
It’s just about jumped the shark. I’ve lost almost all interest.
I heard this word for the first time yesterday in a radio interview about one of the recent social causes....I think it was canadian aboriginal peoples now objecting to the use of the word "Chief" to describe a Band Leader, though it could have been about any one of the other pissing matches playing themselves out in the global media.

This made me wonder when and how it was that people everywhere suddenly became so thin skinned.

And that led me back to Laurel's last post here, when she said the GB had stopped being fun for her.

I don't care about the stuff going on around the world with this group or person voicing their objection to the way other people say or do things and why they must be STOPPED RIGHT NOW!!

But I do care about the way the GB has lost its sense of fun.

We used to be able to toss brickbats and bouquets around and enjoy ourselves in the process....at least , much of the time.

Now, everything is parsed for Policing, it seems.

Me, I enjoy the thrust and parry, always in good fun.

What about you? Have you lost your ability to enjoy yourself here?

If so...why?...and can you express it without witch hunting or blamecasting someone else?

About me? Und vat is your motivation?
Did you just make up a word?

I'm pretty sure etymology would show that the word references thermal underwear that is followed by multiple layers of clothing and topped with an arctic-gear parka.

Not too sure about the entomology of the word.
I do know what etymology means.

It bugs me that I get it confused with entomology.

Now I'm wondering about the etymology of entomology or possibly the entomology of etymology. . .