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New story posted

In a little bit of good news-bad news, I have a new story posted. I was hoping I might get the second part of my Charmed story from last month completed, but no such luck. That's the bad news I guess. The good news is that I am actually working on it and have made a fair amount of progress. I may even be able to finish it in a few weeks. I hope so. I'd like to complete this thing before people forget all about it.

Meanwhile I've posted the first chapter in another long running series. This one features Jennifer Love Hewitt. Other lovelies will appear in later chapters. This series also counts as unfinished but not in the same sense as my Charmed story. I have 4 chapters in this series with another 2 or 3 to go I think. The difference between this series and my Charmed story is that I've never walked away from this one for years at a time. It just feels that way because I take such a long time to complete a chapter. So it goes.

Anyway, enough rambling on my part, here's the link to chapter 1 of "Love in an Elevator".

Thanks for reading and as always comments and feedback of any kind are very much appreciated.

This story has actually been up for a week but I didn't know about this thread at the time (sorry, still a noob). It is my first one, so I'd really appreciate feedback.

The story will either be a stand-alone or the first of a series, depending on feedback to it.

It's in the mature section and has two characters who have a severe age gap between them (one is 18 and one is 68).

"Carl & Cassie"
New story posted

Okay, this is a little sooner than I have normally put up a new story but as we are all aware the holiday season tends to eat up a lot of time. So, rather than not post anything this month, or post at a time when people are busy with other things, I chose to put up the 2nd chapter of "Love in an Elevator" now.

Here's the link -

As always I'd love to know what you think of it, good or bad. Feedback, even in the form of a vote for the story, is always appreciated.

Until next month,


P.S. For anyone interested, I am making progress, albeit slowly, on the 2nd part of my Charmed story. Please bear with me. Thanks.