Shadows in Light (closed)

After getting his and Nancy's badges before Suri and Elsie had arrived, he decided to talk to the security guard to see how things were handled. From what he was told, the company hired only former military and Knights to fill the ranks of security. With the type of high level business, research, and other contracts the company dealt with, only the best were hired to protect the company headquarters.

It was Nancy who noticed the others first, so she pointed them out. The young woman who had greeted them earlier smiled seeing them approach.

"Now that everyone is here, we can begin the tour of the research department. Follow me into the elevator."

In the elevator, Joesph stood next to Suri while the others were closet to the door. He reached down and laid one hand again Suri's ass as he whispered in her ear for a moment.

"You look nice."

He continued to to keep his hand on her ass as their guide used her badge on a sensor beneath the elevator buttons.

"Now to access the floors you are assigned to, just scan the barcode on the back of your badges and the proper floor lights will light up. The first thirty floors are your typical offices, covering accounting, personnel, company business, etc. Nothing you will need to worry about unless it pertains to paycheck or human resources. Now the research departments start on level 30, all the way to floor 40 including the roof."

She pressed the button for floor thirty, and they were on their way up. When the door opened, she motioned them out to stand in front of the elevator.

"Now this is the first of two floors that we have, called desk city. As you can see, this is where most of the data entry for the scientists is done. Ms McMasters and Ms Rodgers, your section is on the next floor. The setup is about the same, except you will share one office. Each office has two people assigned to it, with a little more privacy."

She lead them back into the elevator, pressing the button for level 35. She turned and faced them once more as the elevator began to move once more.

"The laboratories start on floors 32 to 34 and 36 to the roof. Since the labs are open 24/7/365, floor 35 has been setup to accommodate that. Ms. MsMasters and Ms Rodgers, you have access to that floor as well, if so desired."

The elevator dinged and she led them out of the elevator once more. She turned to face them with a smile.

"The floor has a large workout room, cafeteria, a small movie theater, and sleeping quarters. A few of the scientists that work here like to remain in the building working on their projects, so the sleep quarters was built for just such a need. It is unisex, so everyone is able to use it, as well as bathroom facilities with showers. Our last stop will be the top floor, so you can meet your new supervisor."

The elevator emptied out into a large room enclosed by glass walls on all sides. A much larger room seen through the glass looked like some sort of testing room. Joesph thought he saw several of the men and women wearing the Knights uniform, some white-coated scientists with clipboards, and military uniformed men and women as well. He flinched for a moment as there was a large explosion before the glass transitioned to complete black.

He turned his attention back to the young woman, who smiled.

"And the floor is the testing area. And this is Dr. Rodregiuz."

She held a hand towards an older grey-haired man in a lab coat who came to join them. His id badge on his lab coat identified him as Dr. Martin Rodreguiz. He cleared his throat for a moment before holding his hand out towards them, shaking each of their hands.

"It is so good to final meet you and have the chance to work with you. I have followed your exploits from the beginning of your careers Mr Robbins and Ms Atters."
Joesph always found new ways to unsettle her. When his hand found its way possessively to her ass as they waited on the elevator, he felt her flinch and heard her stuttered breath when the warmth of his hand penetrated the thin fabric. She stood a little straighter and her heart beat furiously in her chest. She broke the contact between them as she stepped forward, leaving him with a vision of her backside when she exited the elevator. It was hard to get away from Joesph. Every time she turned around, he was always nearby. Suri attempted to pay attention to the tour and to learn her way around as a distraction to the closeness of her…

Suri considered Joesph a moment. What was he, exactly, to her? As their guide began the tour, Suri’s train of thought was rerouted.

The tour was impressive by way of resources. It was clear this department was well-funded; a fact that Suri didn’t consider before. When she thought about R&D she always found the organizations to continually beg for money from all sources. This part she didn’t admire on any front. If it was important, it was to be funded; that was her view.

Of all the things that were worthy of her interest, Suri paid little attention to much. She did find the convenience of sleeping quarters of interest. In her mind, there were many uses of such a place, not just for the sake of sleeping. She normally wouldn’t have considered the darker thoughts running through her mind, but over the last few weeks, her mind was unencumbered by the normal restraints.

Upon their final destination, Suri considered Dr. Rodreguiz. Outside of him not being able to remember names, he seemed genuine. She simply smiled at his effort to put them at ease. But if he was really astute and truly followed every part of their careers he would have known such a comment was not well received by Suri. She was, as some knew, uncomfortable with such types of praise. She did not seek to be well-known. Suri’s passion was fueled by merit, courage and strength. Perhaps that is also why it took her so long to acknowledge her vulnerabilities when it came to Joesph. Surely it was the struggle between he and her.

“The name is Attar, Dr Rodreguiz. Suri…Attar,” she replied politely with a smile. Her gaze lingered on the grey of his hair, following what was once the sharp lines of his softened face. He was, in his time, an attractive man. Even still, if you looked beyond the lines of age.

“I’m sure we can add some value to your team, given the leave to explore,” she added.
Dr. Rodreguiz just smiled at her correcting of his mistake, gaving a nod.

"Of course, you will have plenty of time for exploring. I did noticed your looks of the room when you first came in, and it's part of why you were asked to join the research teams here in Ares headquarters. This room is the imaging room and part of why you were asked to be here. I believe it will be a way to expand your special talents for our use."

He turned and motioned them to follow him to the center of the room. He led them to a raised platform that was two feet off the ground. It was five feet by five feet in a perfect square. Rising from each corner was a single pole for another five feet, with another square connected by four poles at the top. Rodreguiz lifted a hand and pointed to a young redhead woman scientist at a large computer system for a moment before turning his attention back to them.

"This system was created to allow us to look at our protypes in 3-d so that we could check them out before actually getting to the point of creating the real thing. However, if my hunch is correct, you can help us speed up the process of the creation. Now, I have Ms. Barbas calling up the image of a longsword, complete with all the physical parameters, wieght, material type, etc. Ah there it is."

As he finished speaking, a longsword appeared in the center of the field of light, rotating slowly on it's axis. He stepped off to the side as he continued to speak.

"Ms. Attar, would you be so kind as to reach in and grasp the handle of the weapon? If this works, then the sword will have wieght, so be prepared."
So they were looking for Midas, were they? Suri watched with interest as the longsword rotated slowly on its axis. She looked at the shape and dimensions critically. Well, it wasn’t too bad. Suri reached into the bath of light momentarily, but the image passed right through her hand. She slowly removed her hand again and studied it again.

The rest of the group watched, conversing as she considered how best to do this.

Suri tried a second time, but this time she concentrated. She felt her fingertips tingle and she gripped what was the beginning of the sword. As her fingers wrapped around its hilt, the color began to darken. Suri pulled the item slowly from the cube of light. As the sword was given tangible… physical properties, the weight increased until the entire piece was taken from the cube.
A slow smile spread across Suri’s lips. She swung the sword in front of her, testing its weight and balance. The question was would it disappear the moment she released it? Suri spied a table not too far from them and she walked over to it. She placed the blade down on the table and finally released the hilt.
Joesph whistled softly when Suri was able to materialize the sword from code into reality. Well, he wasn't that impressed, since he knew their abilities, but if it lasted longer than just her holding it for a few seconds, then he would be impressed. Once she laid the longsword on the desk, it stayed solid. Seeing the sword wasn't De-materializing anytime soon, Dr. Rodreguiz continued a tour of the upper level.

The glass walls cleared up so that they could see into the testing room. Several men and women were gathered in the large room, some wearing the white coats of scientists, while various other uniforms were present ranging from the Knights to military personnel. He explained that this was the testing area for the different weapons and equipment they developed before going into mass-production. The top two levels were choosen so the walls could be easily repaired from the various types of destruction they were subjected to.

After that, Sara, the computer technician for the imaging system, walked them through the various types of software they would be using for their creation of equipment. Nancy was enraptured by the whole thing, paying close attention to everything she could, while staying near Elsie without being too obvious.

It took ten minutes before the longsword dematerialize into nothingness. Dr. Rodreguiz smiled despite the short duration.

"Well, I had hoped you would have been able to make the code retain it's shape longer, but it's long enough to work with. Welcome to the Ares Research department ladies and gentlemen. Please feel free to start anytime you like."
Suri really didn’t have time to focus on what she was doing. The fact the code stabilized for longer than the few minutes was a feat. Had she had the opportunity to concentrate, things might have been slightly different. Still, the ten minutes it took for the weapon to disappear even surprised her. This whole process wasn’t unfamiliar to her. Suri started off working through 3-D when she had discovered her particular skills.

She glanced over at Elsie, then to Nancy, and finally Joesph. She had her reservations on how well she would fare in this place. It seemed a little too abstract. It was like playing on a big playground. The sand was deep, there were lots of kids, and there wasn’t a corner she could go to find any peace.
Well, she was here now, so Suri decided to wander around. She had no idea what they expected of her or what exactly they expected her to do. Surely they didn’t just want her for her ability to materialize weapons? That was a fucking waste of time. She rubbed her forehead a bit trying to work through her growing frustration. It was mainly because of the new situation. Still, she tried to settle her mind.

There were several small desks scattered around the outside of the test area. It was there she suspected they did their work. Suri lingered a while, finding a spot across the room, watching the weapons they were trying to create. Why didn’t they just create something new? Everything she had seen was based on weapons that had once been invented. They should try something new, she thought.
Dr. Rodreguiz excused himself to go and check on his other teams in the building. Having watched all he felt like, since it was no fun for him to just watch, he looked around for Suri. He smiled seeing her off at an empty desk. He made his way over to her, siting on the edge of the desk. He reached out for a moment, laying his hand on her shoulder.

"I would say that was pretty impressive for making something solid for that long. I'm sure a little more practice and they will last longer."

He pulled his hand away after a moment to glance around at the action.

"How about we try and go find where they have our office Suri? I really doubt they want us to work in this busy place."

He stood up from the desk, moving towards the elevator. As he went past her, Joesph ran his fingertips lightly against Suri's cheek for a moment. He chuckled seeing Nacy and Elsie already waiting at the elevator.
She sat back a moment still watching what was going on, but finally broke her stare when Joesph laid his hand on her shoulder. A gentle warmth spread across her skin. “They keep recreating the same things over and over. Good that they can do that, but they need to try something different.”

As his hands drifted from her cheek, she followed behind Joesph, now tired of watching everything going on. She wanted to get busy and find something to do. It was no surprise to see Elsie already at the elevator. The shoes she chose to wear were already getting on her nerves and she would give just about anything to get out of this skirt. There was a long day ahead for Suri.
The elevator opened and she stepped in. She felt like a hamster in these things, but she tolerated the close quarters. She could literally feel the others as they moved into her space. As expected, she noticed Joesph most of all. Perhaps that was because they were similar in many ways, but she banked on the fact it was because of their recent interactions. She found her mind drifting back to him, even in her quiet time. Suri inadvertently stepped back, brushing up against his solid form, before she realized the error. The sudden connection between them sent a shiver through her, ending with an ache in her belly. It wasn’t a normal reaction and the sensations caught her off guard. She recovered, inching forward to put some distance between them, waiting for the doors to open. She felt like she was stumbling around a bit. It was probably just the newness of the job, or was it? Suri considered a moment. As an example, she could have just picked out anything to wear, but even that had been done with serious contemplation. Did it matter? Yes. She felt it did. It was more than the job.

When the doors finally opened, Suri stepped out into the main hallway.
Joesph had no problems with the closeness of the elevator, enjoying the company of the others. He gave a little chuckle as Suri brushing up against him for a moment before pulling away. He had a feeling things were going to be fun working here. He didn't mind office work, but he was sure he could take their supervisor into giving them some field work as well.

The small hallway opened up onto the main office area after a few feet. From there it was basically a cubicle jungle with the offices running along either side of the building. Their office turned out to be a corner office on the right side nearest the elevator, Nancy's and Elsie's office right next to theirs. The outer building walls were large glass windows with blinds over them. A half wall made up the inner walls, with glass panes on the upper half. Walls were sound-proofed and blinds hung on the inner windows as well.

Two large desks were placed so the faced away from the windows, a large office chair with each. A high tech computer system was up and ready for use. Three filling cabinets were located next to the door.

Joesph whistled as he opened the door, going inside.

"Very nice setup. What do you think Suri? And I'll give you first pick of seating."
He winked at her for a moment.
Suri glanced around the room. It was nice enough. Airy enough to give her the feel of space, but small enough to feel comfortable. It must have been the windows. The windows were always enough to open the space. She didn’t really care what desk she took. They both had one. This was infinitely closer to Joesph than she had been before. She wondered how she was going to manage working so closely with him every day. Perhaps it would be a different experience. Their time together as of late had caused her reactions to him to evolve.

Suri chose the desk on the left, for no other reason than to just get on with it. She was interested in the computer system and hoped to explore some of it. She approached the desk and walked around it, taking a seat in the large office chair. It was comfortable. The office as a whole was a lot different from what they had just come from. She could like it here. She looked upwards as she watched Joesph approach and around him to the door. Perhaps together they could come up with some better ideas. She dared to think that.
Joesph closed the door behind him after following in behind Suri. The office was a bit more intimate than what they had been, but that wasn't going to be a problem to him. He smiled as he watched her get comfortable for a few moments before moving to the window behind his desk. Though they were still on the night shift, the view out the window was a nice one. The lights of the city were easily seen around them, but they were high enough above the lights below to see the stars in the sky.

After enjoying the view for a little bit, he turned to see what Suri was up to. He moved over behind her, looking at what she was doing. At the same time, he put his hands on her shoulders, his fingers kneading softly along the base of her neck.

"I think working here will prove to be a learning e perience, don't you? I look forward to pushing the limits of what we can do."


In Nancy's and Elsie's office, it was a little smaller with the desks side by side. The desks faced the door with their backs to the windows. Nancy claimed a desk first, setting up everything the way she wanted. She looked over at Elsie for a moment with a smile.

"I guess since we'll be working together from now on, we should get to know each other."
Suri had been clicking on programs to see what she had in the armament of tools. To her surprise, she noted one particular program she has become quite familiar with over time. It wasn’t a surprise as to what it was, just where it was. This was the 3-D program she was working on developing. More to the point, the program that allowed her skills to manifest.

Suri opened the program and began to type code into the environment. She drew a rudimentary dagger and the model began to spin, much as the larger version of the sword earlier in the test area. Now it all came together. That’s why they were so interested.

She felt when Joesph came up behind her. She didn’t pay much attention until she felt his fingers on her shoulders and neck. Suri had been tense as was common when moving into a new situation. But when he began to work his fingertips into her muscles, a soft moan escaped her lips. His hands felt incredible and she closed her eyes for a moment or two.

“I think it will be interesting to see what we can do here… or what they allow… us to do,” she answered.


Elsie took her time getting her desk arranged to where it was comfortable for her. She was very particular about things, especially her work environment. The redhead had dressed down plenty having interfered with her work flow. Nancy seemed to be a pleasant sort, so she took that as a good sign.

The short woman sat on the edge of her desk, forcing her beige skirt to tighten around her thighs and she crossed her legs. Elsie rested each palm flat on the desk, one on each side of her.

“Well, there’s not much to know, really. I’m from Denver and have a mad habit for reading. I try new things when I’m in the adventurous mood, which is how I got into this racket in the first place. Suri recruited me. What about you? Where are you from?” she asked.
"You looked as if you had something on your mind earlier when we were upstairs. Anything to share?"

Joesph leaned forward a little to see what she had been working on. The dagger she had designed was good, better than he could have done. He could code, but he wasn't one for designing graphics. He had never been a great artist, so he never tried to develop his skills in that area. Maybe this might give him some time to try his hand at computer art, as long as he didn't distract them too much.

His fingers continued to massage into her neck and shoulders. He could feel the tenseness in her muscles, shaking his head a little. His fingers dug a little harder, moving back and forth along the top of her shoulder, his thumbs working along the sides and back of her neck.


Nancy smiled a little when she saw Elsie sit on top of her desk, rather than in the chair. It made her believe the redhead was a bit of a showoff in her own way. She pulled her own chair out to the sit of the desk, angling at a right angle to the desk and Elsie. She slipped her shoes off and lifted her feet up, propping them up on the edge of the desk.

She fidgeted with her skirt a little, pulling it up a little as it settled in place.

"Well, I grew up in New York. I moved out here to Denver on a scholarship given out by Ares as a security programs programming. I was working with the Knights when Joesph joined and was assigned to his team. I try to go hiking and visit the mountains when I'm not working."

She dropped her legs for a moment and used her foot to spin herself around in the chair for a moment before stopping facing Elsie.
Suri released a soft moan when his fingers pressed into the tense muscles of her neck and shoulders. Gods, his hands felt amazing. She could sit here as long as he wanted to continue and she would be perfectly content to enjoy it. She couldn’t remember the last time she had felt anything like it. She couldn’t really remember the last time she enjoyed a touch like his. Her eyelids fluttered closed for a time. Then she remembered he had asked her a question.

“I just don’t exactly know what they’re going to expect of us,” she murmured.
“Our creation skills are better served on the outside, not jarred and shelved in some R&D department.”

She paused as he worked a particularly tense spot and another moan escaped her.


Elsie watched as Nancy spun to face her. Nancy was fairly attractive and she wondered if she ever wore her hair down. Her gaze traveled down the length of her legs before her gaze returned to Nancy’s face. She smiled briefly.

“Well, you’d certainly get along with Suri. She’s the big hiker around here. She likes to climb too. Me, not so much. I can enjoy the mountains without having to climb them. I don’t mind walking the trails and getting out to see some of the natural beauty. I’m more of a movie guru and of course, I enjoy cooking,” she responded.

“Speaking of, have you noticed something different…” Elsie began, her voice fading off as she pointed to the office immediately adjacent to theirs. Elsie of course, had noticed a subtle change in Suri, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Suri was normally a very in-your-face sort of personality and for reasons unknown to Elsie, Suri had become a little subdued at times. It wasn’t a bad change, just different. The young woman waved off the question as if it wasn’t of any importance and slipped from the desk. She had her own life to consider.
His fingers continued to knead into her shoulders, his thumbs working the base of her neck. He soon moved his hands down over her shoulder blades, his thumbs working down along her spine.

"Who knows, perhaps we will get to work with our skills outside once more. We haven't been given any restrictions yet."

His words did have a double meaning behind them and he wondered if she caught what he meant. After a few moments, as if to back up what he meant, he leaned forward and ran his tongue lightly along her left earlobe. He moved his tongue up and down her earlobe as he continued to massage her, pausing to blow teasingly on the wet skin. He bit gently on her eartip for a moment.


She of course noticed where Nancy's eyes went, towards her legs for a moment. She wondered if she should tease her by adjusting her position, but decided against it for the moment. She smiled and nodded as she listened to what Elsie said.

"Perhaps we should get all of us together and go on a hike or camping trip sometime, like a team building expedition or the like."

She put her feet down and pushed the chair backwards for a moment. She gave a little smile for a moment as Nancy pointed towards the other office, knowing what she was talking about. She looked in that direction, the blinds being drawn, but not closed. She raised and eyebrow noticing what their partners were doing and giggled. She jerked a thumb towards the windows as she pushed back behind the desk.

"If you're worried about those two, you might be surprised what you see."
She closed her eyes for a moment while she continued to enjoy the attention he was giving her. She’d have to return the favor at another time. She could feel his fingers dig further into her muscles and she started to feel a bit better. Suri wasn’t normally this tense, nor was she this unsure. Joesph had found some way to topple her house of cards and now she found herself not just vulnerable, but still struggling with her emotion as she had been for the past several days.

When his tongue and lips found the tip of her ear however, he knew then, he had made his point clear. He, standing over her with his hands on her shoulders, could feel her shiver deeply. It took every ounce of self control she possessed to remain fixed, sitting there. Suri could feel those sensations spiraling out of control and she panted softly to bring them back into perspective.

It took a moment before she could respond. When she did, she spoke slowly to control her voice. “I look forward to finding out what we will be able to do,” she answered, eyeing the window as if she felt the whole world could see her.


Elsie liked the idea of a camping trip. The thought brought up all kinds of fun in her mind. All the fresh air, fewer people, more nature… just as long as the weather held out, that is.

Nancy’s motion to the other window caught Elsie’s attention, and when she turned, her eyes met Suri’s. She quickly glanced away. “Yes, well, that was a little unexpected...” she murmured.

Elsie returned her focus to the desk and to behind the computer screens. She felt the sudden lurch in her belly ease off. This was the first time she was able to associate Suri with any kind of relationship. It wasn’t all that bad, afterall.
He chuckled softly for a moment, feeling her shiver beneath his touch. He had a feeling she was trying to keep things under control, despite what he was doing. He caught movement through the blinds, but didn't say anything about it. He used the knuckles of his right hand to knead and massage along her spine, moving down as far as he could, having to work with her position in the chair.

He turned the heat up on things as his fingers went to her side, and he moved his lips down to her neck softly. He laid gentle kisses on her soft flesh, biting gently with his teeth between kisses down along her shoulder as he pushes the collar of her shirt to expose what he could.


Nancy raised an eyebrow from a moment at Elsie's sutle reaction, expecting a little more from her. She watched the redhead for a few moments longer before talking again, searching through the computer at the same time.

"What about you? Are you currently in a relationship of any sort? I'm as single as they come, myself."
Suri was getting frazzled. The more she tried to ignore her partner, the more persistent he became. The combination of the touches to her ears, neck and back were making her tingle between her legs. Suri pressed her thighs together, but it was a waste of time. She had come to like Joesph's touch and that created a new issue. Ignoring was difficult, at best.

His warm hands slid easily down her sides causing a shiver to course through her. When his lips explored down her neck she had to close her eyes and allow the sensations to flow through her. She felt he would almost strip her if he could get away with it, but she knew that was a risky move even for him, on their first day in the new office. There would be others stopping by.

"Joesph, please..." she murmured under her breath. "Someone is going to drop in sooner or later..."

He could sense her musky female scent the longer he teased her, And though she didn't come right out and say it, she enjoyed this as well.


Elise contemplated. Her gaze fell to the blond woman. "I'm single... Seems I have trouble playing in the sand box," she answered with a soft laugh. "Really though, I just haven't found anyone I have a true interest in," she added. "Do you like staying single?" She asked Nancy.
He gave a little chuckle at her warning, lifting her head from her neck to kiss her cheek softly.

"Are you so sure?"

He found the chair was getting in the way a little, so he lifted her up from the chair before pulling it away. He moved behind her, pressing her from behind. He continued to kiss and nibble on her slender neck once more. He wrapped a arm around her before tugging the front of her blouse up, his fingers slipping beneath to carress her taut stomach. His other hand moved to her right breast, squeezing deeply through her blouse and bra.

Though they couldn't see it, they were being watched by a small wireless camera above the door. The camera was standard in every office for security purposes, so they're little bit of fun probably wasn't the first seen by the company security.


Nancy gave a little shrug at the question.

"Well, being single does has it's advantages, but I think I've kinda moved past those. I've just found being single very lonely lately. Going to the parties and all is fine, but that has gotten boring lately. Plus I've not had much luck in the sand box myself."

She grinned for a moment.

"Why do you have trouble n the sandbox, so to speak?"
Her skin was still sensitive from the recent work, and every time he touched her, she could feel an aching throb below the surface. Coincidentally, the way her tattoo was being laid out was pretty much the way he chose to embrace her. The way he curled his body around her. Suri had to wonder then, if that was just coincidence or if it had been a planned thought.

Suri raised her hands, sliding them around the back of his neck and closed her eyes momentarily, enjoying the sensations he was eliciting from her. She could forget her protests, for now. Her breathing quickened as his hands grew bolder, causing her tummy to cave under his touch. What she couldn’t control (as if she had any real sense of it) was her growing lust for Joesph. For whatever reason, a notion slipped into her mind. He could very well chose to bend her over the desk and fuck her. Was he really that bold? Suri released a low moan. Surely not on their first day…

He felt her tremble against him; it took great effort to maintain some sort of restraint. She managed to gather her wits about her long enough to pose a question.

“What about Nancy and Elsie?” she knew they were in the office right next door. “oh godsssss” she groaned, still occupied by his fingers pressing into the skin of her breast.

Elsie tilted her head a little, “the wrong players are in the box?” she answered. “Too tall, too short, no personality, no sense of adventure, not gainfully employed, you name it,” she added. “Basically, just not the right crowd.”

Her eyes constantly migrated to the blinds, and in response, she consciously made an effort to ignore what she saw. It was all a part of the job of keeping Suri out of trouble. This time though, something was different and she made a mental note to mention it later.

Elsie drew her tongue nervously across her dried lip. She gave up trying to explore the computer and instead, turned her focus back to Nancy.

“We definitely need to get out together. It’d be fun,” she commented. The redhead liked Nancy. She seemed fun. She was obviously serious about her work having been plucked from the previous assignment as Elsie had, and that was a bonus in her mind.
He was enjoying the moans he was ellicting from her, Joesph's fingers enjoying the feel of her soft skin beneath them. As she lifted her hands behind his head, he turned his head a little, kissing on her exposed wrist from her blouse sleeve. His fingers continued to stroke over her caved stomach, pushing the waistband of her skirt up and down a bit.

He knew there was much he could do to her, or make her do, but he wasn't going to push too far just yet. He was going to tease her, make her beg for more. No, he was very meticulous on his plans. He gave a little chuckle for a moment at her question, kissing her ear softly before whispering.

"What about them?"

His fingers continued to squeeze her breast, rolling it around slowly under his palm. He slipped his fingers first beneath her waistband, followed by his hand. He ran his fingers down beneath her skirt slowly, exploring how she had chosen to dress. He mmed as she was pressed back against him, his arousal evident against her waist and back.


She gave a little laugh for a moment as she listened to Nancy's reasons for still being single.

"That's a pity. Oh, well it's their loss at not being able to keep the attention of a beautiful lady as yourself Nancy."

She smiled for a moment, watching her glanced towards their partners every now and then. However she decided not to say anything about it, unless she brought it up.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. I hate to say it, but I really don't have any plans over the next few anytime you want to get together is good with me."
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Suri wasn’t sure what to do. His touching was exciting her as each moment passed. She was becoming more and more concerned at her lack of restraint. Suri was a controlled chaos, but Joesph had a way of tossing that out the window. His teasing was slow and thorough, another fact that unsettled her.

“They’re just next door…” she managed to say.

Why couldn’t she stop trembling? Why did he affect her so much? He was just a man, after all. She had already dealt with some and she had always managed to wind up on top. Yet here she was, with his hands all over her and she was already aching for more. Noooooooooooooo…she had to get her head on straight.

She didn’t want to.

Elsie smiled at Nancy. “We should try heading out to one of the clubs, what do you think? It could be fun, together? Maybe after work?” she suggested.

Elisie’s gaze wandered over Nancy’s body briefly, before she diverted her gaze back to the window, and two the two in the office next door. She felt the heat of her own breath wash over her wanting lips and she brushed her tongue over them, wetting them.

At least someone had found some pleasure out of the job. She wondered what the near future held for her. Elsie gazed on for a few minutes before shifting her focus elsewhere.
He chuckled softly in her ear at her answer. He could tell he was getting to her, but she wasn't do much to stop him. He whispered, his breathe hot on her skin.

"Yes, they are. Perhaps you should close the blinds if you don't want them to see..."

Even though he had given her the idea, he didn't believe she would follow through, or at least do much to act on it while in his hands. The hand on her breast stopped long enough to open the top three buttons of her blouse. It soon slipped beneath the fabric of her blouse, grasping tightly over her bra-covered flesh, squeezing deeply.

Beneath her skirt, his fingers were tracing along the waist band of her panties slowly back and forth along her soft skin. Following the material downward, his fingers moved along the curve of her panties along her thigh. They moved teasingly towards the apex of her thigh and crotch, tracing the edge of the material.


Nancy smiled and nodded at Elsie's suggestion, straightening a bit in the chair.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. I haven't been out clubbing forever, since I never had anyone else to go with. I don't like going to those places by myself. I think I have a clear enough schedule to be able to fit you in after work."

She giggled softly as she watched Elsie's eyes rove over her and then towards the windows. She figured the other woman was enjoying the show, but she decided to double check.

"I can close the blinds if things are becoming too distracting for you. Though I didn't plan on things getting so exciting on the first day."

She grinned and twirled around in the chair like a kid before stepping it so that she was facing Elsie once more.
It was official. They had absolutely lost their common sense. Or at least lost their fear of being caught. She could stop this all just by saying no. Just pull away. Maybe.

This wasn’t the worst she had done in a work situation, but in other cases she was justified because it was in the line of duty. This though, was completely selfish. This was pure, unadulterated lust. Seeing the girls just next door seemed to click something in her mind. There was something sexually deviant about them being right there. At any point, they could see Suri. They could watch. Frankly, with the sensations Joesph was causing, she was at a point now she simply didn’t care. A some point, she managed to pull away, though why, she couldn’t fathom.
Suri panted hard, catching her breath, her clothes disheveled, resting her ass on the ledge of the window between the offices, her back against the blinds that shaded the window behind. Her fingers dug into the ledge as she remained there, her pink lips parted, the fire she felt in the depths of her belly reflected behind the pools of her eyes. Her gaze rose to meet his.

“We could get thrown out of this place!” she whispered urgently.

Elsie smiled at Nancy’s response to get out. It would be fun, just to get out and blow off some steam. Looking at what was going on in the other office though, it was still early yet and they had a long shift ahead of them. The thought of those two in the next room were almost better than a cheap porn flick. Robbins wasn’t bad looking at all and Suri could hold her own. She shook the thoughts from her head.Elsie had to laugh as Nancy spun in the chair. Yea, things would definitely be interesting. They always were where Suri was concerned. No matter what she was doing. The woman attracted ‘trouble’.
He was a little surprised for a moment when Suri pulled from him, ending up against the window separating the offices. He chuckled softly as he walked over to her as he watched her pant for a few moments catching her breathe. When she finished speaking, he placed a hand on her cheek and tilted her head up a little as he engulfed her mouth with his for a few moments, their tongues dancing together for a few seconds. He broke the kiss softly with a smile.

"Then we will just have to be more careful. I think I have an idea to calm things down a bit."

He stepped back from her slowly, a single finger trailing down her neck and the center of the top of her chest before pulling away.

"Straighten yourself out and go practice with the 3d projector. I'll be up there soon."

He grinned and moved to the door, holding it open as he watched her quickly try to straighten up. As she left, he did give her shapely rear a playful smack before closing the door most of the way after her. He sat down at his desk, pulling up one of the drafting programs.

He wasn't a great artist, but he could get the general idea down with the tools provided. It took him a couple of hours, but he had enough done to send to Nancy so she could put the final touches of programming on it.


Nancy gave a little playful pout as she watched the show end in their partners' office.

"Aww...the fun's over. I guess we have to get back to work now. Well, I guess we should start getting familiar with the tools they gave us to work with."

She gave a smile to Elsie before pulling up the various programs, looking through them carefully. She had gotten so absorbed in the programs that a little beep when Joesph's message came to her inbox caused her to jump. It took her a couple of minutes to look over the design before smiling to Nancy.

"I hope you don't mind giving me a little help with this project Joesph gave me. He needs a remote created to turn an object on and off, along with a speed control. I'll send you the specs he drew up."

The remote project was only part of the project, but it didn't surprise her what he was creating overall.