The Cool Science Stuff Thread


A very good test of your scientific literacy:

Warning: It's not easy ( no cheating !!! )

(40 of 50 correct)

I got 46. A few of those questions are about the history of science, though, and not concepts. I guess that's inevitable, but if you really want to know about someone's science literacy, asking them which astronomer discovered red shift isn't going to tell you; asking them why it occurs will. Or, ffs, which element is yellow and referred to in the Bible as brimstone.
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THUNDER LIZARD! That was cool. Thanks! As I take this, I'm not doing as well as I thought I would.

This, too; asking someone about the etymology of a word isn't "science literacy."

Most of the questions were well done, though, I thought.
Do the smartypants dance. I only got 30 correct. Have I mentioned that having children drastically lowers one's IQ?

I guessed on a few, and I had a few correct answers that I changed to wrong ones, so it averaged out. I knew the elements, the planets and units of measurements. I didn't know much about who invented what.
Quiz results

34 Correct 16 Wrong
You answered 34 of 50 questions correctly for a total score of 68%.