
Did you hear about the optometrist who fell into a lens grinder and made a spectacle of himself?
The local police station has had all its toilets stolen - a spokesman is quoted as saying the police have nothing to go on.
The local police station has had all its toilets stolen - a spokesman is quoted as saying the police have nothing to go on.

Perhaps they can water the grass.

Who ever invented the “Knock-Knock jokes” should get a No-bell prize
I told my wife that it was her turn to shovel and salt the front steps. All I got was icy stares.
Did you hear about the man at the furniture factory who fell in to the upholstery machine? He's fully recovered now.
A man noted for telling puns was locked into a dark closet, and told he would not be released until he made up a pun about the situation. He immediately shouted, "Oh, pun the door!"
I bet that joke lit up the room.


Following last week's news that Origami Bank had folded, we are hearing that Sumo Bank has gone belly up and Bonsai Bank plans to cut back some of its branches. Karaoke Bank is up for sale and is (you guessed it!) going for a song.
Did you hear about the butcher who backed into his meat grinder and got a little behind in his work?
you always thought you were a little behind, until you found out you were a big behind
My first job was working in an orange juice factory, but I got canned because I couldn't concentrate.
What is the difference between a miser and a canary? One's a little cheap and the other is a little cheeper.
Did you hear about the psychic midget that was missing?

The cops were looking for a small medium at large. 😎
He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.