Can a Dom ever love

I prefer to belong to men that I like being friends with. Friends, then lovers; the D/s stuff happens pretty organically somewhere along the way. Love may or may not happen. Monogamy may or may not be part of the picture. (Love tends to happen, in my experience, but not necessarily in the way most people define "falling in love".)

Marriage? No thank you. BTDT, and have no interest in ever doing so again.

As an example of how many different ways D/s can present itself... you commented that it sounded like role play to you (not falling in love, with the ultimate goal of marriage). Which is valid for you. To me, virtual D/s sounds like role play.

Yay ice cream!
Yes, I don't have a framework for this so sometimes when I ask my questions in my head I am thinking of d/s in general-real life and my questions refer to that, but more specific questions are in the virtual world. Hope that clears it up.

Thank you coy, I like your answer :)