New Bride and Husband - Consummation Must be Witnessed By Her Mom, Bro, and Sisters

I think that happened in medieval times with princes or kings.

There was a time when the bridal party including parents of the bride and groom followed the newly wed couple to their wedding chamber, and listened outside the door until the groom broke the hymen. If the bride didn't make a sound indicating pain, the marriage could and usually was made null. This practice was not limited to royalty... serfs and peasants also did it.
In the Game of Thrones book series each wedding was concluded by a bedding, where the bride was carried to the bedchamber and stripped of her clothes by all the men in attendance while the groom was carried and stripped by the women. All the guests would then wait outside the bedchamber listening as the new couple made love for the first time.

The only times this didn't happen were during the Red Wedding, where the groom was stabbed to death while being stripped; Tyrion's wedding to Sansa, where he refused to allow his bride to be humiliated by his sister; and the Purple Wedding, where the groom was poisoned and died before the bedding could take place.

After the wedding of Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo their first coupling was performed in a field surrounded by the entire Khalasar, in order to confirm the virility of their leader and his conquest of the new Khaleesi.
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They stayed outside the bed chamber so it was only witnessed audibly.

In many tribal cultures especially Native Americans they entire family slept in one dwelling, be it a Tipi, Wigwam, Longhouse etc... So it was not unusual for intimate moments to be witnessed by family members. ALthough it was considered rude to watch, or discuss.
In the film Enemy At The Gates there's a particularly indelicate moment between Jude Law and Rachel Weisz where they make love in a World War 2 trench, surrounded by other soldiers. While not quite the same as what Ldy_Sea described, it does give some idea of what it may have been like for couples in those cramped tribal dwellings.