

A vignette began life as a preview of the attraction. Today Lovecrafts vignettes can run to 1000 pages
Hi! I'm new. Is there a category for vignettes? Or what is the most appropriate place?
Except for longer works that fit in the Novel-Novella category, length does not determine category -- content does. LIT requires that any submission be at least 750 words. One author here (Hi, Ogg!) writes 50-word stories and submits 15 at once. Stack your short-short vignettes as needed.

What determines category is the story's theme, its content. Who are involved, what they think and do, their relationships and fetishes, etc. Gay Male here, Incest-Taboo there, Group Sex in the corner, Erotic Horror down the hall, binary Interracial upstairs, BDSM in the basement, SciFi-Fantasy on the roof, yada yada.

Ignore the animals here.
As Hypoxia said, I submit 15 x 50-word stories as a set that meets the minimum 750 word requirement. They were all on the same theme and submitted to a single category. Some of them are a progression within the set.

This links to one set:

But, before I started writing sets of 15, I submitted my 50-word stories as 'Poetry' for which there is no minimum word requirement.

As long as the vignettes can be complied together into a minimum of 750 words I see no reason why they could not be a single submission as a story. The only proviso is that they ought to fit a single category.

Otherwise? They could be accepted as Poetry.
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