E7: Refball Dreamers (IC)


Really Experienced
Nov 12, 2012
Please see the OOC thread to submit a character and begin playing. All info will be posted there. Thank you!
Let's Get It Started!

Edith runs down the stairs and quickly grabs her fannypack and some toast from the kitchen table.

Ursula: "Edith! Can't you even eat at the table?"

Edith: "Sorry mom! There's a really tasty wave that's coming through and it'll be gone by noon!"

Ursula: "Can you at least take your sister to the guitar store to get her bass fixed on the way?"

Edith: "No pro. As long as I can lift her there. It'll be quicker that way."

Tony: "Edie, could you take me with you too? If there's a wave coming through, I want to ride it and get some pics of the lifters."

Edith: "Sure. I waxed your board and fixed the wheel. It should be good to go. Grab Lili too."

Tony ran up the stairs and called to his other sister.

Tony: "Marci! Edie's taking us lifting. Get your bass and let's go!"

Marceline: "I'm coming!"

Edith was soon joined downstairs by her siblings and they were then all quickly rushing out the door.

Edith: "Bye mom!"

Marceline: "See you later!"

Tony: "Love you!"

Edith and Tony hopped on their respective ref boards and Marceline secured her bass case to her back and put her arms firmly around her sister's waist once she was behind her on the board.

Edith: "All set?"

Tony and Marceline nodded and the three then took off towards the town's best lift spot. Luckily, the guitar shop was just on the way and Edith and Tony had plenty of time to drop her and get to the lift spot in time for the wave. When they arrived, the two were disappointed to find that there were a lot more people than they thought there would be.

Edith: "This is bad. There are too many lifters here. Someone's going to get hurt."

Tony: "What happened to your sense of adventure?"

Edith: "You only came to take pictures anyway. You'll lift for like ten minutes tops then just sit in the grass to take pictures."

Tony: "Scaredy-cat."

Edith: "I am not scared. I can lift circles around all these losers. I'm just trying to be responsible and watch out for you. You know you have a tendency to get hurt when you're distracted with your camera."

Tony shrugged and stuck his tongue out at his sister before running off on his own.

Edith: "Brat!"

Tony: "Chicken!"

Edith: "Don't be a smartass,Tony! You'll get killed that way!"

Tony: "You're not dead yet!"

Knowing she'd never win an argument with a nine-year-old, Edith let his comment go and took off on her board. Not wanting to deal with the crowds on the easy waves, she shot straight to the sky and onto the open waves higher in the sky than anyone else was daring to go. Once she had some waves all to herself, she let loose and started zipping, swerving, and looping all through and across the sky, but saving her energy for the big wave she could feel coming. She could feel it deep in her bones, in the deepest part of her soul, like an electric current sparking through her body at the speed of sound.

Edith (to herself): "It's almost here, I can feel it!"

OOC: Now who thinks they can play with the big girls >3?