How To Library Sticky?

i'd like to keep a "legend" section of treesex and all those that we all know about and love.

... i'm all excited. lol. I'm such a dork!
Some serious answers:

Perhaps you could divide it into two categories: sexual issues and relationship issues. It seems there are just as many threads on relationships/communication as there are on sex itself.

A few ideas:

The "Getting over Abuse" thread started by Gil.

The "Milking a Man's Cock" thread...started by...? I don't remember. I'm sorry. :eek:

There are two really GOOD fisting threads on here, but I haven't seen them in a long while.

Mr. G's infamous G-spot thread.

The original Food Sex thread. Others have been started, but they don't compare to the original one. I don't remember who started it, but it was here when I first started posting, maybe two years ago?

There are many relationship-type threads out there...the most recent one that comes to mind was from liloleme. I don't remember the name of it. (Apologies, liloleme. :rose: )

I'm sure there are many, many threads I'm forgetting, but those are the ones that pop to mind first.

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Let's not forget that one of the very first topics that Blue Sugar mentioned was lube for anal sex.

Now where's that can of axle grease? The weekend is hard upon us.

I was thinking of breaking it up into mental and physical with its sub catagories.

then the
oral - how to, why, taste
anal - no need to explain
vagina - squirting issues
penis - inhancers, support, tricks etc...
toys - how to, and a list of sites...

legends: threads we all know and love that NEED to be recorded for the memories and moments. Like tree sex and the sneaky hampsters ;)

how to : spice things up
how to : support threads (such as the abuse one, and your thread, being the "other woman", and V's thread soon will be one in no time)

and others with those themes...

and ... anything else BIG we can make a file out of.
BlueSugar said:
I was thinking of breaking it up into mental and physical with its sub catagories.

then the
oral - how to, why, taste
anal - no need to explain
vagina - squirting issues
penis - inhancers, support, tricks etc...
toys - how to, and a list of sites...

legends: threads we all know and love that NEED to be recorded for the memories and moments. Like tree sex and the sneaky hampsters ;)

how to : spice things up
how to : support threads (such as the abuse one, and your thread, being the "other woman", and V's thread soon will be one in no time)

and others with those themes...

and ... anything else BIG we can make a file out of.


You CAN be spectacular at this. ;)

TNRkitect2b said:
I agree! It sounds like you have things well under control.

well.. it was either work on 2 10 pages on philosophy of athiesm and religion and finish reading 6 books for such papers OR work on Lit for a half hour instead and THEN do the papers ...

oral- how, best way, first time, taste
anal - best position, first times , lube
female- infections, PMS, surgery, birth, squirting, "is this normal"
male - disfunctions, cock rings, medications, size issues
((and the two try this and report back threads...))
First time and birth control FAQs/threads

Spice things up- nights/weekends of fun
toys + lingere - how to pick, find, buy, preferences and where
house hold + food - fun in the house in a pinch
Setting the mood + music

Moving on
Moving in/out
Finding time
How to bring up something new/not sure how S/O will react
The Talk
Finding time
Family/inlaw related issues with values and raising a family
"uh oh they found my ____ what to tell them??!!"

(any big catagories I'm missing?)

Legendary and Proud Moments
Best public places
Group/bringing in a 3rd ideas
Acceptance of sexuality prefences
Opinions/Preferences/Polls "is _____ dirty or is it normal"
Gripes ... anger ... sharing threads about life and relationships

break it up into two sections Mental and Physical
then under those catagories listed above provide the threads
date when started, how many pages to the thread and who started the thread.

I'm still waiting to hear from the Lib. from the BDSM board to see if I have the right idea or if I'm starting too complicated.
It is well on its way now... I've been at it for the better part of the night bec my S/O was working late.

What are some threads that you remember that you've posted in or admired from a distance that I can put in our Library?
I have quite a few... quite a few racked up... but again, I have only been here since June, and although there are many threads I know and love now from my past, I'm not going to pretend I can really really dig through here and bring up the very very important ones that were here long before I was.

I'm using the search to the best of my knowledge, and I'm finding ALOT of good info... there is ALOT that we all know ... help me find more :) !!
Things are coming along ok, I'm almost ready to get the sticky and C/p everything the right way. Just waiting to see if I have the right idea from the BDSM Lib.

please... feel more then free to help me drag up a legendary thread from way before my time here that has helped you. I have about 1/4 of the threads from the past year ... but Lit boards have been around before that... so dig back into everywhere you've posted .... dig deep into those thousands of posts you've racked up !!!!
Don't forget a computer support section, blue sugar. In fact, why don't you delegate the collection of those threads to one of the cyber jockeys *grin*

Cyberski perhaps? *grinning bigger*

After all, it is a speciality section....

BlueSugar, I just found a way that worked very nicely in searching those old threads...

Pick out a poster that is very prolific, with several thousand posts, but someone who usually posts something very useful...midwestyankee is the first person that pops to mind, as an example. :rose:

Go to the search function. Type that person's name in the user name box. Then, scroll to 'how to' when it asks which forum to search...'any date' when it asks which posts to look for...then, the little box on the right hand corner, which says 'ascending or descending'...the drop-down box allows you to choose a search return based on number of replies. Click on that one. Then hit the search button.

And voila...the most popular threads, the most responses, and all from the very beginning. :)

Some I was reminded of when I did that search:

"What do these terms mean" by Kinda Kinky
"How do I finish a blowjob" by Ladybird
"Who has fucked an animal" by Drunkhippo (yeah, I know it might seem like a flaming thread when you read the title, but it really does have some interesting and concise discussion in there.)

There are many, many more. I was surprised at how well using that 'number of replies' search worked for finding the really good threads. :rose:

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Don't forget a computer support section, blue sugar. In fact, why don't you delegate the collection of those threads to one of the cyber jockeys *grin*

Cyberski perhaps? *grinning bigger*

After all, it is a speciality section....


Oh, I have it.. lol. People come in here and ask about AVs and post count and signature help. Others come and ask about windows... there is a computer av misc section :)

the last thing i'm doing is coming up with witty things to call them.
sheath said:
BlueSugar, I just found a way that worked very nicely in searching those old threads...

Pick out a poster that is very prolific, with several thousand posts, but someone who usually posts something very useful...midwestyankee is the first person that pops to mind, as an example. :rose:

Go to the search function. Type that person's name in the user name box. Then, scroll to 'how to' when it asks which forum to search...'any date' when it asks which posts to look for...then, the little box on the right hand corner, which says 'ascending or descending'...the drop-down box allows you to choose a search return based on number of replies. Click on that one. Then hit the search button.

And voila...the most popular threads, the most responses, and all from the very beginning. :)

Some I was reminded of when I did that search:

"What do these terms mean" by Kinda Kinky
"How do I finish a blowjob" by Ladybird
"Who has fucked an animal" by Drunkhippo (yeah, I know it might seem like a flaming thread when you read the title, but it really does have some interesting and concise discussion in there.)

There are many, many more. I was surprised at how well using that 'number of replies' search worked for finding the really good threads. :rose:


I've tried doing that when I want to fine tune searchs. You Ms Sheath have been How To's go to gal, you have posted alot of things that are helpful to so many.
and i have all but one of those, i forgot about the animal stuff... i did remember those incest threads though.
well, off to keep it goin :)

the thing is though, all the newer threads all push people off to the older threads AND have people responding to them still ... so as long as they have the older threads referenced I use the newer ones bc they're even more helpful.

oh.. and also.. the thread may have alot of replys.. but sometimes they're just fluff! hehe.
ok, a good 20 pages on word, rough final draft. anyone want to help fine tune/stick threads in different catagories/make up catagories send me an email :) ((

i think i want to take some threads from other sections bc they apply to us and they're for all.. and they'll just be burried on other boards... like when the GB deals with death, divorce, pregnancy, disease and other family matters.

And I found draaah's first thread on welcoming everyone to the How To ... and it says that she wants this to be like a "blank manual" so that is what I would like to name this library...


ETA of this "blank manual" I would say end of the week :)
... where did everyone go?

I'm fine tuning the list further down, putting things in their places.

I haven't c/p the html over it so it looks all pretty when I just copy paste it into the sticky

because I need a resident How To-er to look over what I have collected, and see if I've skipped over anything ... I need second opinions, just give me a lil PM with your email in it and I'll send you the whole kit and caboodle ... you don't have to reorganize anything, just look it over and give me a little input... look over the threads see if they are in their proper places (some of them are tough...) ... I need an editor pronto ;)

thankies for your time patience and help with this project!!

... where did everyone go?
sorry, :( I would help, but I am swamped with school right now and for the next week. Final project time. I'm sure someone else will be glad to help though.
I knew i was going to be swamped as well, so I did most of it between saturday and today. I just need an editor of Elder How To status to make sure I didn't forget anything.

take a breather and pace yourself as far as your work goes... its a killer around this time of year.
well... its done, all moving has been done ... It just needs to be looked over one last time by someone else and to be html-ed into the sticky :)

then I send it away ... many thanks to those that have shared their wisdom and lives with Lit over the years and for the years to come.
BlueSugar said:

Oh yeh.....i'd forgotten all about that dealio, you were taking sooooo long.....

*ducks and runs like hell from thread*
cyberski said:

Oh yeh.....i'd forgotten all about that dealio, you were taking sooooo long.....

*ducks and runs like hell from thread*

hey, some of us have lives ::giggle:: :p !!

:) tehe.