The Lady of Skye (closed)

Kitty watched as her little family was drawn together by her husband's changing mood. Selena had turned into a complete daddy's girl, following her father all around the keep as he worked. Durban insisted on dressing like him in his little trousers and kilt. It was everything that she could have hoped for in her life.

One chilly morning, Kitty sat by the fire in her room, eating breakfast with her parents as the children played nearby. She was growing tired the more that her belly grew and she knew that time was drawing near for the birth. This one made her nervous. The baby was active and large and she wondered if like Durban she would have a difficult time.

"I'm happy that you've both decided to stay a while longer. I don't think it will be much longer before you meet your newest grandchild." Kitty commented.
"We're glad we decided to stay," Martin smiled. "Much as you and Ashelin think you have everything handled, you've needed a helping hand or two lately."

At the moment, Tamblin was out overseeing some new young warriors in training, all sons our younger family of his men whom he'd asked forgiveness from for casting them aside for the dark mercenaries. His men had been more than happy to return to him once he was in his right mind, and thus far thanks to mended relations between Tamblin, his people, and a few neighbors, Inverness was facing a very comfortable winter.
Kitty was so incredibly happy that her husband was making an effort to pull his kingdom back together. He was proving to be a capable ruler, one that could be admired instead of feared. She made sure to show him that he was a good person by showering him with praise and affection. She hugged him more, sneaking kisses from him when no one was looking, inviting him to her room more and more. The Lady of Skye seemed to have found her happily ever after with the strong and silent king of Inverness.

One cold morning as the snow was falling heavily outside, Kitty woke early, leaving Tamblin sleeping in the bed. She knew her labor was starting and she was absolutely terrified. She had so many questions about this baby and this birth. The baby was large, active, squirming. The pain was already intense. Would this be the child that took her away from her other loves?

She paced the room in front of the fire, slowly breathing through the worst of what she was feeling before she slipped back in bed beside her husband. Her fingers clenched the sheets until she felt Tamblin moving beside her.

"Would you rub my back, love?" She murmured softly, needing not say more to tell him that the child was coming.
Tamblin drew Kitty just a bit closer, pressing a calming kiss to her cheek as his broad hand smoothed over her tense back. He knew she was afraid and though he never admitted it aloud, she knew he was worried for her more than the baby. He'd told her in no uncertain terms one quiet evening that he'd rather see her make it through. They could always have more children, but she was irreplaceable to him and far too many others to let her go.

Another contraction clawed at Kitty's slight form and Tamblin drew her into his arms to hold her steady and offer whatever he could to help her.
Kitty tensed as another contraction coursed through her body. Tamblin drew her close, holding her tightly. It was everything that she had ever wanted from her husband and he was giving her the comfort that she so desired.

"This little one is going to be a handful." She murmured softly, trying to make light of the situation. "Just like Durban was."

She gave him a small smile, pressing her lips against his own as they comforted one another in that moment. "I love you, Tamblin. I never want you to forget that. No matter what happens, I love you and I always will."
"I love you too, darlin', " he murmured, meeting her eyes. He eventually rose and though he hesitated to leave her side for a long while, he finally fetched Ashelin and the healers who were standing by.

Generally, the healers didn't allow men to be in the room during the birthing process, but Tamblin refused to leave Kitty this time as she was prepared for what would be the most difficult childbirth she'd ever face.
Hours passed as Kitty's agony grew. She walked around the royal apartment, rested in her bed, unable to escape the pain that was rolling through her. She prayed that her baby would come into the world soon, but it seemed that it was as stubborn as the rest of the Ghis children and would come when it was good and ready.

Day changed to night and as dawn broke, an exhausted Kitty rested back against Tamblin's chest, his large hands massaging her aching body. She slumbered in his arms, whimpering each time another contraction made her tense. The healers were at a loss and everyone was worried for the life of the woman that the kingdom held so dearly.

"I need to push." She finally said weakly, looking up at her husband with a tired gaze. "But I'm so tired."
"I know y'are, lass," Tamblin whispered, kissing her forehead. "But you're th'strongest woman 'ere. Y'can make it. Before y'know it, ye'll 'ave a pretty lass 'r handsome lad in yer arms." He took her hands in his own. "Just take it little by little."
Kitty wanted to believe in her strength and with her husband there, she knew that she could accomplish the impossible. She ordered Ashelin from the room, however. If something went wrong, she didn't want her dear friend there to witness her untimely end. Once Ashelin left, she allowed the healers to help her into position, her back pressed firmly against Tamblin's chest as his strong arms helped to support her thighs.

Little by little, she pushed. The pain was excruciating and she screamed loud enough that the entire keep could hear, but she was bound and determined to bring her baby into the world as safely as she possibly could.
Tamblin tried his hardest to offer any help he could, but there was only so much that anyone else could do. It took most of the next day before Kitty absolutely couldn't go on, and suddenly, Ghell appeared at her side with a strong herbal tea. "I know what to do," he assured her softly. "Just trust me, I can help." Long had Lunars practiced techniques of easing the birthing process that humans just weren't comfortable with trying yet. Ghell was a trained healer, Kitty would learn that night.
Kitty didn't even have the strength to protest as Ghell pressed the cup of tea against her lips. She drank from it, the pain disappearing almost immediately as she sank back against her husband with a sigh of relief. She felt light, woozy, and a bit stronger as she looked up at her husband for reassurance.

"Tamblin...I don't know if I'm going to make it." She whispered softly, her eyes so tired and in need of rest.
"You will... I promise," Tamblin assured her softly. Even though he was reluctant to leave his wife's life in the hands of a Wolf, he let Ghell take over. All Ghell needed was a sharp blade and a couple helping hands. In less than an hour with little blood thanks to Ghell's skill, Kitty was laid in her bed and a fairly frail but somewhat broad-boned little boy was laid by her side. He'd hardly cried and he was just as weak and exhausted as his mother and had nearly suffocated. But Ghell was certain he'd make it.
Kitty woke sometime later to the sounds of a small cry. She turned her head slightly, taking in the sight of her husband holding a rather large but very frail dark haired infant. The baby was fussing, refusing to take the skin of milk that his father was offering to him.

"Let me try, love." She said softly, taking her husband's help to sit up.

It took his strength and hers to support the baby in her arms and a little while longer before the baby latched onto her offered breast. She let out a sigh of contentment, her tired eyes turning towards her husband with a bit of relief.

"Boy or girl?" She asked him softly, a sigh leaving her lips as his strong hand came to cup her cheek.
"Little lad... Strong as they come if 'e survived all tha'." Tamblin tried to smile for her, but he couldn't find the willpower. "... 'E's real sick, Kitty... Ghell said 'e's probably got pneumonia."
Kitty was devastated by the news that her little son might die after all that they had gone through together. Still, she knew that she had to be strong for Tamblin. He had only just begun to enjoy his life and she refused to let him let go of his progress.

"Then we'll just love him all the more in whatever time we might have left." She said softly, pressing a kiss to her son's little cheek as he suckled hungrily. "My little Brogan."
Little Brogan paused his meal at her kiss and his weak little fingers reached out to clench the front of her nightgown, nuzzling closer into her chest. Tamblin laid a hand across Brogan's back to offer more warmth until the boy began to suckle again.

"'E's already lookin' a lot like my grandfather..." Tamblin murmured. Though his father, Old Tamblin, had been a man that everyone wanted to forget, Tamblin's grandfather had been a much beloved man and was an example for the ages of how a true Scottish king should be, and was the type of man that the Kings of Scotland in Brian's line had aspired to be like, and only Brian had ever achieved.
"What was his name, love?" She asked her husband softly as he helped to cradle their son as he continued to feed.

She freed Brogan's little fingers from her nightgown, bringing his hand to her lips to kiss him softly as she watched him grow tired. He had fed well, but not as well as his brother or his sister had when they were newborn. He was frail and fragile, but she would do everything in her power to make sure that he survived.
"Ingvar... named after a tough old Viking that saved his mother before he was born," Tamblin answered with a slight smile at the memory. His grandfather had loved to tell the story of how his own mother had fallen in love with the Viking while she was carrying her husband's child, and how the Viking had defended her from her husband's wrath and killed him, taking his place as a King of Inverness.
"Then our son shall have his name. Brogan Ingvar Ghis." She murmured softly, giving him a gentle smile as she brought her slumbering son to her shoulder and leaned in to kiss her husband gently. "Tamblin, I can't tell you how much it warms my heart that you sent all those men away and started working with your nobles. You are a good king and a good man...even if you don't believe it sometimes."
"Nah... I just made myself remember tha' nothin' should matter as much as m'family... Tha's what Ma always told me... And mother knows best. An' since yer th'mother o' my own children an' you ain' ever wanted nothin' but the best fer me... I decided you know best an' I oughta a' least listen."
Kitty smiled at her husband as he explained why he had done what he did. She admired the strength that he displayed as he grew into his role as a father, a husband, and a king.

"How about we get this little one bundled up and introduce him to the family. I'm sure they are all dying to meet him." Kitty said softly, holding out hope that her son would pull through his illness.

With Tamblin's help, she changed the baby's diaper, dressing him in a sheepskin coat to keep him warm and wrapping him tightly in the blue blanket that her mother had made. Brogan slumbered all the way through, exhausted from nursing. Kitty kissed his cheek, leaving him in Tamblin's care as she went to change into a loose and warm gown before they made their way into the great hall.
Ghell was the first person to enter to see how Kitty was doing. He'd officially appointed himself not just as her guardian, but also her caretaker. Such a stressful birth would leave her weak for a long time and he was determined to see her come out hale and whole. He took a look at little Brogan too, and smiled to see that the boy wasn't coughing or having difficulty breathing thus far, though he was terribly pale and couldn't seem to get comfortable.

Lucina and Martin soon entered and Martin was in tears of relief at seeing Kitty alive and awake. They'd been so scared after the long struggle.
"He fed well." Kitty told Ghell as he checked the boy. "I'm afraid that he tired himself out while nursing though. I'll try again in an hour or so and see if I can get some more milk into him. Tamblin had no luck with the oil skin."

She glanced up as her parents entered the room and she smiled at them, hugging them both tightly before she showed them their newest grandson. "He's a weak little thing, but he's most definitely a fighter."
"He's beautiful, sweetheart," Lucina murmured softly as she drew Brogan into her arms. Martin insisted that Kitty at least sit down and soon, they were all sitting together on the edge of the bed with Brogan now in Martin's arms. Just like with Durban and Selena, both proud grandparents were instantly in love.

"What's his name?" Lucina asked.

"Brogan Ingvar Ghis. Courtesy o' his mother," Tamblin smiled.
"Ingvar was Tamblin's grandfather and I've always loved the name Brogan." Kitty murmur as Brogan squirmed in his grandfather's arm, struggling to get comfortable.

He cried weakly, the sound no louder than a newborn kitten. Her heart broke for the little boy as she took him from her father and snuggled him against her shoulder, his tiny hand resting against the skin of her neck as he finally started to calm.

"Durban was so hearty when he was born that it seemed like he came out walking and talking. Selena never had a problem either despite being born early. I'm scared for this one though." Kitty said softly, looking first at her husband and then at her parents. "I'm not sure the other children should meet him until we're sure he'll be alright. I don't want to break their hearts."