Marriage Proposal Gone Wrong - RV & Open

She was not as surprised as she had been the first time Jonah lifted up her face. She looked into his eyes still feeling uncomfortable but could sense he wanted her to look at him so she did. She listened to his question, "Is that why you turned down your friend John? Because you didn't know how to handle a relationship of the type he wished to enter into?" She thought for a moment before she answered him, "Actually John is younger than I and I thought of him as a little brother. I was shocked when I realized he had those kind of feelings for me. I am 31 much older than him and I never suspected he felt that way about me. I think you have to feel love very deeply to marry. It would not be the same love you feel for a brother, or your parents or even close cousins. There is many different kinds of love but I would think if you wanted to marry someone that would be a feeling so intense that you could not live without the other person in your life. I don't feel that for John and it would be unfair to accept his ring when I don't feel that kind of intensity."

For the first time she looked deep into his eyes and asked, "Do you think that I am correct?"
For once, Crystal didn't act like she was embarrassed to have given out information about herself after having divulged a personal opinion. Instead, she met Jonah's gaze and asked very directly his own opinion regarding the situation he had witnessed between her and John. He took a sip of wine and considered carefully...

"I don't know that age should be a determining factor in the matter of love. Granted, there gets to be a span of years between people where it may feel a more familial bond than an intimate one, and it seems that this is where you are with your young friend. In such a case, you are quite right in your assessment of your relationship.

"And you are definitely correct in your feelings regarding two people bonding so tightly that taking that relationship to something such as marriage is a feasible option. Too often does it seem that people enter into marriage without such strong emotions tying them together. It is this lack of emotional commitment that must surely result in the majority of divorces.

"However, such emotions do not develop overnight. Nor do they come easily. Such feelings sometimes are birthed from antagonistic beginnings, resulting in the eventual revelation that initial impressions were in error."

Crystal's eyes remained locked on Jonah's. He didn't let her intensity faze him. In fact, for the first time since he'd met her, she appeared truly strong, her brief bouts of prior impotent rage having failed to yield more than a rather minor respect within him.

"That you and John have known each other for so long and for the emotions he felt not to have developed in you is enough. Age is an excuse. You simply do not love him as much as he does you. He may have the conviction of youth behind him, and he may truly feel the burning intensity of love that young folks often do, but your added age and experience have taught you that such raging desire is often not everything it seems."

Their salads came somewhere during Jonah's assessment, but he didn't let that deter him from voicing his opinion regarding what Crystal had said. He simply ate a little, then spoke a little, not letting the fact of the food keep him from answering her as fully as he could.

"I don't blame John for having developed such strong emotions for you. You are a truly striking woman, and for most men, physical attraction is sufficient reason for wanting to claim a woman for one's own. Whether that's what happened with him, I can't say, but at his age - I'm guessing late teens, early twenties - physical attraction coupled with an extended platonic relationship could easily blossom into feelings of love for him. For the most part, men aren't exceptionally complicated. Keep us interested with the promise of physical satisfaction, and we're generally willing to go along with whatever our women want.

"It seems to me that you have plenty of knowledge regarding relationships that you're only skimming the surface of in your children's stories. I have little doubt that those stories are quite sufficient, but I think you have it in you to write about more. Are you afraid of delving into that part of you? I don't believe you have to actually have experienced something to write with some degree of knowledge and plausibility about the subject. The next time you begin to write, dip into those emotions you just mentioned to me. Explore what you've felt in the short time you've known me, and see where that leads. Then extrapolate that into a 'what if" scenario and imagine where such initial feelings could go.

"When next we meet, I'd like you to bring me one or two of your previous books so I can see what you've done before. I assume you've written more than the one you mentioned. It sounded as if you were speaking in multiples."

Jonah finished his salad and took another sip of wine. "I don't know if what I said satisfied your question. I do know that I gave you much more than you asked. I tend to ramble when I get going. I hope that's okay."
Crystal watched a Jonah took a sip of wine and thought for a bit before he gave her his opinion. She understood his point about age not determining who you marry. She knew what she felt for John was a familial bond and not an intimate one. She nodded her head when he told her she was right in her assessment of their relationship. She knew she was right about emotional commitment to another that would keep a marriage together but it was nice to hear a man of the world tell her she was correct about that.

She listened intently as he told her emotions such as that didn't occur overnight or weren't easy. She wonder how many men she had pushed away because of antagonistic beginnings. She had never given those men a chance to prove who they were. She continued to listen to him intently as he seemed to be a man of the world. His assessment of John and her seemed to be spot on. John may love her but she never felt that kind of love for him. Age is the excuse she used not to hurt her friends feelings. She almost nodded her head at that.

She hardly noticed the salad arrive until Jonah took a bit of his and then she picked up her fork and when he ate a bit so did she. She blushed when Jonah said he didn't blame John for developing strong emotions for her as he told her you are a truly striking woman. She listened when he told her most men would claim a woman just on physical attraction. That surprised her as she thought it was because of John's age that he felt that way. She almost spit out her salad when he told her that men weren't exceptionally complicated keep them interested with the promise of physical satisfaction and generally they go along with whatever the woman wants. She almost told him, I never did that but she wanted to hear all that he had to say.

She stopped eating her salad when he spoke again, "It seems to me that you have plenty of knowledge regarding relationships that you're only skimming the surface of in your children's stories. I have little doubt that those stories are quite sufficient, but I think you have it in you to write about more. Are you afraid of delving into that part of you? I don't believe you have to actually have experienced something to write with some degree of knowledge and plausibility about the subject. She was about to tell him no she could not do that when he continued to speak, "The next time you begin to write, dip into those emotions you just mentioned to me. Explore what you've felt in the short time you've known me, and see where that leads. Then extrapolate that into a 'what if" scenario and imagine where such initial feelings could go." She knew she could not delve into those strange feeling he gave to her.

Her heart was pounding fast as he told her, "When next we meet, I'd like you to bring me one or two of your previous books so I can see what you've done before. I assume you've written more than the one you mentioned. It sounded as if you were speaking in multiples." She knew she could not meet with him again, he was more dangerous than she thought he was. She answered him, "Yes, I have a library filled with my books, they sell quite well." She did not say she would like to meet with him again as she didn't want to put herself in a position of a man/woman relationship.

Luckily the waiter came and took the salad plates away and brought their main meal. She sat quietly eating thinking about getting done and getting away from him.

Jonah finished his salad and took another sip of wine. "I don't know if what I said satisfied your question. I do know that I gave you much more than you asked. I tend to ramble when I get going. I hope that's okay."
Crystal watched a Jonah took a sip of wine and thought for a bit before he gave her his opinion. She understood his point about age not determining who you marry. She knew what she felt for John was a familial bond and not an intimate one. She nodded her head when he told her she was right in her assessment of their relationship. She knew she was right about emotional commitment to another that would keep a marriage together but it was nice to hear a man of the world tell her she was correct about that.

She listened intently as he told her emotions such as that didn't occur overnight or weren't easy. She wonder how many men she had pushed away because of antagonistic beginnings. She had never given those men a chance to prove who they were. She continued to listen to him intently as he seemed to be a man of the world. His assessment of John and her seemed to be spot on. John may love her but she never felt that kind of love for him. Age is the excuse she used not to hurt her friends feelings. She almost nodded her head at that.

She hardly noticed the salad arrive until Jonah took a bit of his and then she picked up her fork and when he ate a bit so did she. She blushed when Jonah said he didn't blame John for developing strong emotions for her as he told her you are a truly striking woman. She listened when he told her most men would claim a woman just on physical attraction. That surprised her as she thought it was because of John's age that he felt that way. She almost spit out her salad when he told her that men weren't exceptionally complicated keep them interested with the promise of physical satisfaction and generally they go along with whatever the woman wants. She almost told him, I never did that but she wanted to hear all that he had to say.

She stopped eating her salad when he spoke again, "It seems to me that you have plenty of knowledge regarding relationships that you're only skimming the surface of in your children's stories. I have little doubt that those stories are quite sufficient, but I think you have it in you to write about more. Are you afraid of delving into that part of you? I don't believe you have to actually have experienced something to write with some degree of knowledge and plausibility about the subject. She was about to tell him no she could not do that when he continued to speak, "The next time you begin to write, dip into those emotions you just mentioned to me. Explore what you've felt in the short time you've known me, and see where that leads. Then extrapolate that into a 'what if" scenario and imagine where such initial feelings could go." She knew she could not delve into those strange feeling he gave to her.

Her heart was pounding fast as he told her, "When next we meet, I'd like you to bring me one or two of your previous books so I can see what you've done before. I assume you've written more than the one you mentioned. It sounded as if you were speaking in multiples." She knew she could not meet with him again, he was more dangerous than she thought he was. She answered him, "Yes, I have a library filled with my books, they sell quite well." She did not say she would like to meet with him again as she didn't want to put herself in a position of a man/woman relationship.

Luckily the waiter came and took the salad plates away and brought their main meal. She sat quietly eating thinking about getting done and getting away from him.
Jonah watched Crystal's body language as he told her his opinion on what she'd said. At times, she seemed relaxed in his agreement with her own opinion, sometimes she tightened up when he said something that was obviously uncomfortable. Her face told him volumes. Though she tried to hide it, a brief flicker of surprise and horror came across her features when he intimated that they would meet again. She also wasn't comfortable with the idea of exploring her own feelings, especially in regard to whatever was happening between her and him.

Crystal looked relieved when the salads went and the entrees came out. She took it as an opportunity to focus her attention on the meal, instead of Jonah and what she apparently felt was undue scrutiny.

The entree was excellent, as Jonah knew it would be. Before anything went on the menu, the staff, his nephew and he tasted it. A super majority of three quarters of the tasters had to agree before the dish went in print. Seldom did a proposed menu item fail to make its way onto diner's tables.

About halfway through their conversation-less meal, Jonah spoke up:

"I'd like to pose a little writing exercise. I want you to seriously consider the kind of relationship a pair of people roughly our age would care to enter into, and compose something that fits your idea of how such a relationship would develop. The initial meeting could be anything you care to make it, from amicable to antagonistic. They can be total strangers or good friends from way back. I just want you to prove to yourself that you're not as limited in your imagination as you think. Delve into your own desires and explore your fears. Love is an amalgamation of all emotions. It magnifies some, while diminishing others. That enhancement and diminution fluctuates all the time. It's in you. I've borne the brunt of many intense emotions from you in the short time we've known one another. Use that. It's what great writers do: Take scenarios that lie beyond their own area of experience and wonder what they would do if put into such a place."

He hesitated for a reaction, but some part of her seemed almost petrified by what he was asking, so he continued.

"Will you do this for me?"
Crystal was much more comfortable when the conversation became small talk. It seemed he was dropping the more uncomfortable conversation about the possible man-woman relationship that his words had struck terror in her. She was almost done with her food when he spoke seriously again. She stared at him as she put her fork down and when he was done with his supposed writing exercise she told him, "I do not want to consider a relationship between either a make believe couple or you and me. I don't want to think about how that could develop. If I remember correctly our meeting was antagonistic with you touching me in inappropriate ways. We are strangers and that is how I want it to remain. I don't want to delve into my desires or explore my fears. I am happy as I am, alone and in peace. I plan to keep my emotions in check and to myself. I do not wish to abandon the children's books I am comfortable writing for a more advanced, complicated relationship book. I write to make money and it pleases me to stay in a comfort zone of young children who are not interested in complicated relationships. I believe it is time for me to leave. Oh by the way what made you think I would do such a thing for you, I don't really know you, you popped into my life at a time when a most embarrassing thing happened and I thank you for that. What I don't understand is why you think you have a right to ask me to do something for you. I don't even know you. I am going to leave now and I thank you for this excellet dinner but I do not plan to see you again."

She stood up and moved around the table trying to get her bearings. She moved to pass him.
Once again, Crystal's rage swelled at his suggestion that she experiment with expanding her milieu regarding her writing, going on to intimate that there were inappropriate moments in their extremely brief acquaintance. When she got up to huff away, Jonah said:

"I'm disappointed. Most artists I know are interested in being as capable as possible, in as many realms as possible. The majority I know enjoy a challenge.

"Perhaps I stated myself improperly when I suggested you write about people like us, in such specific words. It was merely an illustration for you to go beyond your current comfort level, if for no other reason than to see if you can.

"I know people in the publishing business, and I've heard many a story about writers who've made their names in a particular genre, but eventually stagnate within it. When asked to branch out from that genre, many are able to find another to "stretch their chops," so to speak, and have been successful in their new world, and have even found new energy for their original genre of success. The few unable to reach out from what they know have seldom had continued success.

"I merely suggested the idea as an exercise for yourself. I didn't even care if you shared it with me. I wanted you to prove to yourself you could do it.

"I can think of only one combined incident from our earlier encounter that could be considered in the least inappropriate, and I think even you would have to admit, it was extremely mild. I have been nothing but cordial to you, perhaps a tad forceful when I felt you needed it for your own safety, but I have done and said nothing to you that has not been done in full presence of the public eye and ear.

"You will consider this an insult, but I think you need to hear it. If I never see you again after saying this, so be it, but it needs to be said:

"I think you don't really know what you want in a relationship, which is why you turned down your young friend, and is why you refuse to really dig down deep into yourself and find out what it is you desire. The innocent friendship you talk about for your books is fine for small children, but as you've stated, you're no child. The reason you don't want to delve into a deeper relationship - even in a writing experiment - is because you're afraid of what you'll find. If you can't even write about an adult relationship, how can you hope to have one for yourself in real life? Even after your statement earlier, do you really know what it is that you want? If it's rejection you're afraid of, get used to it. That's life. How many books did you submit before the first was accepted? I think you know that for every 'yes,' there are a dozen or more 'nos.'

"Go. Think about who you truly are. Then, consider if you really are as satisfied with your life - your entire life - as it is, all shuttered and walled in." Jonah prided himself on being able to keep his temper, but he was becoming increasingly frustrated with this one. Without further comment, he turned back to his dinner.

This conversation had drawn interest from others nearby. The regulars had never seen Jonah get agitated before, and so they wondered who this woman could possibly be, to have elicited even a slightly raised voice from him.
Crystal was surprised when suddenly Jonah pushed back his chair and began to speak. She was surprised he was disappointed and frowned a bit as he told her most artists wanted to be as capable as possible and enjoy a challenge. She thought maybe she deserved that and took a step when suddenly he spoke again. When he admitted he might have been improper by telling her to write about people like us but it was just an illustration to show her she should beyond her comfort level just to see if she could. She felt a bit comfortable as she noticed other diners near their table staring at her. She realized his voice was getting a bit louder. She took another step and he began to speak again. She could feel herself get a bit nervous, her breathing was a bit faster as he tore into her again. She didn't care that other writers had advanced to succeeding into other branches of writing. She was content where she was and knew there was still plenty things for her to write about. She wondered why he cared what she did with her own life as she took another step and could see farther tables of people were staring at her. She dropped her eyes down and tried to get around him.

When he spoke again she raised her eyes to the ceiling as he told her he just suggested the idea as an exercise for herself and she didn't have to share it with him. She paused for a moment and then his next statement became personal and she could feel the heat of a blush on her cheeks. He brought up the incident when he touched her legs he did not say out right but he knew she knew what he meant. It stated that it was mild but his voice was loud now and everyone was looking at them. She wished the floor would open up and she could drop through. He stated he had been cordial to her and perhaps a tad forceful when he felt she needed for her own safety. She wanted to scream at him to shut up as he told the world he had not done or said anything that wasn't in the presence of the public eye or ear. Her eyes opened in wide when he told her, "You will consider this an insult, but I think you need to hear it. If I never see you again after saying this, so be it, but it needs to be said, her hand moved to her throat, fear ran though her as she knew he was going to say something terrible.

"I think you don't really know what you want in a relationship, which is why you turned down your young friend, and is why you refuse to really dig down deep into yourself and find out what it is you desire. The innocent friendship you talk about for your books is fine for small children, but as you've stated, you're no child. The reason you don't want to delve into a deeper relationship - even in a writing experiment - is because you're afraid of what you'll find. If you can't even write about an adult relationship, how can you hope to have one for yourself in real life? Even after your statement earlier, do you really know what it is that you want? If it's rejection you're afraid of, get used to it. That's life. How many books did you submit before the first was accepted? I think you know that for every 'yes,' there are a dozen or more 'nos.'

"Go. Think about who you truly are. Then, consider if you really are as satisfied with your life - your entire life - as it is, all shuttered and walled in." By the time he finished every eye was on her. There was so much she wanted to say but knew it would just make things worse. These people were enjoying the show and she was the main attraction as their eyes gave her whole body and face the once over. He had succeeded in making a public fool out of her and she was not going to give him any more fuel to embarrass her more. She wanted to hit him so badly but instead she slipped around him making sure she didn't even touch his chair. She walked to the door of the restaurant with as much dignity as she could muster and handed the fellow there the ticket for her car. He had a grin on his face so she knew he was laughing at her as he left the building not so quickly to get her car.

When she turned to look at Jonah she saw the people were still watching her. She turned and silently stepped out of the door and waited for her car to appear. Strangely she felt tears welling in her eyes as she looked for her car to come.
Jonah continued to eat as Crystal carefully eased her way past him. He was almost as furious as she seemed to have gotten with him, and it wasn't an emotion he enjoyed. He did notice that she took great care not to touch him, not even his chair, as she made her way to the front.

When he raised his head just enough that he could see her slowly and nervously tiptoe to the host's stand, he saw by her body language that she was horrified by all the attention his outburst had yielded. He was of two minds regarding that. First, he was disappointed in himself that he'd let his emotions overcome him so. Next, he felt guilty for having made a woman who he found interesting and attractive, feel so low.

However, what he'd told her had been the truth, as he saw it. Whether it was the complete truth, he had no real way of knowing. However, it was quite obvious that Crystal needed to explore herself and her emotions before she'd know the kind of relationship she really wanted, if she wanted one at all.

Jonah was still surreptitiously watching as Crystal was informed her car was ready, and before she stepped outside, she briefly half turned to look back into the dining room. Whether she was looking back at him, or back to see if she was still being scrutinized by the rest of the clientele, he couldn't tell, but it appeared to him that many of the eyes had turned to him, rather than her.

He let them look. Perhaps he'd apologize to her if she turned up again, at least for having made a scene. It hadn't been his intention, but once his temper flared, it was too late. It was why he normally attempted to keep his emotions in check and only put out a jovial front to the world.

When the door finally closed, his heart sank. However, he'd left her little choice. He hoped she'd return at some point. He knew where she lived, but he certainly wasn't going to rush over and apologize. He wanted her to think about at least some of what he'd said, and to do that would take some time.

He finished his meal and sat the rest of the night staring out the window at the dark ocean, finishing off the bottle of wine he'd ordered for two...
Two weeks later Crystal found herself still thinking about Jonah as she rested her fingers on the first book she had ever written, "The Sad Little Engine", It was the book she had written when her parents had died never thinking it would be a success and help children get through the loss of someone they loved. It had made her a lot of money but the book also helped her to vent all her sorrows in a constructive manner. She had been angry at Jonah maybe for the wrong reason. At the time she had thought he was belittling her for the choice of writing children's books over adult books. As the days past she came to understand he thought he was encouraging her to write things that she was uncomfortable about. She never told him why she wrote children's books. They were filled with emotion but how would he know that. She looked at the wall that held her children's books. The shelves were filled with them and all of her emotions had gone into every one of them. That is why she had more money than she knew what to do with. Yet she felt something was missing from her life.

She shrugged her shoulders and sat down at her desk and began to write a rough draft of a new book.
Jonah didn't expect to see Crystal anytime soon after the debacle at the restaurant. Still, he kept up his regular schedule there, as he was an owner, and he liked the ambiance and the clientele. He got a few inquiries from regulars as to who the woman was he went off on, but he didn't want to discuss it with just anyone, and so he told them as much.

After a week, he began to think that was it. After two passed, he was certain of it. Therefore, as was his tradition, certain regulars occasionally requested to dine with him, and he indulged them.

Jonah seldom brought in his own companions for dinner, and he knew that made a few people wonder regarding his particular preferences. However, he didn't let that concern him. He knew that certain people had to decide for themselves what the world was, and he further knew that those people were usually dead wrong. Regardless, he lived his life as he wanted, and let others do whatever they were going to do - as long as it was within the limits of the law, common sense and good taste.

Having violated that last rule, he brooded on his inability to keep his temper with regard to Crystal, and was embarrassed for himself for having put her through such a public scene. If that indeed had been their last meeting, he truly regretted that that was the way it went down.

He'd thought a couple times about stopping at her house and making some kind of apology, but he knew he was likely the last person she really wanted to see, and if he hadn't felt there was some drop of truth to what he'd said, he wouldn't have said it. There was more to Crystal than she admitted. He knew it. It had nothing to do with the type of stories she wrote.

As he chatted with the lawyer and his wife that sat at the table across from him, he found himself hoping Crystal would walk though the door, even if it was only to berate him for having dressed her down in public the last time she'd been there...
When Crystal started her new book she had no idea that it would revolve around the events that had brought her together with Jonah. She sat at her writing table totally amazed that her imagination had turned their meeting into the start of a romantic interlude. This was not like anything she had ever written. Her children books were always novels and as she read what she had wrote she knew she was half way through an adult romance book. She was shaken now by what she wrote, by what she assumed about sex as she had never participated in such a thing. Her imagination had gone wild. This was no comforting book for children going through a terrible occasion, this was lust and need and surrender and it just shocked her to her very core.

She pushed back in her chair and shook her head no. She had to stop writing this book as a terrible need had awaken in her. A need that she did not want to accept. She opened a drawer and tossed the many pages in, slammed it closed and locked it. She knew she had to stop thinking of him and all those other things that go with being with a man. She told herself, 'you don't want to be with him, he is just something new and different. He is a bully and that is what you should be writing about.' She thought that had settled her down and she pulled another group of papers to herself and started another outline and then sighed feeling not only foolish but wanton.
Two weeks turned to three. Jonah's life had pretty much gotten back to the routine it had been before he'd met Crystal. It didn't mean she didn't cross his mind. No, in fact, she fairly haunted him. However, he was going to leave it up to her to decide she was ready to confront him once more. He felt if he imposed himself on her any more than he already had, any healing that may have gone on with her - if indeed there had been any - would potentially be ruined. He'd tried making the first move, and it hadn't turned out well.

To be honest, he was surprised she meant as much to him as she did. Granted, it had been some time since he'd showed interest in a woman, but why her? Most of the women that approached Jonah wanted something: primarily money. Was it the fact that Crystal seemed totally unfazed by that that attracted him to her so? Aside from her obvious physical attributes, her apparently total hatred for him should have turned him off to the idea of pursuing her further. However, that fire only made him want her more.

On the eve of the fourth week after their initial meeting, Jonah sat at his table, sipping wine, awaiting yet another meal, his attention on the door, still hoping to see Crystal step through it...
A month had passed and to Crystal's surprised she had finished writing her first adult book. When she reread it she felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment at the things that she had imagined. She used the first meeting with Jonah to start the book but instead of leaving him behind she had started a relationship with him. She was due at her publisher's office tomorrow. He was surprised when she called to tell him she wrote this kind of book and wanted him to read it and tell her honestly if it was any good.

She thought about what name she would use in case he thought it was good enough to publish. On her children's book she used the name the sparrow. She thought for about an hour and decided for adult books her name would be the dove. She did not wish to use her real name on either type of books but especially for the latter. She used that name for the children's book as children loved the knowledge of animals better than grown ups.

She put the manuscript in the draw and locked it, grabbed the keys for the car and locked the door to the house and went to her car. She had no plans where to drive but when she found herself by the beach she cringed and parked the car in the street, pretty close to the restaurant. She could see the wirer wall that separated the property of the restaurant from the public beach. She got out of the car grabbed her purse and slipped off her shoes as she walked to the water and found a bench close the pounding waves. She sat down and watched the waves crash on the beach. It gave her a feeling of peace.
Jonah gave up glancing toward the door every time he saw someone enter. After so long, it was a better than fair bet that Crystal was never coming back. He let himself fall back into his old routines and continued on as if they'd never met. Not that she didn't sneak into his thoughts on occasion, he just didn't lend any hope to the idea that she would ever be anything but a brief memory.

Then, one night, as he did once in a while, Jonah went out to the verandah and left his shoes behind to walk along the waterline. It always surprised him how violent the surf got when under the direct influence of the moon. The waves were at least twice as high and traveled much further up the shore than they did during the day. A person would be insane to try to wade when the water was like this.

As with most evenings on the beach, there were people out and about, enjoying the calming sound of the waves and the feel of the salt breeze. There were couples and individuals occupying the benches up where the sand stopped, and he only gave them a quick glance, until he came upon a lone woman.

She was perhaps twenty or thirty yards away, just looking out on the dim line where water met sky. Jonah's heart jumped, but instead of going to her, he simply stood and watched...
The waves were crashing on the beach loudly sending sprays of salt water on Crystal's face as she looked at the gorgeous full moon. It was a backdrop to the wildness of the water and it excited her just to watch the water come in. The waves were standing up straight very close to the sands before tumbling toward her. The sounds of wave hitting land was mesmerizing. She could not take her eyes from the wonder of nature on the rampage. She noticed a few people to close to the water and just as she was ready to yell get back, the wave covered them. For a split second she thought they were gone only to see them drenched, laughing and running for higher ground.

She smiled to herself when she felt the water against her own feet. She knew instinctively she had to move. She grabbed her shoes and purse and began to hurry for higher ground. Something moved to her right and when she looked that way she saw Jonah and paused too long and a wave hit her hard. She was soaked as it receded and she raced for higher ground. She knew she was safe when she looked back to the water and saw it strike again right where she had been sitting. She hurried to get off the beach and away from Jonah.

She was out of breath when she made it to the boardwalk and slipped on her shoes. She was soaked but close to her car. She rested a second, caught her breath and took the keys to her car out of her purse before hurrying to it.
Jonah watched, unmoving, as Crystal rose from her seat and prepared to head for higher ground.

It was then that their eyes met. Crystal stood like a deer in headlights at his presence. Neither appeared willing or able to move.

When a wave from the rising tide swept over Crystal, soaking her nearly to the waist, the spell was broken. She hesitated a moment, unsure which way to go, her eyes still locked on Jonah's. Then, a decision was made, and she broke their stare and made a dash for the parking lot.

Jonah debated what to do. He wasn't normally the type to run after a woman. Most of the time, he let them come to him. He'd already violated that at the very beginning.

Muttering a curse at himself, he hurried as best he could toward where he'd seen Crystal go. As he got to the first cars, he stopped and looked around for Crystal, hoping she hadn't already gotten inside one yet.

He spotted the top of her head descending into a vehicle and moved as quickly as he could to pinpoint that one car before it started up and drove away.

However, before he could get to it, it backed out and pulled out, leaving him standing in the middle of the parking lot, out of breath and kicking himself yet again...
Crystal was still shaken from her experience. She looked into her rear view mirror as she drove away and saw Jonah looking after her. It struck her then that seeing him again had shaken her more than the wild waters splashing over her. She frowned at that sudden knowledge wondering why he had such an affect on her. They had only seen each other twice and the second time had been a disaster. Still she couldn't get him out of her mind as she drove home. What was there about this man that made her feel unsure of herself. She had known other men just as well as she knew him which was not very well at all. Yet when she saw him her heart fluttered and something akin to fear filled her. Actually it wasn't fear, it was something else that she had never felt before. It frightened her and that is why she left him at dinner and ran from him just now. Strangely she had hoped he would catch up with her. She clucked her tongue and told herself she was stupid as a man such as him wanted a sophisticated woman. Not someone like her who knew nothing and was unwilling to give him what he wanted. She assumed he wanted sex and that she knew would never happen with her. She had manage to stay virgin all these years and planned to stay that way. Before she knew it she was back home pulling into her driveway. She took a deep breath as she parked her car, grabbed her purse and walked to the back door of her home. She unlocked the door and went in and snapped on the lights as she went through each room to her bedroom. She stripped off her wet clothing and put on a robe before going to the kitchen to make some tea.
Jonah cursed as Crystal drove off, apparently not noticing him. For several minutes he stood there, the vision of her tail lights still glaring red in his mind. It wasn't until another car turned the corner behind him to exit the parking lot that he was snapped into action to get out of the way.

Slowly, he walked in his bare feet back to the sand of the beach, where he made a deliberate line back to where he'd begun, his mind awhirl.

He'd never had a woman run away from him before. If Crystal had simply gotten up normally and walked back to where she was parked, he could have written it off to her not having seen him. However, as it was, their eyes had met. She knew he was there. Her haste in getting away told him that she didn't want to be anywhere near him. The realization was heartbreaking. After a month, he'd almost forgotten about Crystal, but this one encounter said that either she wasn't ready for him yet, or - even more devastating - she truly didn't want anything to do with him.

Now, Jonah could have gone back into the restaurant and invited any woman, young or old, to sit with him, and he had done that on occasion in the past, but he had no desire to do that here. Seeing Crystal flee even the possibility of even a few words had him shaken.

He slipped on his shoes, went inside, spoke with a few people briefly, then got in his own vehicle and started to drive. He wasn't really surprised when he found himself outside Crystal's house. Stopping at the curb out from the front door, he debated with himself whether to knock on her door or just go home. She obviously wasn't ready to confront him again, so why should he risk whatever she might be going through to impose himself on her? Still, he dearly wished to hear her voice, see her smile, the one he'd seen flash a couple of times the last time they'd been together.

Then, he kicked himself. He hadn't been so smitten for years. She was just another woman, wasn't she?

Maybe so, but for whatever reason, he wanted her.

Feeling a coward for not getting out of his car and knocking on the door, he pulled away and home...
Crystal woke up with Jonah on her mind. She knew she had to push thoughts of him away but her mind kept pulling him back. She pushed the blankets off of herself and padded to the bathroom to take a shower. Even under the steamy spray her mind strayed to him. Strangely she never thought of the way he had embarrassed her in the restaurant. She wonder why her mind refused to remember him like that. She could still feel the touch of his hands on her legs as he took off her shoes and put them back on her again.

She stepped out of the shower and dried herself and blow dried her hair as she brushed her long wavy blonde hair still thinking about him. She dressed in a blue dress that make her crystal blue eyes darker and slipped into her blue pumps and went out the door. She was headed for her publisher's office with a new children's manuscript under her arm. She found herself driving out of her way just to pass the restaurant that Jonah either owned or worked at. Her eyes scanned the front of it in hopes of seeing him and when she didn't she mentally scolded herself and continued on her way.

When she parked the car in the lot she called herself an idiot and grabbed her manuscript and headed into the building. She hurried to the receptionist apologizing about being late. To her surprise her publisher hurried out of his office with a big smile on his face and ushered her into his office. As they walked she handed him her children's manuscript. When they got to his desk he handed her a check. As she looked at it her eyes opened wide as she had never seen so many zeros following a large number before. Her publisher laughed at the expression on her face and told her she was scheduled to appear on a popular TV show to talk about her first adult book.

She frowned and looked into his eyes and told him that she didn't do that as that is why she had the book written by The Dove. He handed her a hard covered copy and when she looked at it her eyes grew huge. "This has my real name on it, that was a mistake." He chuckled and told her it was time she took the credit for her writing. She knew she could not do anything about it but she told him she was not appearing on a talk show and walked out clutching the check in her hand.

She was mortified as she knew that this book would be talked about and for sure Jonah would hear about it. He knew her real name and if he was to read just the first chapter he would see it was based on their first meeting. He would also know she had fantasized about what might have happened between them. Her face burned with embarrassment as she stepped back in her car and drove to the bank to put the check in her account.

Afterwards she drove home and hid in her house. She was not going to answer the door if anyone was to knock.
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Jonah continued to wait. He was determined that Crystal would come to him when she was ready. Time passed, and he went on with his life as he had before he'd pulled Crystal into it.

As he'd told her, he knew some people in the publishing industry, both writers and executives.

One day, he was speaking with one of his executive friends, and the subject of new books came up. His friend started:

"Even though the self-publishers have taken a bite out of our business, there are still enough writers out there who come to the brick-and-mortar type places yet.

"Hey, I have a new author you may want to check out. A buddy of mine put me on to her. Seems she's been in children's lit for a while now, but recently wrote something for adults."

This piqued Jonah's interest. He knew of an author that fit that description. He stopped his friend and asked, "Do you remember her name?"

His friend stopped for a moment in thought. "I think it was Crystal something. She apparently used some pseudonym for her kids' stuff and wanted to do the same for this, but she was overruled."

Jonah muttered, "I'll be damned," under his breath, then asked, "Is it out yet?"

"Nah, won't be for another month and a half. Still, according to Josh, it's pretty good. See, her kid's books tended toward self-help stuff. How to deal with the death of a loved one and that kind of thing. Grown-up situations, but put in a way that a little kid could relate. Pretty clever, really. For years, Josh had tried to get her to write something for the adult market. She had all the chops to do it, but for some reason, she always bucked him. Her children's stuff kept selling, so he didn't push her too hard. I don't know what changed her mind, but she finally gave it a shot.

"Josh apparently lined her up with one of the daytime talk shows to promote this new direction, but for some reason, she's adamantly against appearing in public to talk about it.

"I find it weird that anyone in the writing industry - particularly an author - would be reluctant to add the potential additional revenue that success in another genre would bring. Josh told me that if she hasn't agreed to appear by a week before the book is available to the public, he's going to pull rank on her and get her on air whether she likes it or not."

Jonah found himself lost in thought. For all her protests, he'd - by all indications - pushed Crystal into trying exactly what he'd suggested. And it seemed he hadn't been the first one to suggest she spread her wings a bit.

And he further thought, 'Good luck forcing that woman to do anything she doesn't want to do,' but if he knew these publishing execs, they'd flex their muscles and put up an ultimatum, and like it or not, she'd do that show, or find herself another publisher, who would likely be less forgiving of such temper tantrums.

Jonah wasn't much company after that. He tried to remain cordial, and succeeded for the most part, but his friend eventually excused himself to another engagement while Jonah brooded.
Crystal slammed down the phone. She was sick and tired of Josh trying to bully her into doing that talk show. The phone began to ring again and she found herself growling. She grabbed her purse and stormed out of the house remembering as she stepped into the car that she had not locked the door. She stormed back to the door and set the lock and slammed the door again and made her way back to her car. She drove aimlessly until she realized she was by the beach again. She parked her car and looked at the restaurant and checked her watch. It was early so she felt it would be safe to go to the bench by the water again.

She got out of her car and made her way to the boardwalk and down the stairs. As she stepped on the sand she slipped her shoes off and picked them up and walked to the bench she had been on the other day when the water became rough. She found herself looking over the fence to the sand beach that belonged to the restaurant. Her mind wondered to her first meeting with Jonah which had been pleasant and enjoyable. She remembered his touch and felt a chill run through her and for the first time she didn't feel shame. A soft smile touched her lips as she watched the waves roll in.
Jonah had a hard time getting the sight of Crystal actually running away from him out of his mind. Between that and the dichotomy of having discovered she'd written a story similar to the one he'd suggested she try, his mind was all on edge.

While he still did his regular work - such as it was - it wasn't with the same energy he'd exerted before. There were times where he kicked himself for feeling like such a puppy-eyed schoolboy about all this. Still, as embarrassed at himself as he was, he couldn't shake this obsession he had with Crystal.

One day, shortly after the conversation with his publisher friend, he was on his way to the restaurant, to try out a new dish his nephew had developed. It was with great pleasure that Jonah had accepted the invitation: his nephew was a great chef. It was why he'd assisted in helping him get the restaurant started in the first place.

These days, Jonah just kept his eyes on the road. Time was, he'd pay close attention to everything around him. He loved the ocean, which is part of the reason why he'd paid the extravagant amount of money it had cost to buy the building wherein his nephew's place resided. Even with all the work it had taken to get the place up to Code, then to get it to pass the health inspector's exam, it had been worth it.

Since he'd become so introspective, Jonah seldom looked at the ocean on the way to the restaurant anymore. However, this day, he happened to look out toward the shoreline and noticed a figure standing near the fence that delineated the restaurant's property from the public beach.

He nearly locked the brakes on the car, so quickly did he turn, so as not to miss the chance to get to talk to her. He'd been hoping she'd come to him, but damn it, she was as stubborn in her absence as she had been in her presence.

Quickly parking, he started walking toward her, her back still turned as she looked out to the water.

When he was within about two car lengths, and she still hadn't noticed his approach, Jonah said quietly, but his voice tended to carry, even over the sound of the waves:

"Please don't run away again. I just want to talk with you."
It was amazing how the crashing waves calmed her as she looked out to sea. It struck her she should sit down and spend some time here. She knew that Jonah worked at night so there was no chance that he would be at the restaurant. She continued to stand for another few minutes digging her toes into the sand.

Suddenly she heard a familiar voice from behind her calling to her, "Please don't run away again. I just want to talk with you." She spun around quickly and lost her footing. She struggled to stay on her feet as Jonah walk purposely toward her. She felt herself falling and tried to correct her balance but it was too late and suddenly she was sitting on the sand with the skirt of her dress hiked up exposing both her legs and a piece of her pink underwear to his vision. She looked startled by the way she was exposed and when she looked up Jonah was right in front of her.

She cleared her throat, "You should turn around while I cover up." Her face burned with a blush as she looked into his eyes.
Jonah was too far away to catch Crystal as she lost her footing in her surprised spin toward his voice. Instead, all he could do is start helplessly toward her in an abortive attempt to stop her from falling. When she plopped down in the sand, her skirt pulled way up her thighs, showing a delightful expanse of sexy leg, and even a glimpse of her pink panties.

A few beats went by as the shock wore off on both sides, and Crystal, face crimson with embarrassment said uncomfortably, "You should turn around while I cover up."

Instead of turning his back, Jonah quickly went around behind Crystal, where - while he could still see her gorgeous legs, her body hid the rest - he hooked his hands under her arms and helped her to her feet.

"You seem to experience misfortune around here. I wonder what would still draw you to this place?" he asked when Crystal had finally self-consciously smoothed herself down.

Before she had a chance to respond, Jonah took Crystal's hands in his, locked his eyes on hers and said, "I'd like to apologize for having exploded on you the last time we spoke. That isn't how I prefer to treat people."