Last Daughter of Krypton: Legion IC

The Girl of Tomorrow spun her cyclone and drew the demonic horde into it. Some of the monsters flailed along the outside currents of the whirlwind, and these J'onn struck with his Mjolnir and sent them asunder.

As the remnants of Kara Zor-El's tornado dwindled another of the hell's beasts dared peek its horned head out of the pit. This one locked eyes with the Martian Manhunter, and its own eyes flared red as did J'onn's.

A consciousness tried to invade J'onn's mind. It was vile. Evil. Unholy.

When it tried to push into his mind.....

J'onn pushed back.

With terrible force the Last Martian pushed and focused his powerful mental capacities into one singular and direct thought.

As the monster attempted to crawl from the pit, it shrieked, and howled, and grabbed its horny head.

Then, it exploded.

It's pieces rained down and some were caught by the dying winds of Supergirl's flight.

Martian Manhunter turned in time to see the TARDIS sitting nicely upon the arctic snow and Ceriel of the Angels ripping her way skyward.
Knight Lang - North Pole

The Armoured guardian walked across the glittering white plain, hexa- and pentagrammic wards sinking deep into the frozen snow. Wards that glowed with an unearthly power, a glow that slowly and softly dimmed. Almost as if a seething rage was calming.

Auspex sensorium picked out targets and labeled them under the classification : Ally. Snow swirled and blew, rising to a micro blizzard as the hole into The Pit spiraled closed. Pausing where she was the Knight scanned the region, seeking out any errant or wandering daemons, devils, or demons that had managed to sneak, sidle, or swindle past.

And on the Auspex scanner a temporal anomaly coalesced. Forming a dark blue box – although interestingly enough the scanner could not determine its external size nor mass. The reading continually fluctuated between 1.5 meters and 3.3 meters. With a mass between .00002 kilos and 99,999 to the power of 9999 - kilotonnes.

I emerged from Shadow into a gale of winter air and the sulfur stench of the open Hellmouth. Demons still poured out, but as soon as they emerged the heroes destroyed them. One of the kids was using the iron weapons of the horde against them, a whirlwind of sharpened blades that stripped demonic flesh from bones. J'onn was wielding a azure hammer to great effect (I'm sure Thor would not mind, he loved, I mean LOVED a good fight!) and KK had a whirlwind going.

Then I stepped forward and unsheathed Dirge, and everything paused for a second as the mournful sound ripped through the souled and the soulless alike.
Demons swarmed me, then disintegrated into ash as Dirge blew them back into nothingness. A lower knight tried his hellfire steel against mine, and found his soul sucked into the malignant blade I carried, a final death the sword desired.

Only one creature had ever survived major damage from Dirge, and that was the only time I brought the blade to earth. Doomsday survived loosing an arm to the blade (in fact the damn thing grew back in under an hour!)but almost killed me for my impudence in trying to kill him. In my own defense I was half mad with grief over loosing someone I loved almost as much as my Rose.

I made my way to the edge of the Hellmouth, and cleared a path the others could see.

"Kara, J'onn, plug it with a boulder etched with a cross in a protective circle. I'll hold them back from the inside."

I then jumped in, and the flow trickled down, then stopped as I started in on the horde.

It was more fun than I have had in a long while.
"Kara, J'onn, plug it with a boulder etched with a cross in a protective circle. I'll hold them back from the inside."

"I'm on it," Kara said, and she flew up into the air before turning back towards the ground, punching into it as easily as an Olympic swimmer would when diving into a pool from a springboard.

Having already judged the size of the Hellmouth on her way down, Kara twisted and turned her body in the ground so that she could create a chunk of earth large enough to fit inside the opening. Dust clouds rose up from the ground as Kara completed her circle, and then the arctic floor trembled as she pushed her way down underneath so that she could lift the chunk up into the air.

Snow fell from the boulder as Kara hoisted it up with both hands, revealing a fairly flat surface on top.

It wasn't perfect, but it would have to do.

At least she wasn't being asked to seal an active volcano.

That crap never works.

"Okay. My hands are a little tied... so could someone do me the honors and draw a very fancy cross on this thing?"
"Okay. My hands are a little tied... so could someone do me the honors and draw a very fancy cross on this thing?"[/QUOTE]

The Martian Manhunter stepped in front of where Supergirl held the massive rock.

"With pleasure, my lady," he said to her. J'onn J'onzz then unleashed pure, red energy from his eyes in a tightly focused beam. He carved into the rock the symbol Wraith had ordered to be rendered.

"Not my finest artwork," he admitted, "but it will have to do."
Caroline turned her heat vision towards another lesser demon, and she reduced his entire body to a pile of ash. She clenched her fists and rolled to the side as another demon attempted to strike at her with his weapon, and once she recovered she flew up and drove her knee into the side of his face, knocking him over. One more punch to the demon's chest sent him flying into Supergirl's vortex, which Caroline had to be careful not to get too close to.

Kara's Zor-El's power was amazing.

The younger Supergirl turned towards Brande, the Martian Manhunter, and she saw the demons that were rent asunder by his mighty hammer.

Everyone was doing their best.

Catspaw and Furball were tearing through the scattered demonic forces, as if their enemies were nothing more than chew toys.

Caroline smiled as she finally caught sight of Brainy, and after touching down beside him she tapped him on the shoulders.

"Well? What do you think?" she asked, clasping her hands together behind her back.

"Okay. My hands are a little tied... so could someone do me the honors and draw a very fancy cross on this thing?"

The Martian Manhunter stepped in front of where Supergirl held the massive rock.

"With pleasure, my lady," he said to her. J'onn J'onzz then unleashed pure, red energy from his eyes in a tightly focused beam. He carved into the rock the symbol Wraith had ordered to be rendered.

"Not my finest artwork," he admitted, "but it will have to do."

And then there came a rush of wings, Ceriel banking back to land with the broken, unconscious half-skeletal Claire cradled in her arms.

"Don't sell yehrself short, Doctor Jones."

"It's quite good."

She smiled faintly, reaching up with one hand and trailing her fingers over the carving, little caring as to what residual heat remained-- she had just, after all, been in Hell, the after-effects of Martian heat vision were a summer breeze by comparison.

"Like Coronado's."

She closed her eyes, and spoke in the tongues of angels. Sanctifying that cross. It shone with The White Light of Life, with The Grace of The Presence.

And then she turned back to The Supergirl and The Manhunter, and she nodded to them. "I need to go, Jones. I need to get this woman where she belongs. I'll try to be back soon. Make sure they don't open another one of those."

She smiled a soft little smile. "Miss Kent. Yeh look lovely. Presence be with yeh."

It wasn't just a benediction. It was a declaration. Like she wasn't hoping God would be with Kara-- it was like she was telling Kara that He was with her.

And then she sank to one knee and she wrapped her wings around herself and Claire.

Scion of Light forgive her for abandoning her post, keeping an eye on and giving counsel to Allana, but this was a grievous wrong and-- and if Zarathos caught a whiff of this damned soul, well, that might not go well.

And so she prayed, again, in the speech of Heaven, spoke in the tongues of angels, prayed to The Death-Angel of The Third Heaven-- and her mortal frame dispersed, vibrated out of The Plane of The Book--

--and Claire went with her.
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The Doctor. Further Reunions.

And on the Auspex scanner a temporal anomaly coalesced. Forming a dark blue box – although interestingly enough the scanner could not determine its external size nor mass. The reading continually fluctuated between 1.5 meters and 3.3 meters. With a mass between .00002 kilos and 99,999 to the power of 9999 - kilotonnes.

After a moment, one of The TARDIS' doors creaked open, and a slender man in an all-black suit and an all-brown coat and a mystical medallion staggered out, cradling his arm and still chuckling to himself.

His arm hurt. Mostly in the wrist area. Oddly, not as bad as when he'd gotten that very wrist severed at Christmas that time, but pretty badly. Still, could've been worse, he reflected as he tugged the door shut behind him.

Dusting sulfurous powder off of a shoulder, he glanced up at the Knight before him-- and blinked.

"Oh. 'Ello."

And then blinked again.

"Oh! Right! Yes, oh, it would be you."

"Dame Allana! Love the suit."
"Oh. 'Ello."

And then blinked again.

"Oh! Right! Yes, oh, it would be you."

Her head turned slightly and she locked her gaze on him, the sound of her jaw clenching a counter creaking in the artic north. Her helm peeled back to bare her face to the biting winds, ice forming on her eyelashes and collecting in her eyebrows. She said nothing for the longest of time, her gaze unwavering as she gazed upon his face. A face unchanged since she’d seen him last. A lifetime, and a billion parsecs distant.

"Dame Allana! Love the suit."

She was so tired, the strain of hold IT at bay as the Celestial ripped from the hellmouth holding it’s treasure had been hard. But here, with him standing before her - she felt the Beast's Rage renewed. It screamed inside her demanding freedom to Punish him. To make him pay for his sins, his crimes.

A tear began to slide down her cheek a whisper echoing in the howling wind. A whisper that sent her prisoner, her punishment screaming into a frenzy as her face plate closed once more. Microscopic runes glittering like diamonds under her skin as IT raged. At last her face hidden once more she turned and walked away, turned to deal out punishment. Time to bring vengeance upon the damned.

The creature screamed for her to go back, to punish him, to bring Vengeance upon him. He had done so much wrong, so many had died because of – and for – him. He had to be punished, it was his due. But she, Allana Lang of the House of Kent, Celestial Knight under Order of the Papal See had pronounced sentence.

And it was that simple word that she had whispered. One word that sent a demon into a frenzy. A frenzy worse than being bound to a coin. A rage worse that seeing a celestial carry a demon away from hell. A screaming fit that knew no bounds. A simple word that only she could speak. A simple thing that only she could give the Traveler. The Wanderer. The Lost Child. The Wizard.

She’d dreamed of this day. Of sinking her blade into his chest for what he’d asked of her. She’d thought about that dance of blade on blade since her chest had been peeled open and the coin placed beside her heart.

She’d hated him for years. But she’d said the word. And surprising even herself, she’d meant it. And now she’d found peace. Of a sort. Her blade flicked without thought as a scrabbling demon thing leapt from a snow mound, it’s blue scales glittering like ice. A flick, a simple twist of her wrist, something she didn’t even notice. It’s head arced away from it’s shoulders a blue fountain of blood geysering as it collapsed.

Before she’d taken another step it’s blood froze and crystallized into saphires. Crumbling as it disintegrated.

A word whispered and bound with Truth and sincerity.

A word wrapped in pain and meaning.

A word that stopped every demon, large and small for just a moment when it had been whispered.

A word that meant everything, if it was meant for you.

Or from you.

Years past

Leather boots scuffed across the stone worked floor, a floor worn smooth by centuries of initiates, noviates, knights and others walking them. Opening the door the figure paused for a moment, as light filled the room. Light that shown down upon the chain encased figure. A figure making more links for more chains.

Each link carried the weight of a soul, and most souls carried no weight. A breath. A whisper. But when you carried a billion links across a thousand chains…

Well the weight could be rather tremendous. Much like a whisper was nothing, but a hurricane destroyed. Staring down at the girl as she folded each piece of metal into a link on her chains, he smiled. “Now you know the weight of damnation.” He said, his smile turning to a snarl. “You shall never know peace as long as you bear those chains.”

Reaching out to the ever full pile of links, the Girl sighed. “I know. But your guilt and crimes are greater than mine, Deamon. You betrayed HIM. I destroyed a world of savage monsters, butchers, and unclean abominations."

“Maybe so, child, but you bear chains heavier than any I have ever seen before.” Hair and skin melted as the inferno scorched away his flesh, enveloping him in flames. “Burn with me.” He whispered as he reached a hand for her already blackening skin.

Snapping upright her jaw locked open in a scream of silence Allana shook with terror. The coin under her bones glowing hot enough to light the room. Silently she began to pray. A litany of pleading.

I am the Hammer....
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