungry.”
“Her name is Chester, it’s a long story.”

Ree was focused on the cat. She continued to scratch the feline. At his words her eyebrow notched upward a bit. Glancing up and over at him, there was a question in her eyes. She wanted to ask something but chose to remain silent. She watched as he reached above him and pulled on a smaller chain. He walked toward the tub and left a leather collar on the edge. She naturally recoiled at his approach, hugging her knees tighter. She stared at the collar.

“When you ready. You can get out and go rest on the bedding. I put a towel there for you. I’ll secure the lock once I return”

She bit lightly on her lower lip and through the hanging strands of her hair she watched him walk away and upstairs. Ree didn’t move until he was gone. Only then did she stand up slowly, wincing slightly as she did. Climbing out of the tub, she had accidently knocked the collar he had left for her, to the ground. Ree paused, then bent over and retrieved the collar. She glanced at the dark stairs then down at the cat who was winding itself between her legs.

“You don’t even wear a collar. I wonder what you’d do if he put one on you, Chester.”

The cat ignored her and continued to wind around her ankles. Ree turned the leather collar around her fingers. There was a strong part of her that wanted to toss it on the floor and ignore it. The lingering pain in her ass stopped her. Instead, with a resigned sigh she fit the collar around her neck and went to the bedding he had brought down. She found the towel and wiped her body dry, going gently over her backside then she laid, face down, on the bedding to wait for his return. She heard the door open, his footsteps on the stairs.

“I have dinner if you're hungry.”

The chain rattled as she tried to sit up. Her ass was still sore but not nearly as sore as it had been. The tantalizing aroma of food made her nose twitch and her stomach growl.

“Yes, please.”
Sitting the meal down on the work-space of the cabinet, he turned to walk toward her, turning the metal lock in his hand. It was a simple thing, the kind bought at a hardware store for lockers and the such. The silver of the body flickered in the light. He walked behind her, lifting her hair up, letting his fingers trail her neck and turn the collar to the clasp. The lock fell into place with a satisfying click as he rested it against her skin. The key for it was hung alongside many others on his key ring that was hung by the door to the hidden stairwell. He didn’t speak as he finished his task, though he did sneak a quick look at her bottom to make sure the skin would heal and not split. It still seemed a bit raw, but she was moving better at this point. Returning to the food, he carried the plates to the same spot he had to feed her the first time. Returning for the wine and the glasses he moved and sat across from her. Sitting her glass and filling it before doing the same to his. She sat a few feet away and he smiled at her, holding her fork and knife out to her. He had a plan, when she took the knife, he would hold the blade in his hand, and say he was trusting her with this.

“Care to join me?”

He sat there watching her consider the possibilities, or at least what he thought she was thinking. What he was thinking was a bit more chaotic. He was torn, he wanted her, the point of this was to take her and make her his, then discard her. But, somehow, that had changed now he wanted her to want him. He wanted to twist the person she was into the person he thought she could be. She was beautiful, but to him ugly on the inside. He wanted her beautiful to bloom from inside and out. He wanted her to be his perception of beauty. Perhaps he had watched too much porn, this was all very heavy laden with BDSM imagery. He chuckled at himself, he had never really thought of it this way, but it was appealing to some part of him. It felt right even as his conscience warred with him over the fact he had captured her and locked her up in his basement. Would he ever be able to have a life after her? Surely if she was released his life would end. The only way to keep it was to conceal his identity for the entirety of the time she was with him. Already the mask was irritating to remember to put on and off every time. Unconsciously, his fingers worked the edge of it, loosening it as they sat across from each other. Eyeing the other as predator and prey, one driven by hunger, the other by survival.
As he came near her, lock in hand, she flinched without thinking. It had been an involuntary response to him and his previous actions. Ree couldn’t quite figure him out nor could she read him. Still, she felt a bit foolish as all he did was come behind her, lift her hair and secure the collar around her throat. She felt confused and unsure. It wasn’t an unknown feeling to her. Since he had taken her captive she had felt this way. Remaining still, she watched his movements with silence and wariness.

He set down food, glasses and some sort of liquid, filling both glasses. He extended his hand, holding out fork and knife but she hesitated to take either utensil from him. Was it a trick or a test? Her eyes went briefly from the utensils to his face then down to the plate before her. There was some strong urge inside of her to take both fork and knife, turning them on her captor. While a part of her encouraged such actions, she knew she wasn’t ready to act upon it. He was healthy and unburdened by a chain around his neck. A chain and collar, she silently acknowledged she had placed there voluntarily even if that voluntary action was not just that. There were consequences for her choices and if she were to survive and escape, she would have to be wiser in her choices and less hot-headed.

Her hand extended, her fingers curling about the utensils but she did not pull them toward her, aware of the fact that the knife blade rested in his palm.

“Care to join me?”

Her eyes raised to his hooded face. Her voice was just loud enough to make herself heard.

Releasing the utensils he sat back, a smile obscured under the mask. He moved his own plate in front of him and cut into his chicken breast. It was cooked almost perfectly, a bit overdone but the sauce and wine would hopefully make up for it. Taking a piece he brought it to his mouth and savoring the bite pulled the empty fork away.

“It’s always surprising when my cooking turns out well”

Reaching for his wine glass, he took an exaggerated sip, while holding his lips pursed to limit the amount of wine that he ingested. Sitting the glass back down, the glass clinking happily against the cold floor. Twirling his fork he gathered his pasta around it, at least the pasta was well cooked. He smiled as the flavors filled his mouth. His palate wasn’t extravagant, so even a simple meal like this was a treat for him. Taking a second controlled sip of wine, he rose to his feet, bringing his glass with him.

“Eat, I’ll be back with a bit more wine.”

Climbing the stairs, he entered the kitchen and quickly grabbed the open bottle and one nicer white wine. Before returning to the basement. Halfway down he spoke.

“I never asked, do you prefer red’s or white’s?”
She stared after him. What the fuck was going on here? Her mind was simply not wrapping around it. She hadn’t touched her food. Yet. She looked down at the utensils in her hand. Then at the food before her. It smelled marvelous after the crap she had endured eating before this. Her sight alighted on her glass of wine. And wine? What was he up to? He had left her with utensils as well, including a knife. She was just digging into the food before her, slicing into the chicken breast on her plate when she heard his voice on the stairs.

“I never asked, do you prefer red’s or white’s?”

Ree glanced up, all motion ceasing as she answered, “Reds….er…..whites…. well, it depends actually.”

Having sliced off a piece of chicken, she gently laid her knife on her plate, lifting the chicken on her fork to her mouth. It was surprisingly good. She twirled some pasta onto her fork and lifted that to her mouth next. She felt funny and terribly exposed sitting there, eating food, naked. Her mind was once more swirling with questions. All of which she wasn’t sure she wanted to give voice to. At least, not yet. Ree lifted her glass of wine and took a sip, then wrinkled her nose. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t what she was use to either. Still. At least she had wine.
Rounding the bottom of the stairs, he noticed the slight wrinkle to her nose. The wine wasn't fancy, maybe that was what it was. It irritated him a bit, the snobbishness of it. It was wine, and she should be thankful, but he quelled the flash of irritation. Smiling as he sat back down, the two bottles of wine now beside him.

"The wine isn't fancy, I don't normally drink the stuff. I brought one of each, I though we could drink and talk. So..what determines if you get a red or white?"

Reaching for his own glass, holding it to block the view of the level of his own glass. He sipped the red liquid, it was bitter, but not anymore than the other times he had tried wine. Returning it to the left of his plate, he cut another piece of chicken and silently chewed his food. Refiling her glass as it drew to the halfway point.
"The wine isn't fancy, I don't normally drink the stuff. I brought one of each, I though we could drink and talk. So..what determines if you get a red or white?"

She had been about to take another sip of wine when he asked his question. Glancing down at her glass, she could only imagine what he was thinking…. That she was being a snob. Ree noticed that he caught her wrinkling her nose. It had been just been something she had done, without thought. She hadn’t meant to cause offense. Raising her eyes to his, she stopped to think on her words before she spoke. This was an action she had recently learned to do, given her latest experience.

“Normally, by what food you are eating at the time. Reds would be for things like…. Steak…. Or even spaghetti. Whites usually pair with fish, chicken or even seafood.”

Ree paused and took a quick sip of wine.

“I’m sorry…..”

Her voice trailed off and she applied herself to her food, avoiding his eyes. She sounded like a snob, even to her own ears.
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He measured his response, listening to her nodding in understanding. He wasn’t an expert in this subject and let her talk was part of what he wanted right now. He was caught off guard, pleasantly, when she apologized. He smiled and moved the white he had brought to the front.

“So, the next glass should be red or a white?.”

As she talked, he nodded his head along and spoke to answer her questions, though he wasn’t sure what they really were. His mind was stuck on the surreal aspect of what was happening hit him then. They were chatting almost pleasantly, while this was perhaps the most danger she had been in yet. He wondered if she was feeling the same or if she was terrified and hiding it. He wondered if she had any idea of his plan yet. A smile formed, obscured from her by his mask. The fact she couldn’t read his emotions made it better, he wondered how she would feel tonight.

“Ready for a refill?”