The Last Thing You Thought...

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LT- I'm really over living in tornado alley. I need to win the lottery and move somewhere else...the mountains maybe...tropical weather in the spring/summer and loads of snow in the winter with no earthquakes would be perfect.

I know. The elusive dream. sighs
LT- I'm really over living in tornado alley. I need to win the lottery and move somewhere else...the mountains maybe...tropical weather in the spring/summer and loads of snow in the winter with no earthquakes would be perfect.

I know. The elusive dream. sighs

Deeva! I just thought I'd peek in here and tell you Zom says hi, back! He was genuinely surprised to hear from you, but said he enjoyed writing with you!

Though how anyone enjoys writing with him is beyond me.. that man is a total bastard. giggles but I still love him.
The clique bullshit is done. Over. And I will happily tell it to you directly if you are so dense that you cannot understand the difference between groups that do what they can to exclude people, and groups that have gone out of their way to try to get new people involved. Clearly, you are either ignorant, naive, or just a stupid person. I guess which one is up to you.

You don't get to cry "clique!" every time you don't get along with someone. Sometimes people just don't get along. News flash, people are fucking different. Bit if you don't feel included, then that is your fault. Your fault. Not someone else's. Your fault. You can play the rumor game, you can "warn" new people, you can do your best to create havoc and destroy, but you will fail.

Scurry, children. I'm not afraid of your pointed messages and exasperation with drama that you insist on creating. I'm not afraid of your passive aggressive bullshit. This shit needs to end.
I'd hate to say it, but it's never over. Remember, opinions and assholes. Everyone's got em. If things could be purely objective, they'd be simpler, but that sadly isn't the case.

I know it's frustrating, but so long as there are opposing sides, there will be drama. There will be arguments, there will be bitching and moaning and slandering and slavering fangs and venomous words.

Perhaps the easiest thing to do is ignore their existence, or gloss over it at least.

Just my two cents.
LT: Insanity work out + allergy flare up + injured knee = not my smartest decision.....yay for making it for being sloppy >.<
Ah, I see, you wanted to punctuate your passive-aggressiveness.
Good thing I included a virus in my last PM.
So there.
(a really nasty'll wipe your itunes and make you poop pineapples...with the poitny outer husk still on!)


I knew routinely licking the screen would come back to bite me one day...
Even if I didn't like the book?

I think people would still like the movie even if they didn't like or read book.
It's a good movie in my opinion. Leo makes a great Gatsby, he pulls it off well.
But I guess the question is, why didn't you like the book?
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