New OOC 'Rebuild' you haven't scared Derry away....she has been know.
I edited my post for the roster for the farm mission is set yet. Ready MM post away.
ok ... zombies are everywhere ... mainly on the first floor ... we might lose a few NPC characters from this ...

sorry for damaging the library ... it can all be fixed ... i hope :(
Uhm I noticed something in a few posts since my last one and just want to know if first I should edit my last post to allow Deacon to be at this meeting to raise his hand?

Second, nothing against Cramer Wolfie, but Deacon will most probably stay at the Knight, he has lots that needs doing and will want to get Derry up to speed on how to use the crossbow (which he is busy with in the storage room)

You don't need to edit your post. The evening meetings are kind of obligatory, so all grown-ups who would gather if they don't excuse themselves. I mainly named all the hands to list the capable volunteers.
Hi all looks like you are having fun! I'm super busy right now. I hope to be back in the game in a few weeks. I've got a lot of catchup to do.

See you all soon

Hey everyone ... nice scene ... also boy did everyone post a lot and fast ... 2 pages in a day! WOW. It was very fun to read! AWESOME job (I'm sounding more and more like Peter!)
CASSIE WITH THE NAPOLEON VIRUS! Cramer runs like his heads on fire and his ass is catching. my last post set up ....for Deacon or what??? LMAO!!!
Off point here but nice post with Nessa Iscaa/ Back on point again Deacon and Derry sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G. I just couldn't resist. :D
What? ...what are you insinuating???? Get your mind out of the gutter Man!!! Geezzzz!

(and glad you liked what I did with Nessa )
My avatar is a Wolf we don't insinuate we just aren't that subtle...Capice? New God Father spinoff The WolfFather lol ;)
No problem....that was a great post....laughing at your awful puns

Have to set Deacon up another

Or he can walk in on us like this....I am still half naked so that would be fun and
interesting ..
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I'm his wingman by the way...atta boy way to pick up the proverbial gauntlet buddy.
Heh! Just couldn't resist the urge. Pity was when Derry got attacked Deke was down and out, at least this way he can show exactly how he feels :)

Thanks Wolfie, got to enjoy the fun this story offers hehe
It really was awesome!

*smiles* Just to remind you all: the zombies die when people would die too: a loss of too much blood would kill them quite soon. They only keep moving until the bleeding occurring with the loss of an arm or leg would deadier them.
Cramer will be relieved in the fact John won't turn and attack Norah, but now the poor girl will be heart broken after losing her brother.
i think dutchrain comment was directed at my post ... a zombie with no arms.

My thought was the only zombies on the second floor were the one's blown up there by the explosion. Both arm removals occurred during the explosion. Cauterizing the wound ... (weak .... very weak!)

I'll do better next time, sorry.
i think dutchrain comment was directed at my post ... a zombie with no arms.

My thought was the only zombies on the second floor were the one's blown up there by the explosion. Both arm removals occurred during the explosion. Cauterizing the wound ... (weak .... very weak!)

I'll do better next time, sorry.

(*grins* Good, very good!)

It is just I really like our zombies are not the typical movie's zombies ...
No flesh rotting off their bodies (yet; since they surely have not reached the final stage yet, only five days after the outbreak); still looking almost like normal people, their clothes still fairly okay; not requiring the destroyation of the brain to kill them, a stab in the heart, enough cuts all over their body, crushing of the ribcage, a cut through the throat, big enough burn wounds: it will all deadier them in the end.
Cramer will be relieved in the fact John won't turn and attack Norah, but now the poor girl will be heart broken after losing her brother.

Well, Lee will be fighting to keep him alive, but the loss of blood, the wounds in his arm ... Maybe he will lose the use of his right arm, or maybe Lee has to cut it off to save his life ...
Hopefully cussing Doc Lee can save him. Cramer has gone AWOL on the roof if anyone can't find him.