Ghis (closed)

"My Aunt Kayla is a very capable ruler. Uncle Christopher as well. I'm sure that they already know of the dangers that are lurking around their court." Kate murmured softly, not comfortable with meddling in the courts of other kings and queens.
"They do. In fact, they sent me an invitation to come and meet them because apparently someone's been spreading rumors that I'm out for revenge for Arland's life. I'm going to go once Cahal's position is solidified, and form a new alliance with them, thus allying Inverness and Wick too. I've sent a letter on to Inverness to inform your family of it, and I hope Brogan will agree."
"My Da is headstrong and incredibly stubborn, but he wants peace above all. He's tired of the fighting and just wants to rest." Kate revealed, feeling that she could trust her uncles with that information. "And my Ma as well. She's about to have another child and this war has taken its toll on her."
"We're very aware of the troubles your parents are facing, especially your mother. That's why Cahal's preparing to have the military on the move the moment he turns fifteen and the crown must be given over to him. The men are ready to defend Inverness, but they can't move without Hiram's orders."

"We're going to forge a new relationship between the two clans," Cahal spoke purposefully. "And I'm going to keep that relationship for as long as I live and pass it down."
"Why can't you just choose a new regent? I'm 16. Well over the age of majority. Why not make me your regent for these last days?" Kate asked softly, looking between the two men and wondering why that solution had not been thought of.
"Hiram will kill you," Abel said softly. "The moment he hears of it, he'll have you assassinated."

"I won't allow it," Kell spoke up.

"I don't want you to take that risk, Kate..."

"I'll protect her."
"My Da always taught me that if you believed in something you should be willing to fight for it. Kell will keep me safe. I trust him." Kate said with a little bit of fire in her voice. "Besides its the only way to give you peace. Is that worth it at least?"
"I would rather be ill at ease with my niece safe than elsewise... but if you wish it. Then we will speak to Hiram immediately and make the announcements."

It was that Kell disappeared, likely to spread the word among Wick's spy network. Hardly anyone believed in Hiram's rule, so they'd mostly be on Kate's side.
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Kate nodded, proud of herself that she was standing her ground and being the leader that her father knew she could be. It might have been in a way that he never imagined. She hoped that he wouldn't be too upset with her when he found out just what she was doing.
Hardly an hour later, they made their way out to the great hall where Hiram was speaking with a shady-looking character. The man bolted off and Hiram turned to them with a forced smile. "Good day, my lords and miss."

"Hiram... we're appointing a new regent," Abel stated plainly, and Kate saw Hiram's face go pale.

"Wh-what? But... It's only a few days to Prince Cahal's coronation, surely that's a waste of effort..."

"We've made up our minds. We're appointing Katherine Ghis."

It was then that Hiram's eyes turned dark and came to rest on Kate. "... You only want it for yourself!"

"If she wanted it for herself, you'd be removed anyway and on your way home. Now step down," Abel warned him.

"You can't do this to me, I've been loyal and I've defended this territory with all I have!"

"Step. Down."

Finally the raging regent stepped down from the throne and pushed past the three, storming out of the keep altogether.
"If I wanted it, I would take it. I have offered my services and they have accepted." Kate said softly as he pushed past them all and stormed outside.

"Cahal, I will serve you as well as I can in the time that I have." Kate promised, looking over at her young uncle with a smile. "Family must watch out for family."
"Speaking of family... I imagine yours doesn't know you're here. We can fix that, if you like," Abel offered as Cahal sat down where Hiram had been on the throne.

"You really ought to let them know," Cahal nodded. "Their daughter going missing during a war has probably left them in a panic."

Kell reappeared silently from the shadows, coming to stand behind Kate's shoulder finding that he felt... right, being at her side.
Kate nodded as the offer was made to let her family know where she was. "I'm sure my Da is worried sick by now. I think they should know where I am and that I'm safe."
"Then we'd best both write them and I'll send it on with a rider," Abel nodded, and escorted her to his study where they each sat down to write with his stationary. Abel wrote out a long explanation and vouched for Kell and Kate, going so far as to offer himself to take the punishment for organizing the whole thing. He stamped his seal in wax and let it dry as he awaited Kate's letter to go with it.
Kate took a little bit to compose her thoughts before she actually wrote to her father. Well, she addressed both of her parents in the letter and hoped that they would read it together.

Dear Ma and Da,
I know that when you read this you'll probably be thinking the worst. I said some things before I left that I now know are wrong. I came to Wick to save you, but I realize now that there is more here then I could have ever known. I have learned that Abel and Cahal are capable leaders. I love you both and I hope that you forgive me for doing what I've done.

You loving daughter,

She sealed it with some wax and brought it to Abel to be delivered.
Abel sent the two letters off with a rider and sighed quietly as things fell silent. "Watch over her closely, Kell..." he muttered, and the dark werewolf nodded, remaining in his place at Kate's side. He would kill for her, that much was certain.

"There isn't much to do except watch and wait with your guard up," Abel explained softly. "Hiram will fight... even if he has to destroy Wick itself, he'll fight to be King of its remains."
"As long as we stay united, it doesn't matter what kind of resistance he puts up." Kate said with a large amount of conviction in her voice. "You're my family now and I fight for those that I love."
"Save some of that devotion for the man who's truly the master of your safety," Abel gave her a smile and a slight nod toward Kell, before making his way back to the study. All there was left to do was keep Wick in balance and hold off Hiram from getting the Prince and his new Regent.
Kate spent much of her time with Kell, talking with him and trying to learn more about the mysterious man that now held her future in his hands. He reminded her a lot of her Uncle Kreston and Ruben. She supposed it had to do with the fact that they were all wolves and wolves tended to be very much alike.

"So, if you were to have a hobby, what would it be?" Kate asked suddenly during one of their walks around the keep of Wick.
"... A hobby?" He looked at her with a raised brow. "What sort of thing is that?" The fact that the man had no idea was answer enough. "It sounds like some sort of... strange animal."

It was yet more insight to how little Kell knew of the world beyond his work as a killer and a spy.
"A strange animal is a pet." Kate said, giggling softly in the most charming way. "My uncle has a white tiger."

"A hobby is an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time. I love reading, but I love practicing my archery with my Da even more." She explained, a little stunned that Kell didn't even know what the simplest thing was.
"Hm..." Kell glanced down at the ground. "I'm not sure, then... I suppose whenever I have time in between work, I tend to meditate or walk in the forest. Usually some sort of training is involved, though." He shrugged slightly, but she could see it clearly on his face that he felt like a fool for not understanding something so common. "If I ever do have more free time... I think I might like to give drawing a try, maybe learn to read English a bit better so I can pick up a story. I'm afraid I really only know how to speak it. Lunar is my first language."
"Then I will make it my mission to teach you." Kate said with a smile, watching as Kell started to open up a little bit more to her. "My Ma is making me learn Latin and Greek, but I'm sure that I can teach you English and it would be a lot more fun then her lessons."
"If you'd like... I know both of those languages. I could help you along. That is, if you want to keep me around when you return home. I'd like to... well, I'd like to try to restore my own honor in your family's eyes. I know I can never regain it for my family, but honestly, I don't care about them." He looked forward with those deep golden eyes. "I need to find a better future for myself. And it's not going to be here in Wick."
"You are more than welcome to come to Inverness to start a new life." Kate said warmly, smiling at her new friend. "I wasn't lying when I said that we would welcome you no matter what."