Advice on pitching/writing fiction


Feb 16, 2012
This thread by Ed Solomon is about pitching creative work, but I think it's also excellent advice on how to write that work:

"I've always hated pitching. I get self-conscious, become hyper-aware of those in the room (especially if I sense the SLIGHTEST hesitation), easily lose my train of thought. Then I got the best advice ever, and it's helped me enormously. So I thought I'd share it. It's this:

"We spend so much time trying to figure out what we think the other person wants to hear. But here's the thing: we can NEVER know what is ACTUALLY going on in their minds. And we will never be the expert on what they need. HOWEVER...

"We are the world's FOREMOST AUTHORITY on OUR OWN TAKE. On what WE love about something. And that is unassailable. Meaning: it can never be taken away. And so now, when I go into a room, I simply focus on what gets ME excited about something; what *I* like.

"And so when I get lost - or self-aware.. I turn inside and ask myself: "What is it I love about this?" Not only did it change everything for me.. it turns out that - most of the time - that's EXACTLY what people want."
So true.

I just received some Beta feedback on my current WIP, which concluded:
But, leave it as it is and go nuts with it. :) If you and your beta readers are enjoying this stretch in your writing, that's good enough for anyone (and those that disagree can eat me while I take a piss. ;) ).
Rather elegantly expressed.

Write what you know, write what you like, is always good advice when in doubt.