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Re: Hi Chewey, re your question about 'Cafe',

crysede said:
protocol is definitely that you wait for the thread starter to OK your character, I don't know VC well enough to be able to say what his reaction would be, he might not care. But you certainly don't want to get into the habit of jumping into threads without the GM's approval when an OOC has been posted - it's not seen as a big offence, but it is considered rather bad manners.

That is what I figured Crysede, thats why I posed the question. I am just not sure how long he will be gone. No worries I dont have time to add him in tonight anyway.

Hey Crysede, can you do me a favor? Remember that cool wolf picture that I liked, the dignified looking one? would you be able to shrink it and email it to me? I would appreciate it.

Zircon said:

I don't know the protocol in this...never done this before...

Ona side note, Chewey, I think that VC would not mind, but again I don't know what is OK or not OK. I hope that it is OK, because, I want to find out what sick, twisted goodie you have in store for us. Sick and Twisted in a good kinda a way....

*can't speak any further as a furry hand around my throat for saying that Chewey is Sick and Twisted*

Now would I do that? I am a kind and gentle WEREWOLF , hehehe.

G'nite big guy,

*before you go, could you release me from your death grip...*

rrraaahhhh!!! whats wrong with you email! tell me when poeple post damnit! er.... lol sorry, just curb stomping my email, nothing to see here!

i'd say night chewie, but i think you're gone a long time ago
<runs back into Lit>

Khaddy have you finish giving evil love to Crysede ...

Good eve sleep dragon ...
*looks confused* givving evil love to Crys? when did this happen again?
nothing wrong with me lol just feeling kind of tired and lazy, but i can get up and try climbing the wall if it would make you feel beter.
OH *laughs* yeah no evil love making, check the thread, just tackle smooch, i did just hit 3000 you know lol
*opens his eyes* wow, like a caffine into my veins! *smirks* i now have the strength of a hundred men! and will waste it by not doing some.... think that would take one hundred men? lol *grins at Arc*
If I am thinking what you are thinking ... then no not 100 men ... just one evil mage ... :D heh heh heh

Good eve Blaze ~
*smirks at Hy* like she said, not a remark!

and are you saying i'm like a hundred men in one? *cue seventies porn music* LOL!
Khadgar said:
*smirks at Hy* like she said, not a remark!

and are you saying i'm like a hundred men in one? *cue seventies porn music* LOL!

................................:confused: ....:( .........:eek:
Hey Arc.
Jeez, you guys making up for lost time on the thread?
I just finished reading more than half a dozen pages in here!
Good to see you're all around, though.

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