What Made You Smile/Laugh Today?

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Beautiful little blue eyes and cooing noises, finally finishing something started weeks ago and taking a drive by the water.
my friends here :rose:

last night

buttered bread *laugh*

and ''no, horrible would have been if I had brought my own'' *pokes* :D

oh and you have the funniest laugh ever. It makes me laugh just listening.
getting my hands on ''the secretary'' for $10.:)
Mine won't play cos its not compatable with my DVD

thoughts of last night

being told I'm loved
Spending the day taking pictures.....

meeting friends I knew WOULD be lifelong friends

eating Mushypeas from Austrailia... and actually liking them

trying Bangers and mash...

and just relaxing for the first time in awhile

him TELLING me he NEEDS me... *swoon*
The words "I'm sorry we haven't spoken much lately, I've been up to my eyeballs in crap, but it's starting to clear. Just remember that I love you so much, and I miss you every day"

He made me cry again damnit.
Aww thats great news honey!!

I've had my mum go through cancer scares, so I don't know how I'd cope if she actually got diagnosed.
Finding out that my Dad isn't going to need surgery and that he's going to be in a new drug trial that will cover some of his medical expenses. Hearing Mum talking about it, and hearing positivity in her voice for the first time in weeks. I know chemo is going to be really hard on Dad and he's not out of the woods yet, but knowing that he is being positive about it and has a good prognosis at the moment is fucking awesome.

Yay, happy news! :)
A good time with good friends and a well timed joke about a dislike of balls aimed at my lesbian mate.

She commended me on my speed for the comment.
Taking care of me...

-Going for a walk by the water, watching the sun set.
-Driving with the windshield down.
-Visiting with good friends.
-Those beautiful blue eyes...
-Printing pictures.
-Getting a hug.
-Going for an evening swim even though I went alone.
-Focusing and remembering I'm important too.

Thank you.
we were at Dave and Buster's with some friends from work, including our former supervisor... when someone asked if I were a ship .. (long story) anyway..what made me smile was Malin sayiing, "no, but she's had her fill of seamen" in front of our former supervisor. I laughed and turned beet red

Calling me ''beautiful girl''

Knowing He knows and understands

Our time today. Gentle, passionate, loving.:heart:

You are fantastic at that :kiss:

our conversation. Knowing we will talk

Laughing. His comments about my books. Teasing me about my accent and 'stuff''

''You still want to ask the questions, you just want me to come up with better answers" *giggle*

Knowing he took it seriously. I needed that :eek:
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Made me laugh when he said he was bracing himself for the Linda Blair impression that I apparently did to him earlier this week and he figured I would again this morning..LOL
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