Claymore and Dagger Pt.2

Sam's sure hold didn't falter for a moment even when she said she was ready to leave. "It's no trouble, lass." Looking to Fiona, he gave her a silent look of thanks for her patience and support for Heather.
Heather was quiet for a long moment as Fiona said that, promising that she could stay with the both of them as long as she liked. "Maybe we can go to Ashelin's room."

Her relationship with her twin had gotten closer as Ashelin was given more freedom and Heather was given more confidence by Master Faust. She and Ashelin could talk easier now about things and Ashelin understood that Heather sometimes needed a little extra support.
"If you want," Sam stood, carrying her away to Ashelin's door nearby. He knocked just lightly enough to wake her. "Ash. It's Sam an' Heather."
Ashelin answered her door with a sleepy gaze, rubbing her geeen eyes as she looked at her twin sister and elder brother in confusion. “Why are you knocking so late?”
"Heather's been havin' nightmares," Sam murmured, reaching out to brush Ashelin's hair back fondly. He knew she would understand.
Ashelin took a long moment to register what he had said before she looked towards Heather. "Do you want to stay with me tonight?" Ashelin asked softly as Sam gently brushed her hair back.

"Yes." Heather said as Sam let her slip from his arms. "But I want to get Sunny first."

Heather dutifully cared for her kitten, the little black cat thriving under her care. She was more than likely still curled on Heather's bed without a care in the world.

"We can all go." Ashelin said as she took Heather's hand to guide her.
Sam walked with the girls to Heather's room, opening up the door and waking the dark cat gently. With a rumbled meow and a stretch, she sat up and glanced over them before hopping down to rub up against Heather's legs and follow her along. Sam made sure the three were settled and tucked into bed before he finally left them and returned to Fiona.
"Is she alright?" Fiona asked as Sam finally came back, standing from his desk chair to greet him, "I've never seen someone more frightened in their lives. She thought that what she had dreamed was real and was so upset."
"She'll be alright. It's a matter o' provin' her worries won' come true." Sam stood before her and let out a sigh, his shoulders slowly relaxing. "Ever since Gran passed, Heather's been terrified someone else she needs will go too. An' no doubt hearin' of all these attacks lately an' the trouble with Kate 'as 'er spooked. She's scared most of all fer Da, who's the closest t'where Gran was fer her."

Sam looped his arms around Fiona to hold her for a long moment. "I'll jus' have to show 'er Da's going to take it easy and be with us fer a long time t'come."
“I’ll help you with that. It shouldn’t all be on your shoulders.” Fiona said softly as Sam held her tightly. “She’ll be just as much your family as mine when we marry.”
"You chose one hell of a family t'marry into," he muttered, kissing her cheek before beginning to undress for bed.
“Yours is the first Family I’ve ever really had, Sam. Why would I think it’s strange or out of place? You have all been wonderful to me so far.” Fiona said softly as Sam turned to dress for bed.
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"I guess we jus' have different perspectives. But I wouldn' trade all those misfits fer the world." From where he stood, Sam saw his family as a bunch of people who respected tradition and led well, but who would not compromise their own personal lives for things like honor or social gain. They were among few families who refused to arrange marriages, and who would not accept things like marriages of convenience or cowering before a stronger, aggressive force. Thanks to the days of Old Tamblin, his son Tamblin the Mad, and the brief period of Brogan's own loss of self and his marriage of alliance to Julia, the Ghis Clan had long since made it very clear that they would let no one else be the Masters of their fate. And that set them apart from those who would sacrifice happiness for security, those who toadied to more powerful lords, and those who ignored common sense in favor of ill-fated honor and glory.
“And you’ll be much the same. You’ll be a strong leader who does not compromise on his beliefs.” Fiona said as she slipped beneath the sheets of Sam’s bed and let herself finally relax. “I think you’ll do much better than you ever thought you could.”
"Maybe. If you stick around, I should be alright." Sam joined her in bed and laid back with a sigh.
"Do you think I'm not going to stick around?" Fiona asked, turning on the pillow to look at Sam as he said that.
"I'm surprised ye've dealt with me this long, tha's all," Sam explained quietly as he propped his head up on his arm and met her gaze.
“Because I love you.” Fiona said softly with a shrug of her shoulders. “And I’m not afraid to tell you when you’re being unreasonable. You love me enough to let me do that.”
"I do, but it's no' a case o' 'letting' you. You just do it," Sam muttered, cracking a small smile. "It's part o' why my family likes you so much."
“Well, I’m certainly not about to let you bully me.” Fiona said with a small smile of her own. “And you can certainly learn to loosen up. You’ll be old before your time if you don’t.”

“Even when you’re king, I’m still not above doing things that you don’t approve of.” She leaned in and kissed him then, letting him know that she did adore him.
"Good. Because no matter what I say when tha' time comes, sometimes I need you t'do things I don' approve of, an' open my eyes like you did when I was still chasin' you around the woods." Sam returned her kiss and drew her in closer.
"Even when it makes you angry?" Fiona asked as Sam pulled her close against his chest, the warmth of his body making her relax. "Because you're a stubborn bear when you're angry and I don't know if I can deal with you."

She grinned, her head resting against his chest, her lips pressing against his bare skin before she finally settled.
"Even then." Sam closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "Sometimes I need to be told off when I get tunnel-vision."
Fiona was sound asleep in a matter of moments, completely content to be in Sam's warm arms. She was her most relaxed when she was with him, protected from the world around them in between their sheets.

The next day, Fiona insisted that Sam stay with her. She wanted to spend some time with him before the stress of his coronation took over. They dressed comfortably in their light riding gear, taking the drakes to the market to look into buying Elin a set of tack of her own. She was growing quickly, no longer the fat little baby that she had been but a sleek smaller drake who enjoyed getting into mischief.

"I want her tack to have a little piece of Norway on it." Fiona commented as they looked over the endless options provided by one of the local leather vendors.
"Justin could add anything you like if they don't have it here," Sam murmured, examining a set of training tack. Elin was too small to carry a rider yet, but getting her used to the gear and extra weight ahead of time would help with her training later.