The Darker Side of Nothing.

Blithe shook his head softly. "Do not associate me with what you consider yourself. I have simply chosen an alternate path from my brethren. It does not expose me as a rouge..." He would turn away from her curiosity.
Annoyed at the label she attempted to place him under.
Ivory would allow a gentle giggle to surpass her lips as he sat there like a bewildered animal. Her amber optics glanced to the window nearest to her. "I like the rain... Everything smells so clean after."

She spoke this time mostly to herself. Slipping from the stool gently her cherries would fade until they were no more. Her bare feet would pad quietly over to the window which still held her gaze. Her slender fingers would press to the chilling glass as the droplets danced down its payne. Her lip would be pinched between her teeth, as she turned to speak this time to anyone who listened to her pointless ramble.

"It makes everything seem new, a little damp... But healthy." Her voice was softer than before. More thoughtful,. as it danced through the air. "But not many would agree." The last few words seemed to drift away with a solemness.
"I'm sorry if I offended you," Alendra said contritely. "Just a habit. My people have labeled me as such, simply because of my sex and my abilities, I was merely wondering if yours had done the same. I see it is not so." She gave a small smile. "Again, the habit of a scholar."
Angus turns in his chair with a curious look at the petite little lass, the way she peered out the window at the rain falling was quite fetching. ''Aye Lass you're right bout overly sensitive nose lets me experience every scent to it's fullest.'' Lifting his tankard to drink the last dregs of his ale, as soon as it was drained of it's contents it simply vanished. Crossing his arms the intelligent expressive eyes of a wolf were revealed, hoping against hope that this would not frighten her away from him.
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A soft chuckle would leave his muscular form. His eyes flickered mischievously, as he studied her. "You appear so kind now, when only moments before you were so cold... Challenging." His voiced danced still with a soft playfulness. "What changed my dear?"
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Ivory's soft gaze would turn away from the rain. Her form would pull back from the glass, leaving prints on its surface. The flickering liveliness of her optics would meet his for only seconds, she aware fully of what she herself was capable of. Her lenses would drop gradually.
"The eyes of a beast?" Her soft voice questioned. She neared him gradually her bare soles padding almost silently across the old wooden floor. A small smile touched her lips.
"Never have I met one so kind... So undeserving of my plague of insanity."
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Alendra gave a warm chuckle. "Well, who am I to judge anyone?" she asked softly. "And sometimes, an act of kindness cuts more deeply than a harsh word." Her voice held a hint of warmth.
Angus watched Ivory turn away from the rain streaked window, as she pads toward him on silent feet. As her eyes met his a moment his curious nature was piqued, he'd never seen a lass like her before she was quite unique. "I am indeed a beast I carry the cursed mark of it.'' Uncrossing his powerfully built arms raises his left hand, revealing the pentagram scar upon the palm. ''I am a very old Werewolf...unlike my equally cursed kind I retained my humanity.'' The last words she spoke were unusual in a way, he'd not heard before since the attack long long ago.
"Then allow it the dig trenches into my flesh." He smiled softly at her and allowed his left eye to wink softly.
Finishing his drink he would press a coin to his table's counter and as it faded his glass refilled.
"Others..." She spoke softly as she invited herself to his table. The smell of clean water, and pine lingered on her flesh, "Would be less ready to reveal their... Unique qualities to a stranger. What if I hunted your kind for blood lust... Or just the simplistic thrill of taking a life? You would be at a great disadvantage. Both from showing me what you are an exposing your species weakness, and by unknowing what it is I am." A small smile would graze her face, as she refused to let her gaze meet his.
She smiled and shook her head, amused. She also had her glass refilled. "I shall let it do so," she replied softly.
He studied this female for moments. Contemplating his next word, if he uttered any at all. He let his mind dance, and swim freely about several truly ungodly ideas. Beautifully seductive in the utmost way. Discarding them he would dig deeper into his thoughts, deciding the best way to know her, was to feast... In silence on her dreams. Then, delicately, gradually, he would implant himself into them.

"Are you waiting out the storm here, or treading through mud and water home?" His voice soft, perhaps it even held a hint on genuine concern.
She sighed. "Looks like I'm getting a place here, the rain is terrible," she said. "It always dampens my studies. . . "
"Without rain, nothing would grow... Where would your precious forest be then?" His tone yet again taunting.
''I am an open and honest's simply my nature...if remaining true to myself brings about my death so be it.'' Angus lowers his large callused hands to the table, interlaces his thick fingers together continues to sit back relaxing in his chair. Noticing the little lass didn't meet his gaze again, she had her reasons he supposed so he didn't go out of his way to meet hers. ''I've lived for many's had it's good times and bad.'' Angus lets out a deep sigh as he recalls his past, his mother, his father, love won love lost, places he's been, things he's seen. ''Death is a natural part life...without it life would be endless and intolerable.''
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Alendra shrugged. "I do suppose that's true. . . My kind does not adapt too kindly to change," she admitted.
"Without death..." She spoke softly. "There is no living, only existence." She would feel a calmness cover her form, and sure her eyes would not shift as she looked to him, she would meet his gaze. Her amber optic fibers, interlaced with a tiresome worry. They beaten down, and weak in faded color. Only when the centers shimmered crimson did she look away.
"I am a Fury... A monster, who can destroy a man's sane mind in just one crimson glance."
"You're an elf. Its quite ironic... The thing most apt to change in this world is nature... And you, aren't use to it." He would drink from his glass yet again. "Change is inevitable. But you're a smart girl. You know that."
"Indeed I do," she said softly, her voice amused by the truth of his words. She set down the proper coinage and a room key was made available to her. She sipped from her tankard yet again. "Was hoping that I could find a job tonight," she confessed.
A sly smirk would touch his lips and he would turn to her. "What line of work are you in... Exactly?"
"Freelance mercenary, specializing in those in need of magic," she admitted softly. "This is typically where I get my customers. My kind do not take too kindly to my gifts, leaving me to study and work on my own. So I became a mercenary."
"Why murder, when you can teach?" His voice ernest and soft, tossing all kidding aside. "Find others like yourself... Others willing to learn."
"I'm not exactly the teaching type," she explained. "Not to mention that the majority of the reason why I'm a rogue is because my kind does not take too kindly to females of magic. My sole teacher was my father, and he is long gone." A single tear was shed, and she gently wiped it away.
He would nod softly sitting in silence for a moment. Then he would rise and produce from his pocket a single handkerchief. "Here... Don't cry dear." His tone different. As if some humility lie beneath his incubi exterior. Perhaps, even an ounce of sympathy
"Thank you," she whispered, taking the handkerchief and dabbing at her eyes gently. "I'm sorry. . . my emotions usually don't surface." She smiled a sad smile as she gently placed it back into his hands. Her violet eyes were showing a new side of her, a softer, gentler side of her. It was almost innocent in it's looks.