Prophecy of Ruin or Salvation (closed for heartofcourage)

Rot and blight, she was so good at being bad! And she'd only just started trying out her sexuality. For all the trouble that was on him now and would come his way in the future, he was a very lucky man.

Though it seemed the more strict and conservative values of Al'Tir were not wholly buried as she seemed to suddenly realize that they might be seen where they were and stepped back with crimson cheeks.

He smiled but did not laugh or tease. She needed to be encouraged now, to test the waters of this feeling between them on her own and become confident in herself. Instead, Valius simply held out his hand to her, "That is a favor I will do for you many times over and gladly so, my sweet fiancee."

He led her out onto the dance floor where a different number had started up; brisk and energetic. "Come now, my love, dance with me and show me your grace and fire!"
Bryn’s laughter was infectious as they reeled and danced around the floor, twirling until her hair floated around them like a cloud and she was breathless with joy. Anyone who had doubts about their union could now see that it was a good match as the Dragon King smiled down at their Goddess on Earth.

Through the night, whether the song was fast or slow, she danced only with her king. It was scandalous to think about in Al’Tir, but she was true to her word. She had no need to dance with other men when she had her beloved there with her. As the night was winding down, she found herself pressed against his chest, her weary head rested against his shoulder as they swayed to a slow song.

“Tomorrow I will finalize my household and what I wish to bring to Ithilien. I truly hope that you do not mind me bringing things from home to place in our rooms at your palace, my lord.” She said, a yawn soon following. “I plan to keep Enna busy with my trousseau tomorrow. You must help us with our planning to bring her and Sir Claudius together. We are going to send her to the public baths tomorrow evening. Make sure that Claudius is there as well.”

Bryn lifted her head from his shoulder and looked up at Valius with a sly smile. “Perhaps I might see you there as well, my lord.”
Valius held Bryn close to him, the slender beauty all but draped against him now. The hour was late and they had spent most of it dancing, the result being a very tired Bryn. He was a bit fatigued as well, true, but he'd had more time and training at being on his feet and performing physical tasks.

Her yawn was absolutely adorable and he nodded as she spoke. He had no issue with her bringing whatever she wanted to Ithilien. Valius wanted her happy and comfortable in his homeland and if she needed to take her whole suite with her, they'd manage it. A lot of it would arrive after her, true, but he'd see it done.

Then she went on and he laughed and then shook his head, "Ah, my match making, love." He kissed the top of her head as she looked up at him with those sleepy eyes. "There will be little on my part to do, Claudius always bathes at night when he is able. But I will mention to him that I would like to see the public bath. How you will separate he and I and let him meet Enna, I know not."

The baths couldn't be unisex. That was far, far too sensual and open minded for a place that seemed as sexually conservative as Al'Tir. Still, he was sure she had a plan.

Then the rest of what she said sunk in and he blinked down at her. "You...will be there as well?" Gods! He felt his manhood stirring again at the mere thought. "I do not know what you intend but I will most surely go to the baths tomorrow night then, in great hope and want." He smiled and leaned his head down, speaking in a low whisper, "You had said you wondered if I might seduce you on our journey but now I wonder if you mean me to seduce sooner than that? Or perhaps you just wish us both to...see more than we ought yet and tempt ourselves further with forbidden flesh?"

He then chuckled, "Either way, it will be done." They had come to the end of the dance floor and Valius steered them off of it.

Many of the guests had departed already but all of his entourage remained. With Bryn on his arm, he approached the rather bemused looking Aldor. "Your Majesty, I believe this one we love is ready for bed. I will escort her there, but we beg your leave before departing this merry hall and with to thank you for your blessing."

Behind him, Dax, Masha, and Claudius had all already risen, ready to accompany them on the journey through the halls.
Bryn sighed as she felt Valius press his lips against her hair. He knew how to make her feel cared for and she snuggled just that much closer to her betrothed. She glanced up at him and smiled as he promised to take a willing part in the plot to bring Enna and Claudius together.

“You must let me know which bathing chamber Claudius is in. I can direct Enna to that chamber to bathe. They can “bump” into one another.” She said simply as a dawning suddenly flashed across Valius’s features and she blushed prettily under his gaze.

Simply put, she wanted her lord in the most intimate way possible. He had woken things within her that she didn’t know existed before he came. He fanned that flame within her belly until it was an inferno and now she shivered as he leaned his head close to her ear and his hot breath whispered across her ear.

“Enna told me that it was normal for Ithiliens to make sure they are compatible before marriage. I would not want to shirk your traditions, my lord.” She said innocently enough, her thighs already growing wet at the thought of Valius looking upon her intimately.

She allowed him to lead her from the floor, listening as he begged their leave from her father. She smiled at him as he looked over the two young lovers and granted the request for the price of a kiss from Bryn. She willingly gave it to her father, her lips pressing against his cheek.

“Sleep well, Papa.” She said as their little party exited the Great Hall and continued to her rooms. She wanted to kiss Valius, but felt so self conscious under the eyes of his delegation.
They were largely quiet on the way back to Bryn's quarters. It was a happy silence; broken by Enna's faint humming of one of the more melodic pieces that had been played that night and the click of their shoes on the stone floors. Valius and Bryn walked close, her arm through his and his other hand resting on hers.

They finally came to her chambers and the group paused. Valius turned to face Bryn and then gave the others a look. Grinning, Claudius and Masha fanned out to either side of the hallway, looking down it on guard. Dax followed after the lady ranger, slipping an arm about her waist. Enna and Magnus turned around and moved away from the door, beginning a low conversation about the evening's political ramifications.

Valius smiled down at Bryn, "I'm happy for this day, and for us. After the bridge...I wasn't sure I'd feel this content and positive about anything again. And in a few days, you've changed all that."

He leaned down and kissed her. It started light and tender but he let it deepen, feeding his barely restrained passion into it. His arms went about her slender waist and pulled her to him, almost lifting her off her feet. Her lips parted and his tongue entered her; tasting her sweetness tinged with wine and spices. His manhood pressed against her stomach between them, teasing them both through their clothes.

The kiss was long and fierce and slid into another kiss, and another. Finally, he mustered the will to break them apart. Valius smiled sheepishly and then laughed, "I suppose I do not wish the day to end. Good night, my Bryn. There will be much to do in the next few days but it is all welcome for it brings us closer to our union. Until the dawn, fare well!"


Dawn was just breaking as Valius, already bathed and dressed, came into the council chamber. Lord Magnus was with him as well, the aging courtier surprisingly spry in his step for this early in the morning. Aldor's full council was not yet there but the old king himself was, looking all the world as though he'd been there for some time already. "Good morning, Your Majesty. My Lords."

"King Valius, ah, and Lord Magnus, I see." Aldor nodded his head and gestured to the table before them. "Sit then and let us begin our plan for your return and our subterfuges."


"Another errand for Her Grace?" Masha quirked an eyebrow as Enna left the girl's chambers once again. Dax was inside with her as the slender girl directed the arranging and packing of her belongings and the preparation of the, keeping a close watch on his charge.

Enna grimaced, "She's such a dear but Valius seems to have kissed all the memory out of her head last night; she keeps forgetting things." Enna shook her head, "Another trip out into the city for me, more sweating and dirt." Then she smiled, "But if it makes things easier for her..."

The ranger smiled back. Bryn was performing excellently. She had a devious streak to her, didn't she? Gods, once she got some of Magnus' political and espionage training, she'd be a force to be reckoned with! "You know that there's a very large public bath and hot spring int he palace. If you're feeling too gross after all this running, you could go there. I've heard it's quite pleasant to use, particularly at night."


"How goes the planning, Sire?" Claudius walked alongside his king during a recess of the council. The lean and wiry older fighter glanced at his one time student and now liege lord. "You seem a little occupied."

"I am, though it goes well. I think between our forces and those of the Fire Nation we can make a good smoke screen or two for those fanatics to run after." He shook his head, "I hope to get a hawk from the Crown Tree soon. Getting the Glacans to chase the wrong way is one thing, but if they can get in position soon enough, we might be able to catch them between us and the Al'Tir forces."

"Hn. Hammer and anvil's good if you can pull it off." His keen and watchful eyes moved over a pair of passing servants. "But don't think too heavy, Sire. Plenty of time for Queen Bitchtits to decide she wants to try and sink a knife in your guts here rather than wait until you're back home."

Valius grunted but didn't disagree. The man knew his business and knew it well. "It's going to be a long and stressful day, I think. Claudius, you said there was a bathhouse you'd found here, yes? A trip there this evening would do me well, I think."
Packing up her rooms that day was harder than Bryn thought it would be. She had found items that had been long forgotten and she had cried a time or two as she packed away what she wanted to take with her. She knew Valius had told her that she could take whatever she wanted, but she felt the need to be frugal and only take what was important. That soon turned into one truck, three trunks, five trunks, until her room was filled.

In the midst of everything, she had Enna running back and forth for things she’d need. This run she was sending her for a couple of bottles of skin cream that she enjoyed using. She was running out of things that she would need, but as she heard the chamber door close and Masha came into the bedroom, she smiled.

“I think we shall head to the bathhouse when she gets back.” She said softly, folding the last of her veils and placing it in the open chest before her. She sighed deeply and closed the lid, locking it like she’d been shown by the guard. The keys would travel with Dax until they reached Ithilien where they would be transferred to her new master of the house.

Once Enna had returned and the item that she’d been sent for was secured in yet another chest, Bryn declared that her packing for the day was finished. “Let’s retire to the bathhouse. The warm water will do us all good.”

She smiled as she took Enna’s arm and pulled her along from the bedroom and into the entrance chamber. “I think we will make our way to the bathhouse now.” She announced to Masha and Dax and they both agreed that it would be a good idea.

She spoke to Enna on many things, smiling and laughing with her new friends as they made their way through the palace to the marble stoned bathhouse near the training yards. It was relatively quiet at night, many of the soldiers and ladies using it during the morning time, but she could hear the sounds of people talking.

The main chamber of the bathhouse lead into private pools that could be used outside of the central one. The central chamber was mostly used by the men at the end of a training day and this evening it was empty. Save for Valius who stood at the far end with a soft linen wrap under his arm.

“Good evening, my lord.” Bryn said happily as she pulled Enna towards him. With only her guard there, she felt bold enough to kiss her betrothed and she embraced him tightly, showing him just how much she’d missed him that day. “I see we all had the same idea this evening.”
He savored the feel of her against him and her kiss; Gods, her kiss was enough to make him want to take her then and there. Her lips spoke eloquently of happiness and want and giddy mischief. As their parted, he whispered against them, "Claudius is in the third private pool now. I will go to the seventh."

The young monarch then straightened and smiled at the rest of the group, "So it seems. Wise men think alike, they say." And so do fools, was the other part of that saying but he left it off for now. "I did not expect such company but will certainly enjoy it."

"Now, Sire," Enna gave her king and childhood friend her most insolent smile, "surely you will behave yourself?" Oh, this would be torture for him and she would tease him so much about it!

Valius returned her grin, "As well as you yourself, Countess."

"I?" She beamed, "I am the sole of decorous behavior, Your Majesty. But I will stay with Her Grace during our bath then to guard her from your royal lusts. I seem to remember a certain prince at a hot spring several years ago who got into trouble..."

The king actually flushed a bit, "I'm sure there will be no such trouble tonight, Countess, as there are no princes about. But I will not keep you and will go to my own bath thinking chaste thoughts."

There was a separate changing area and Valius departed and stripped down. His heart was beating fast and despite the grueling day he felt energized. Bryn...gods, soon she'd come to him, he'd be able to see her, touch her, all that they both wished. Perhaps even more than once.

He sighed and pulled the linen wrap around his body for modesty's sake and then looked over at Dax. "I'm sorry, Sir Dax, that you can't join us." Baths were simply too good a place to kill someone and make it look accidental. Both Dax and Masha would be on guard while the others were bathing.

The formidible sentry shook his head, "My duty is never something I regret, Your Majesty. I can use the baths another time." Perhaps with Masha too. "Enjoy your...bath."

The forest king got a sense that Dax was aware or had guessed Bryn's schemes but he didn't seem to be interfering. "Thank you, Sir Dax." He inclined his head to man and then left the changing area to go into the main pool. The water was warm, strikingly so after the chill air of the desert night, and he sighed as he walked into it, feeling the heat seep into his muscles and the water lap at his waist. A nice soak here would be good indeed...but there were far better things to enjoy this night.

He waded through the main pool to where it broke off into the private sections; separated by brick and stone from the main pool and one another. Each had a number over it, thankfully, to avoid confusion. The young king made his way to 7 and entered, stepping down into the slightly deeper water here. the pool itself was deepest in the center and grew shallower as it went out; perhaps five feet in diameter. Around it was a narrow stone ledge, built with wooden benches on it so those who had enough of bathing could sit or recline and speak with those still in the water. Close to the edge of the pool there was also a broad stone step under the surface that could be used for the same purpose and still keep one in the hot, soothing liquid.

Valius pulled his wrap off and let the water swirl about his naked form. He set the wrap up onto one of the benches and then hopped to the deepest part of the pool and submerged for a few moments, his eyes closed. Then he broke the surface and took a deep breath, sighing happily. He made his way to the step in the water; sitting down on it and leaning back.

Bryn retired to the fourth pool, entering before she gasped and turned back around to Enna. “Oh, Enna, I’ve forgotten my soap. Would you go to the third chamber and retrieve some? They usually have a large basket with fresh soap in there.”

Her eyes were large and innocent as the woman looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She would surly be thinking that Bryn was an empty headed girl who forgot everything, but Bryn could live with that when she brought Enna and the lonely Claudius together.

“I will be right back, my lady.” Enna said, turning from the private pool to enter the chamber next to them. She sighed deeply and shook her head, wondering if the stress of the upcoming move was effecting Bryn in a negative way.

Entering the third pool, she was wrapped up in her thoughts enough that it wasn’t until she was well into the chamber that she noticed there was someone else there. She found her eyes glued to the well muscled and naked back of a man that looked so incredibly familiar.

“Oh!” She cried out as Claudius turned to look at his intruder. Her eyes were glued to Claudius’s chest now, trailing down to what was hidden in the water before she snapped her gaze back up to his handsome face.

Bryn heard the exclamation of surprise damped by the stone walls and she took that as her cue to slip away. Walking to the seventh chamber, she looked over her shoulder to see Dax and Masha watching the entrance and ignoring her. Slipping into the chamber, she pressed against the marble wall and found herself smiling at Valius as he sat leisurely in the water.

“I believe my plan is a success, my lord.” She said with a grin.
Claudius heard the faint sounds of the women's voices and smiled. That was a pleasant thought to have; soft, pretty female flesh so close, wet and gorgeous. His lord's Bryn was pretty enough and had a fine form but he preferred his women curvier, like Enna.

He sighed at that. Enna...she'd grown into such a woman. But she'd find a man for her before too much longer. And one not so old and scarred and used up as he.

Then he heard someone moving into the pool with him. About time Valius got here. The ranger half-rose and then heard a woman's voice, and one he knew well, let out a startled exclamation.

He turned to face her and took in a breath. Enna was staring at him with wide eyes, her long hair tumbling over her shoulders and into the water. Her eyes went up and down him and his body responded to it; his member swelling to life under the water from the appreciate stare of this sensual and sassy young woman.

She was still wearing a towel wrapped about herself for modesty but it was wet and plastered to her sweet curves in the most tempting way possible. He groaned and let himself look at her. Their eyes met and he was surprised to see she wasn't afraid or disgusted.

Could, that was just a fool's hope. He was alone, probably never have another woman. He'd decided that long ago.

So he put on the leering grin that he was sure she'd want to see, "Sure you need the towel, Enna? It's pretty warm in here." She'd likely made a joke back or slap him and then leave. But at least he got to see this much of her.

Valius's head was back and his eyes closed as Bryn slipped into the chamber with him. He heard her speak and he smiled, "I haven't heard any screaming yet, so you are likely right. Though if you are, we'll hear another sort of screaming soon enough."

He opened his eyes and looked over at her. Gods, she was heart achingly lovely. Her beautiful face was that of a goddess to be sure, and that pure, smooth, flawless skin that begged to be touched before it disappeared under the glassy surface of the water, her fiery hair that seemed to be a wrought of golden fire. Her blue beyond blue eyes were bright and merry and those succulent lips in the sweetest of smiles.

And they were here together, alone, in a bath. Only water and anything she had on between them; as he could not see her form beneath the water yet.

"Though it is this part of your plan that concerns me most." Valius slipped off of the step to stand in the shallow part of the pool. His chest and arms were visible to her, well muscled and trained, his skin glistening with wetness and droplets of water over his well defined and sculpted body.

He wanted to haul her into his arms and kiss her, tear whatever towel or wrap she had away and take her, unite them in body with one passionate thrust! But he also wanted to love her slowly and fully. Particularly because this was her first time; and he knew that it could pain a woman even if she were readied for it by her lover.

Valius smiled and held out his hand to her, "Come to me, love."
Enna was speechless as she stared at Claudius’s handsome body. It was the body that she’d dreamed about in her younger years and she had never thought that she’d be able to get such an intimate view of it. He never seemed to be interested in her, seeing her as more of a child than anything else. He had even dismissed her completely a time or two during drunken dances in the Ithilien court.

He was challenging her with his words and she gave him a slight smile, laughing softly at his familiar turn of words. She could see an emotion in his eyes that was unfamiliar, but she swore that she saw lust. He wanted her? That made no sense, she thought to herself as she stood tall in the water and let the linen wrap drop from her body, exposing her naked curves to his gaze.

“It is pretty warm in here, Sir Claudius. I believe you are right. I do not need the towel.” She said, placing her hands on her flared hips, her eyes catching his and holding them as she brushed her hair out of her face and giving him an unobstructed view of her body.

Bryn blushed at the first sight of Valius’s naked chest. She clutched her linen wrap tighter around her body as she moved through the water towards him. Her hair trailed behind her in the water like a snake, moving and flowing in the heated water as she stood just before the man that she loved.

“So, you will seduce me, my lord?” She asked him in a voice that was full of both curiosity and fear. She loved him, desired him, but the thought of what they were about to do made her tremble. “You are sure we should not wait until we are in Ithilien?”
"Rot and blight," Claudius swore softly as the wrap fell away. Enna had called his bluff and stood before him bare as the day she was born though it was not a babe she resembled but the ripest of women. "Enna, what're you...thinking...showing me...Gods, but you're a fine woman."

He let himself look at her; her proud breasts rising and falling as she breathed, her flat, taut stomach, the rounded inviting hips. Claudius felt a shiver run up his spine and his dick throbbed under the water with want as if to remind him how many years it had been since he'd known the pleasure of another.

His eyes met hers and he saw challenge in her gaze but also want and surprise. "I can die a happy man seeing this," he said after a few moments, "but are you sure you want to be showing yourself to me?" He took a few steps towards her around the edge of the pool, more of his body becoming bared as it grew shallower, including his swollen phallus. "Not someone your own age, someone not so rough as I."

Valius felt hesitation as Bryn spoke. There was a quiver in her voice that was not about want but of fear. Fear of what they were to do or the repercussions if it were discovered?

Did she doubt him? Did she truly want this?

They were questions that should not have uncertain answers. He slid his arms about her, feeling her skin under the thin and soaked fabric of the wrap that clung to her body, and leaned down to kiss her. His hands slid to stroke the small of her back and up her spine. The kiss was long and eager, promising but not taking.

As their lips parted, he smiled. "I will seduce you as much as you wish to be. Should you doubt anything, should you feel hesitation, then it will not be now. I would not risk your reputation or your status but more than that, I would not risk your enjoyment of this part of life. I want it to be full and without doubt."

One of his hands slid up and over one slender shoulder and down her arm, "But as much as you wish to explore, that we will do. You had wondered if you might do for me what I had done for you. There are things I prefer more, but your touch on me there...I want it desperately." His hand found hers and then he guided it under the water and hesitated a moment before he pressed her palm against his hard member.
“Claudius, I have been trying to get you to notice me for years!” Enna exclaims as she watches him rise from the water, his erection bobbing in the air.

Her mouth goes dry as her sight is drawn to the handsome appendage. She glides across the water and stands just in front of him. “From the moment that I became aware of what could be between men and women, I’ve felt something for you. You never took notice of me and you probably had your reasons, but by the Gods, Claudius, you’ve never been far from my mind.”

She reaches out and touches his chest, drawing his eyes to hers. She shivers and bites her lower lip, knowing just how close to what she’d always wanted. “Do not turn me away again, Sir.”

Valius’s kiss made her completely mindless. She whimpered as his hands glided down her back and stroked her spine. She shivered and panted as he parted from her, his smile glorious and handsome. She listened to his words and nodded. She was nervous, but she trusted him.

A gasp left her lips as he took her hand and guided it beneath the water, pressing her palm against the mysterious, hard length that she’d felt against her bottom many times before. It was naked now and she curled her fingers around it. Her eyes were drawn to the surface of the water and the wavy fraction of the water muddling the view that she had.

It felt like steel wrapped in the softest velvet. She stroked it softly and heard him gasp and she instantly looked towards his fact, wondering if she’d done something wrong. The look on his face was one of pleasure and she continued to stroke the hard length, learning him by feel.

“I wish to see you, Val.” She whispered in an innocent voice, her fingers making no move to stop their motion.
The iron haired ranger couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was impossible; what girl, what woman, would want such a thing with a man so much older. But her voice was so honest, so purely frustrated and so demanding of his attention that he knew she meant it.

Those times she'd teased him, or he'd thought she had, those were just a young woman testing her boundaries, trying out the power her beauty could give her over men. That's what he'd told himself then. It couldn't have meant anything real. And even if it had, the age gap was too great, their station too different, those were the things he'd told himself.

Claudius' rough, calloused hand moved to cover her far smaller one as it rested against his chest. "I had reasons but maybe they weren't good. I was too much older than you, too beat up and scarred for a young and vibrant thing. I'd been alone a long time, it felt safer that way."

"I notice you now. That's for sure." His other hand reached out and carefully caressed one smooth cheek, gently and tentatively, as if he were afraid his touch would break the moment. Then he stepped into her, his hand moving from her cheek to her back and pressing her lush form to his. He kissed her then, and it was so much sweeter than he remembered.

Valius' breath hissed out from between his teeth as his love's hand wrapped around his hardness and pumped him experimentally. Her eyes flashed and he could tell she was worried, but his eyes showed only pleasure and she seemed emboldened.

"Gods, Bryn," he murmured as her hand explored his manhood, "just your touch makes my body sing."

Her sweetly innocent statement; so plain and bold yet so shy made his cock throb in her hand. She didn't pause in stroking him, making him shiver and let out a low groan. He opened his eyes fully and smiled down at her, "Then you will see me. As all of me will be yours, it's only fair you see what you now own."

He moved back from her, grunting softly as her hand slipped off his dick. Tragic but unavoidable. The young ruler stepped back onto the stone step below the water's surface and then stood up on it. Water rushed off of him and down over his thick rod, his heavy sack, and his strong legs. He took the next step up to the ring that surrounded the pool, standing fully out of the water now and letting it run down his young, powerful, muscular form.

Valius spread his hands and shifted his legs to stand a bit further apart, letting her see all of him. His hardness pointed straight at her and he felt harder than ever in his life. "Look all you wish and touch as you will. I am eager for your inspection."
“You’re so lonely, Claudius.” Enna said with a large depth of sympathy in her voice as he confessed to her. “You’ve always been so lonely. And handsome. And kind. That’s what drew me to you in the first place. You are stern, but kind.”

She sighed as she felt his hand reach out and smooth across her cheek, her eyes fluttering close as he stepped into the water with her once more. She shivered as his hand moved from her cheek to her back and suddenly she was pressed against his hard, defined form. When her eyes opened again, his lips were upon her, kissing her with a passion that she’d only dreamed about before.

Enna wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him closer, their bodies sinking deeper into the warm water. She felt his hard cock pressing against her belly and shivered deliciously at the thought that very soon it would be pressing into her depths and giving her what she’d always wanted.

She parted their kiss and looked him in the eyes, panting as her body burned for the handsome man before her. “I’m far from a virgin, Claudius, but please tell me you won’t regret what we’re about to do. I don’t think I could stand knowing that I’ve disappointed you.”

Bryn watched as Valius slowly revealed his body to her gaze, rising out of the water until his thick manhood bobbed before her. She gasped, her cheeks growing red as he told her to look and touch all she wanted. She’d never seen something so handsome before, she thought to herself as she moved forward, her wrap held firmly to her body with a clenched fist.

“Val…” She started, her words cut off as she found herself unable to look away from the cock that was before her. “Val…there’s no way this will fit.”

Her words were not what were expected. She said it in a breathless tone, excitement evident, but also worry and fear that only a virgin would have. She reached forward with her hand again, gently circling the thickness with her fingers. She noticed the way that her fingers barely wrapped around him and she shivered, looking up towards his stormy grey eyes.

She saw patients there and she gave him a small smile as her fingers reached beneath him to feel the heavy sack that hung between his thighs. It was soft like the rest of him, but the center held two globes that she massaged and felt, hearing a groan escape his lips as she did such. She watched with curiosity as a clear bead of liquid appeared at the slit of his cock, enticing her as she swiped it with her thumb and brought it to her lips like she’d seen him do after their first coupling.

The taste was strange, but not unwanted. It was heavy on her tongue, salty and purely Valius. It made her shiver in delight and she was soon exiting the water for herself, looking at her betrothed as she found the courage to let her wet wrap drop from her body and pool at her feet. She stood before him naked, nervous, but wanting.

Her breasts stood firmly on her chest, the little handfuls topped with pink nipples that were beading tightly under his gaze. Her belly was firm, taut, and flared into gentle hips. Her entrance was hidden by a thatch of red hair that was just as bright as the hair that graced her head. Freckles dusted her pale skin, over her shoulders and chest, ending with a birthmark near her bellybutton that was shaped, of all things, like a fish.
Lonely? He was that; it came with a life like his; your friends and lovers died if you were a soldier all your life. Claudius had come to accept that and not want it to change. Getting close to someone and losing them wasn't something he wanted to do again. But handsome? Kind? He didn't see that in himself.

Her body was against his, softness and warmth and the delicious pressure of her breasts pillowing on his hard muscled, scarred physique. He groaned into her lips as his hardness rubbed against her.

He chuckled at her words, "That's what I was about to say. Enna, I'm the beat up man about to spend time with a sexy woman less than half my age; and one that about, not just desire." He flushed and looked away. Then he sighed, "It's you I think may regret it tomorrow...but I'll take that risk to be with you now."

The water made lifting her easier as he leaned back against the wall of the pool and slid his hands down to stroke her thighs before slipping under them and lifting her up. He wanted her badly, desired nothing more than to just drop her onto his waiting, hungry cock, but he had to be sure first.

Valius felt pride at the awestruck way she gazed at him, and a faint hint of shyness too, he couldn't look that good. But the way her eyes ran over him and then fixed on his manhood in astonishment was a heady stroke to his ego. As were her words, though they also made him smile a little. "Bryn, it will be fine. I will fit with you, I promise you this. You may not believe it but we will take the time to loosen and wet you and when it happens...we will go slow and sure, to open you to me gently. But we will fit; never have I been more sure of a man and woman made to be together as you and I."

She was small and he was larger than many men but still...he knew it would work and he would touch her, fill her in ways she had never imagined.

Gods, he had to focus on not doing so now. Let her take control and guide this; be her gentle lord.

His breath hissed out of him as her small, warm hand touched him. He smiled down at her with eager and kind eyes as she explored his maleness in full, caressing his cock, fondling and hefting his balls, letting out soft groans as she did so. "Bryn, your touch...sweet and curious and wonderful." When she tasted his pre, his cock pulsed and twitched slightly. Gods! It was all an accident on her part but was giving him the sexiest show he had ever witnessed.

Then it got better. Bryn steeled herself, he could see it in her posture and her eyes, and then let her covering fall away into the water. His eyes drank her in and he made a happy, pleased sound deep in his chest. His love was a slender and willowy woman; her breasts were small and pert handfulls of succulent flesh, ideal peaches that would easily fit in his palms. Her form was graceful and taut, her hips a gentle, slight swell and her legs shapely and supple. The pale almost translucent skin was so different than any he'd seen before and the faint dusting of freckles was a charming and cute contrast. He could not see her sex but her hair there was the same brilliant riot of red as her head was.

Valius' smile grew, "I can see why you have been called a goddess on looks alone, my heart. You are lovely, more sensual than you would believe I don't doubt." He stepped closer to her and slowly lifted his hands so that with word or action she could stop him and then slid them over her rounded hips to give her ass a light squeeze. He leaned down to kiss her again, his hands moving to caress her soft lines and smooth, silken skin. He took one of her pretty, pert little tits in each hand and massaged her breasts; loving their feel and their warmth. "Magnificent, my Bryn."
Enna watched as the strongest soldier she knew actually blushed over a woman. She smiled at him as he told her that he cared about her. He desired her. It was all that she could really want out of life, she thought to herself, gasping as he lifted her from the water and cradled her against his body.

She moaned at the feeling of his hands beneath her thighs, her legs wrapping around his hips and pulling herself fully against the hard cock that was quickly becoming her favorite thing in the entire world. She kissed Claudius, their tongues dueling with one another until they broke away breathless and panting.

“You’re so sure I’ll regret this, Claudius. What happens if I don’t? What would you do then?” Enna asked as she felt him position her body over the head of his cock, a tremor coursing up her spine. “Would you still care for me? Would you…love me?”

Her words ended with a sharp gasp as he slowly slid her body around his hard length, her passage stretching around him until she let out a pitiful heated moan. Her eyes fluttered shut, her teeth worrying her bottom lip as her arms wrapped around his neck and held on for dear life.

Bryn gasped as Valius fit his hands around her slender hips, moving them until he grasped her firm bottom and drew her close. She looked up at him with complete trust as he explored her body properly for the first time.

She nearly jumped from her skin the first time he cupped her breasts. Had it not been for his lips upon hers, she would have cried out at the sudden and surprising feeling of bare hands on her intimate skin. She trembled, his rough palms scraping across her tender nipples as he massaged and rubbed the firm mounds with sure strokes.

“Don’t stop.” She whispered to him, her blue eyes turned towards his stormy grey ones as he touched her like no man had ever touched her before. She squirmed before him, her thighs pressed tightly together to get the friction that she so desperately wanted. “Please don’t stop.”
What if she didn't? He'd never thought about it before. What would he-

The thoughts broke off as she seized the initiative and pushed herself down onto his waiting and ready hardness. "Rot! Enna," he growled, his eyes screwing shut as his manhood speared into her eager tunnel and spread her flesh.

Gods...gods, it was good. It had been so long, almost a decade, and this...this was such heaven! her sex was scorching hot and slickly wet around him, clutching at him like liquid silk. " good, forgotten this feeling," he moaned.

Claudius held her still for a few moments to let them both adjust. His mind marveled at this; his rod buried in a stunning young woman less than half his age and both of them seeming to love it. He pulled his head back enough to look down into her face as he moved his hips to draw half way out of her and then push back in slow and sure, starting to steadily feed his cock into her over and over again.

She was so responsive, so sensitive, that it made Valius marvel. Was it just the newness of it or was it a sign that they were meant to be? That she, despite her upbringing, responded so well to just the touch of his hands?

"I won't," he promised her. He pressed his hands more firmly against her breasts and flattened his fingers to start rubbing his palms in tight circles against her tits and her hard, stiff nipples. His eyes darted to the motion of her hips and legs and he couldn't help but smirk.

He glanced back at the benches that ringed the sitting area around the pool, "Step forward, love," he urged her, moving backwards as he spoke and sitting down on one of the benches. It was high enough that he didn't have to adjust the hands that teased those pert, pretty tits.

Valius licked his lips, "Spread your legs, Bryn." He moved one of his legs and bent it, "Straddle them over my thigh and press your heat against it; it will feel wonderful, I swear to you."
“Dear Gods!” Enna cried out as he stretched her body in a way she’d never been before. She clung to his wet shoulders, her fingers digging into his flesh as he moaned and showed her that it was effecting him as much as it was her.

He held still within her and Enna could have sworn that she could feel him pulsing and twitching deep in her body. She shivered as he looked down at her, his eyes showing her so much in that single moment. He had always been her secret love, the hero that she wanted, and now he was hers.

The moment he started to move within her, Enna whimpered and moaned. The delicious friction of his cock steadily moving in and out of her wet passage made her quake. She leaned forward, her lips crashing over his. She kissed him with the passion of a woman that was getting everything that she wanted. The sound of their splashing was becoming louder as Claudius claimed her.

“Show me what you’ve got, soldier.” She whispered as their kiss broke, her eyes challenging him as she claimed his lips in another punishing kiss.

There was nothing else in the world to compare to the feel of Valius’s hands upon her body. She moaned with each movement of his fingers, twitched with each rough caress. She wanted so much that she didn’t even know how to put it all into words. He would never disappoint her and she knew that they were truly meant to be.

Following him without hesitation, she watched as he sat down on one of the wooden benches around the room, directing her to straddle his thigh. Her lips were parted, a gasping breath leaving her lungs as he fanned that flame of desire by the simple touch of his hands.

The moment she slid across his hair roughened thigh, she whimpered in delight. Her pussy pressed most intimately against his skin and she shivered, her lips quivering and her eyes closing as sensation threatened to overwhelm her.

“Val…” Bryn whimpered piteously, her unschooled body rocking back and forth slightly on his thigh, unsure of what to do or where this was going. “Please…” She would beg him for anything right then.
He was unable to speak, but if he were, he'd have echoed Enna's cry to the divine. He didn't remember it feeling this good...this pure, this sweet, this intense before. Maybe his memory had faded or maybe she was just that good.

Her moans and whimpers were soft and sharp paeans of bliss and made him feel all the more alive and strong. Her hands dug at him as she clutched his body to hers and each scratch was a delicious sting that heightened pleasure all the more. Her kisses were almost furious in their passion; utterly happy and yet challenging.

Her next words challenged him as well and he let out a growl before her lips silenced him in a hard, rough kiss that seemed almost to bruise them both. Claudius took firm hold of her hips and pulled down on her, making sure he was rammed as far into her as he could be. Then he lifted her up and almost all the way off of him before throwing her back down onto his cock, his hips rising up to slam into her. His tongue forced past her lips and into her mouth, entangling with hers as he started to bounce her hand on his lap in the water, determined to meet her challenge. That others might hear or be nearby was forgotten for now; he just wanted this, wanted her, and wanted it to be the best she'd ever had.

Valius couldn't help but smile, feeling proud of them both as Bryn moaned and whined in pleasure she'd never felt before on his thigh. Her sweet, small, slick little slit left faint wetness on him as she rubbed against his body, her expression one of need and confusion at this sudden suffusion of sensation.

"You're doing so well, my Bryn," he told her as she pleaded with him. What she was begging for, he was uncertain. Release, perhaps. He would give it her; many times tonight if he had his way.

One hand left her right perky tit and went to her hips, gently pushing her back on his leg until her sex was pressing against his knee. Then he leaned down and ran his tongue over the curving swell of her right breast before taking the rosy nipple into his mouth and sucking lightly, his tongue teasing the tender flesh. His left hand squeezed her other breast still and he wriggled his knee up and into her, mashing and grinding it into her cunt. His right hand moved about her waist; taking hold of and squeezing one pert cheek of her ass.
Enna couldn’t help the laugh that left her lips as she heard Claudius growl. He was a hardened soldier that was being challenged by a woman. HE wouldn’t take that lying down, she knew and she was ready for the moment that he proved her wrong. She moaned deeply as he took hold of her hips and pulled her down over his cock until he was pushed as deeply into her as he could.

He then repeated the motion and Enna could have sworn that she would be split in two. She whimpered, sighed, cursed and cried out as he fucked her in such a way as she’d never been before. His tongue invaded her mouth, demanding from her what he wanted to take and she willingly gave. He was meeting the challenge that she set forth and he wasn’t going to let her down.

“Claudius. Oh!” She cried out, the water sloshing in the pool around them as he fucked her in a furious motion. She was going to cum, she thought. She was going to cum and it was going to be glorious.

Bryn sobbed out a gasp as Valius praised her, moving her along his thigh until she was settled over the knobbed portion of his knee. It pressed against her sacred entrance with wonderful pressure. She looked at him in surprise, her lips parted and her breathing irregular as his hand cupped her breast.

She didn’t think anything could get better than that very moment, but Valius surprised her yet again as he leaned down at took her nipple between his lips and suckled on it. She nearly jumped from her skin, a long, hot moan escaping her lips as he teased her flesh. She squirmed on his leg, her pearled nub rubbing against his knee.

His hands seemed to be everywhere as he wiggled his knee against her flesh, grinding against her until she was breathing heavily and his other hand moved to her bottom, caressing and kneading the flesh until she rode his knee in time with his motions.

Her hands were restless, itching to explore as well as she reached out and gently touched the cock that was being neglected. She circled him with her fingers, stroked him in time with the thrust of her hips. Her eyes caught his, the blue orbs shining with both love and lust. She was deeply in love with him and he was her perfect mate.
Her cry drove him on; a fierce and eager grin on his face. She'd challenged him like that on purpose, known exactly how to get him to give her what she wanted. Cunning girl, not to mention the best lay he could remember having in the last ten years.

"Shout all you want, Enna," he growled roughly as he continued to lance up into her hard and fast, relentlessly and almost brutally pounding the young woman who had so surprised him. "Gods, you're fucking great," he swore, not to demean her but just in his blunt and honest way of speaking.

It had been so long and this felt so very good; it was hard to hold himself off. He wanted to cum. He wanted to cum badly. To let her feel his seed inside her; filling her up and marking her, painting her insides with his essence. He gritted his teeth, never ceasing in ramming his dick up into her, trying to hold on long enough to make her cream on him.

"That's good, my Bryn, you're a natural," Valius said to his betrothed in a husky, warm voice. The way she was bucking her hips to ride his knee, grinding her sweet heat down on it was perfect. And maddenly arousing.

He wanted her. Wanted her as much as his body wanted air.

Strength. He would not do that, take that last step, until she was sure.

He moved his clever mouth to her other breast, switching his hand over, sucking and tonguing her nipple harder, almost frantically. The hand on her ass pulled one of her cheeks away to let the very tips of his fingers glide over the tight rosebud of her back door. Lightly, just barely, he began to rub and prod it.

The king pulled his mouth from his worship of her breast, "Keep going, lover. I want you to cum, like you did yesterday on my hand. Let the feeling take you when it comes, ride it out and enjoy it, it's bliss is part of the gods' gifts to us."
Enna whimpered at the growled command that issued forth from Claudius as he thrust deeply into her. She noticed the grin upon his face and she matched it with one of her own. He was a cocky bastard, she thought to herself as she gripped his face and brought his lips close for a kiss.

She knew the best way to spur him into action was with a challenge or a dare. It worked in training, it had worked in diplomacy and it was working with their sex life. She whimpered as their kiss broke and he thrust into her harder and faster, her eyes fluttering close at the wonderful feelings that were racing along her spine.

When had this moment become about their sex life? It was suppose to be a quick, meaningless moment of sex, right? That’s what it would have been in Ithilien, but for some reason, there in a foreign land, it was something so much more. She was falling in love, perhaps for the first time in her life.

The thought startled her and her eyes snapped open as he swore that she was great. She leaned forward, pressing her forehead against his as they were joined so intimately. She was going to cum and she wanted it to be with him.

“I’m going to cum, Claudius.” She whimpered, her eyes locked on his as they clung to one another. “Cum with me. Please, cum with me.” She begged, crying out loudly as her control snapped and she found herself cumming harder than ever before.

She shivered in his arms, her moans echoing off the wall as she bucked and writhed against his pounding hips. Her pussy clenched and massaged along his thick length and she knew in that moment that she was most definitely in love.

Bryn rode Valius’s knee like a dutiful lover. She was lost in the lust that was consuming her. The only important thing to her right then was the sound of his voice and the husky note of pleasure that it carried. She arched her back, thrusting her breasts towards him as her head tipped backwards with the pleasure of it all.

His mouth switched to her other nipple, sucking and tonguing it until she let out an audible whine, her full lips parting at the pleasure he was giving her. She gasped as she felt his finger glide over her tightly puckered hole, her eyes turning towards him with shock and then lust.

It was a sin, she wanted to say, but the words were caught in her throat as he rubbed and prodded her sinful entrance. She whimpered, her teeth nibbling on her bottom lip as he encouraged her to find her pleasure. She didn’t need to be told twice as she rode him like a fine stallion. It didn’t matter that he was touching her in unusual places. It pleased him and that pleased her.

Her wet pussy glided across his knee, her clit grinding against his hair roughened thigh. She whimpered once, moaned twice, gasped and then finally came with a long, drawn out cry as she shook and shivered in his arms yet again. It was pure bliss, her eyes closed tightly as he played her body like a finely tuned instrument.
Her kisses were so fierce and rough that he was almost surprised not to taste blood when they parted. But, Gods, he couldn't remember sweeter, more satisfying kisses in all his years. It was as if her whole heart and soul was in each one; pure, powerful, penetrating them both.

Claudius rammed up into her hard, fast, relentless, again and again and again. She'd manipulated him perfectly and even as he realized it, he couldn't help but approve. She knew his ways and used them against him to get what she wanted and magnificently so.

Part of him wanted to think about later, about tomorrow. about what this would mean for them. But to hell with that! He'd fuck her as she wanted, make them both scream their joy, and the rest of it could rotting wait!

Her words made him let out a brief laugh and he grunted with effort, pounding up into her all the harder. Without knowing, he'd made her wait, made her feel unnoticed, he wouldn't disappoint her now. As she started to writhe he let his head tip back and let out a sound that was almost a howl, her cunt squeezing and spasming on his dick and he felt his resolve shatter. His hips bucked wildly and without rhythm as he came with her.

His cock throbbed inside her heaven and hot, thick, creamy seed erupted from him to flood her. He had not come in months, and this was the first time he'd done so by other than his own hand in seven years. Claudius came hard, heavy, and big. More and more of him sprayed into her and he wondered in pleasured delirium if she was drinking maiden tea or not.

Perhaps touching Bryn's ass that way was a mistake as she tensed and her eyes were shocked and embarrassed. But it passed after a few moments, his red haired goddess given flesh moaning and mashing her sweet sex down on his flesh.

Her moans changed and he couldn't help but grin. Her eyes closed and she let out a drawn out cry that was a heavenly and blessed thing as she came from their play. Her voice rose and all but sang out and it was a finer and more melodic beauty than any song he had heard before. Valius slid her to him, making sure her pussy remained grinding against his thigh and held her with one arm about her slender shoulders, the other still teasing her luscious little tits. He kissed her neck with passionate devotion, cradling Bryn as she rode out what may well have been the second orgasm she'd ever had in her life.

Valius chuckled and kissed her, a hard, passionate, victorious kiss. As it broke, he was beaming. "My Bryn, I love the sound of you cumming. Gods above, how happy I will be to hear it in all our days together!"

He lifted her gently, standing up with her and taking them both back into the water. It washed over them, warm and soothing. "Now, my delight, your pleasure has been on you once, but I will not let it rest at that. I want to do more for you, love, but I will not do this without asking first."

He looked into her eyes. "I want to taste your sex. To lick and suck and feast on your pretty pussy until you flood my face with your joy. But this is unwelcome be some women, and I know not how it is seen here. Will you let me?"
Enna gasped at the force of Claudius as he came. His seed washed over her passage, scalding her until she moaned loudly. She clung to him, holding him close as she panted and trembled from the beautiful moment that they’d just shared. She was sure if she hadn’t taken precautions like the maiden tea, she more than likely would have ended up with child in that very moment.

“By the Gods, Claudius.” She moaned, kissing him more gentle this time as their passions slowly cooled in the warm water that surrounded them. “I think you filled me to the brim.”

Looking into his handsome face, she smiled and felt her belly do a strange little flip. It seemed that he shared her feeling and she couldn’t help the joyous laughter that bubbled past her lips. She kissed him over and over again, her girlish enthusiasm coming through as she showed the battle hardened soldier just how she felt about him.

Bryn twitched and moaned in Valius’s arms, his hands gliding over her breasts until she shivered and moaned again. He kept her entrance pressed intimately to his thigh. His lips pressed against her throat, right over her pulse that was fluttering wildly. She barely heard his chuckle before his lips claimed hers in a hard, passionate, conquering kiss.

She blushed at his next words, a small smile escaping her lips as he lifted her into his arms and took them both into the water. She pressed kisses against his neck and cheeks as he praised her for finding her pleasure and told her that he wanted to hear it every day of their lies.

“You will give me more this evening?” She said, her voice both pleased and slightly scandalized. She had no idea that a woman could find pleasure twice in the same evening.

What he said next completely took her breath away and she found her hand moving to cup her sex and fleecy red hair as she thought over what he’d just offered. Her cheeks blazed red at the thought of his tongue upon her. His fingers had felt wonderful but his tongue…?

“You wish to lick me here?” She asked softly, a small part of her completely turned on as he looked her in the eye. “I…I think that I would like you to, my lord.” She said in a soft whisper.
The older man leaned back against the stone of the pool's side, just breathing, eyes half lidded. For a few moments there, he almost thought she'd killed him. It would be a better death than he'd ever thought he'd have; he wasn't sure he'd felt that good in his life. To cum so much and so hard...yes, it had been a long time but it still said more to him about her and their compatibility.

Her comment about him filling her to the brim made him smile and before he could speak or laugh, she kissed him. It was a different kiss; less frenzied and rough and more sweet and affectionate.

Claudius returned her kisses, hugging the young and shapely brunette to him as their lips met again and again. Her laughter was happy and pure and it rang clear in his mind. Gods, she did care for him. That was the sound of a woman in love.

"Damn right I filled you," he grinned. He had to speak in between kisses but found it delightful. "Didn't want to disappoint you now, did I? You're one hell of a lover, young Enna. My lover now, if you want to be."

The scandalized tone in her voice and the shock in her eyes was utterly adorable and at the same time immensely sexy. The vulnerability and disbelieving innocence of her virginal nature somehow made this all so much more...authentic.

Valius could tell by her deep blush and her movements that the thought of such a thing had never even occurred to her before. Which made it taboo and as it was so, deliciously appealing. He could tell she had moved to cover her sex beneath the water, though he couldn't see it, from the way her shoulders had shifted.

He had to strain to hear her approval, her voice so soft and faint, but he smiled. "You will, my love, " he answered her. "I will do my best to show you why this is done and how good it can be between us, even without the full consummation of our union."

She seemed surprised at the thought of cumming more than once in an evening too. His smile became a bit devilish. He'd have to make her do it at least twice on his tongue then; maybe three times.

Valius lifted her out of the water and set her on the edge of the pool with her legs dangling in the water below the knees. He leaned up to kiss her and then sank down into the pool, running his hands up her legs as he did so before gently spreading them apart.

The scent of her sex was muted despite her climax; the water having washed away much of her arousal but it still hit his nose and made him smile. "I like your scent," the foreign ruler murmured. "And your taste will prove better still, I doubt it not."

He slid between her opened legs and lowered his face to gaze on her sex. Her soft, downy red hair was wet and damp, darker than normal, and her lips glistened with wetness from water and her pleasure. Valius leaned in and blew softly on her cunt before his wet, warm tongue slipped out to draw a long, slow lick from the base of her slit to the top. Back down it and then up again he went, again and again and once more.

He made a happy, almost purr like rumble in his chest as the fingers of his right hand slid up to part the lips of her cunt. His lips went past and kissed her pinkness directly, tongue flicking out to tease her entrance, just barely slipping the tip inside. Then he began to lick and lap at her, trying to taste every bit of her sex and worship it as it deserved.