Stranded - The Manor of Mystery

As they were in each other's arms the voice spoke.

The sound was muffled and he couldn't hear the words but it went for few minutes, longer than before.
She could hear the voice speak, but she couldn't understand what it was saying. Frankly she didn't care. She caught bits and pieces, but she ignored them and continued to stay curled up in his arms, holding the kitten.
He held her tight. Voice kept going a bit louder but he was still unable to hear what.
Alex's peacefulness kept him calm.
She remained calm, still only catching bits and pieces, even though it was noticeably louder. She remained curled up next to him, kitten in hand.
Voice was getting even louder. He held on to her, gently petting little Hope that she held in her hand.
Cock sprung from the wall again. Voice was now clear and it said.
"Okay, you know what to do."
"Now! And this time both of you!" The voice spoke again.
"You have nothing to use against us anymore so fuck off." He said looking up at the ceiling, holding up to Hope and Alex as if they were to bi grabbed from him at any minute.
"Think again..." That was the last he said. Cock was still there but it didn't make any motion, and it became flaccid over time.
"Durcet," she said, holding her head. "My head hurts, really badly. . ."

She was scared. She didn't want to be snatched by the voice, nor did she want to do anything with the cock poking out in the wall. The headache made her feel weak, and vulnerable.
"Since I did it once before..." he was thinking and took a cock and started stroking it.
"If I do this, will you give her something for her head and promise that nothing will happen to the two of them?"
"Durcet. . . " she shook her head. She was done with the voice. "No, I'll suffer silently, thank you," she said, holding her head and curling in a ball, holding Hope.
Two years had passed since their time at the Mansion. The whole ordeal ended with cops barging inside and arresting the culprits. Couple of men were behind everything. One rich old landlord that put together a group of people to build this and couple of well trained dicks that followed with his plans.

Beside them there were a lot of corpses all around the place, as it was later revealed. People were disappearing and it was becoming noticeable.

Beside Alex and Durcet, two women were found alive but one had mouth wired shut and the other was brutally raped and three man that went through similar torture.

There were few very well isolated passages. Turns out two of them were spared for most of the time.

At the time cops barged in two of them were lying naked with her on top of him, nearly dead.
At one point when they stopped obeying orders he cut them off from food and water and raised the room temperature.

After that time two of them were once more institutionalized. They spent most of their times apart since it was taught that they will force each others memories back.

Durcet liked his time in the mansion. Things were better than before, he had her and he was able to fight for her and she responded to him. Now he was once again just a patient.

Soon he was released and back to his job, he met with his shrink two times a week and he took a visit to the jail two times to thank his captor.

Alex was somewhere. One day the doorbell rang. She was at the door and with no hesitation she gave him a piece of paper that read.

"Searching for a couple that wants to participate as a submissive partner to another couple. Applicants should be open to: masochism, humiliation, semen ejaculation and other bodily fluids, physical pain no higher than a punch (kicking, slapping, spanking, punching)
No sexual intercourse required
Applicants will be living with us in the mansion well supplied, but will be cut off from the outside world, they will receive 3000 a day for the next three months. At the end of each week they will receive an ability to leave and keep the earning they made up until that point."
Alex was nervous about seeing Durcet after all these years. After they were institutionalized, she became depressed again, but she couldn't get rid of it like she did the last time, since she was on a 24 hour suicide watch. After four years, they released her again. She saw her shrink a few times a week, depending on her schedule.

She had found the ad and talked to her shrink about it. Even though she was about 20 years his junior, her shrink agreed with them that the mansion was the best thing to happen to them and even helped Alex find him.

So now here she was, on his doorstep, nervous about what he would say after all these years.

Finally she spoke. "I missed you," she said softly.
With her by the door he was happy. His mind was racing and he was trembling.
"C-come in. I have some... nothing I suppose. I could..."
He looked around for something and then just froze there.

Her presence was getting him more and more aroused.

He grabbed her, closed the door and started to kiss her aggressively but then he suddenly stopped.
"Sorry, this was wrong. My doctor said I should be more assertive and dominant."

He straightened her dress and asked her to sit down.
She welcomed this kiss, and laughed, entering his home. "So did my doctor," she confessed.. "but he's patient with me."
They sat on the couch and she looked as stunning as ever. First time in normal environment he started kissing her again. As he broke their kiss he asked her "Do we have to go right away? You could stay here a bit before we meet these people."
"We don't have to go right away," she said, looking at him with a smile. "I'd love to stay here for a bit."
He was afraid to seem as an old perv again but everything was coming back.
It didn't go naturally to him about what to do next, things are far less easy when there is no voice to tell you what to do.
"I have a 9 to 5 job, it will be enough for both of us. I would love to have you here."
He just stared at her, getting aroused more as the moments passed.
"I would love to be here," she said honestly. She leaned in and kissed him again, giving a soft moan./
Her moan drove him deeper in arousal, yet he sill wasn't comfortable enough to relax.
He was feeling guilt. He was coming to the point of looking her as a thing than as a person. He wanted her and it was destroying him.

He pushed her off and went to get her some water. He was filling up the glasses in the kitchen.
She waited patiently, understanding the struggle he was going through, and feeling bad that he had to go through it.
Thinking about it, made no sense. They had been through enough, she was what he wanted and the feeling was mutual. He has been through this enough to know.

He came back and gave her the water.
"Tomorrow If you want we could buy some food. I have some women's clothes in the closet I think they will fit you."
He wasn't feeling comfortable enough to tell her but from time to time he would wear female clothing and talk to himself in high pitched voice pretending it was her.

"There is the bed, back there. I-I could s-sleep on the couch."
She nodded and stood up. She walked over to him and kissed him gently. "If that is what you're comfortable with, Durc, that's what we'll do, okay?" she said softly. She gave him a reassuring smile.