Hairotica - AGAIN


play with my hair
touch my hair
brush my hair
pet me
braid my hair
unbraid my hair
lift my hair from my neck and kiss me.... right.... there
run your fingers through my hair
pull my hair
gather all of it into your hands and pull my head back
.... making me feel controlled and tethered and possessed
as you kiss me on the mouth
work yourself into my soul as your fingers tease the knots apart
casting an unbreakable spell on me
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I brush my hair swept over my head, exposing my neck...
the tips nearly sweeping the floor
my neck newly exposed
the tiny hairs pricked up in cool air
awaiting your heated kisses
I've noticed all these images are of women. But not of men. Why not give long haired men some love?

This is nice. There's something about a woman with natural grey hair that makes no pretence to hide it. A statement of honesty about who she is and where she is on her journey through life. I always instinctively like a woman with natural grey hair, and I think its because I believe she's making a powerful statement about herself. I like that.