Party at my place! (opn to one woman)


Literotica Guru
Feb 15, 2012
Evan Foss
Age 29
Height 6'1"
Hair short sandy brown
Eyes Hazel
No tattoos or piercings. Clean, smooth face with fair complexion, rounded chin. Light build

My mansion lays off the beaten path in near Seattle. It is large, over 10,000 squre feet with 68 rooms on three floors and a basement and ten bathrooms that sits on an estate 180 acres surrunded by the beautiful landscape of the forest. There was a olypmic sized swimming pool with several smaller wading pools and jacuzzis dotting the natural landscape that were hidden from view to allow privacy as well as natural trails.

It was too epensive for mot people but I'm a business trader; putting money up where companies take it and use it and return it with interest and because quite successful at it desite the downturn in the economy, but when I came here it was all put away. Cell phone reception was zero, only one land line phone, and no internet, just one television with no cable or satellite. I knew that I was the envy of many people but unlike many rich men, I was no snob and would throw many extravagent parties not fo anything such as a charity fundraiser or for political folk but just for the sake of fun, to unwind after a stressful week where poeple could go and not be reached.

When I reached my mansion this Thursday I already knew as soon as I stepped inside that a party must be done and immediately put it into action. Using the one phone I called my friend Damian back at the office to send out a mass email in the office of this party. It would be free of charge but they must have a print out of the email to get past the gate guard and as for a theme; it was too early for Halloween but is there ever a law that's states you could only wear constumes during that period? So, I tacked on that costumes may be worn but don't feel obligated. Come as you are or come spiffed up, either way just come and have a ball.

In closing I laid out it would begin on Friday giving me one day to prepare. My parties were always well received and this one will be no different.

If you're interested or like to know more, send me a PM. For this thread its going to play rather wild, its a party to have fun. Think Playboy Mansion. So anything can happen,but no scat, rape, or incest.
Name: Camile Devreux
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125lbs
Hair: Straight to mid back Carmel colored with deep red highlights
Eyes: Hazel
Belly button ring no tattoo, even tanned skin, Thin but curvey

I had just moved to the Seattle area for a new job as a public relations offical in one of the biggest most well known business on western coast. I had made no friends yet and was looking forward to a rather lame weekend infront of the tv. As I was getting ready to leave work on Thursday when I noticed an email from one of the higher ups. I didn't even read the subject matter just opened it and began to read it.........then reread it.

Aparently the head boss man was having a party and all where invited tomorrow night costumes or dressing up. This sounded like it could be fun and it was by far and wide better than anything I had planned for Friday night. I printed out the email as instructed and headed home thinking what I had in my closet that might be appropriate to wear to such an event.

I have never met the main boss though I know he young and highly successful and from what I had heard rather attractive. I was hoping I would beable to at least hook up with someone for the night I had been single to long and needed a man about as much as I needed air, but finding a man who could understand my kink and not consider me a pervert was harder than one would think. So maybe if I was lucky I could get some tomorrow night even if it was in bathroom or some such.

Plans for tomorrow swam in my head as I went into auto pilot to finish out my evening but before going to bed I sound a sexy new dress I had bought before moving here and decided it would be perfect for all purposes I had in mind for tomorrow night. Smiling at the thought I was soon fast asleep.
There was much that needed to be done ordering the food and drinks was just part of it. Also the hired help; valets and maintenance workers to ensure everything works as well as caterers. I did not have a great taste for fine wine or that but there was going to be some people that would perfer that as well as people that just loved beer.

It was going to cost money but the company has more than enough to spare out of my account and all the while I was on the phone with my friend to ensure that everything was going as plan and he kept assuring me that it was and he estimates that over 200 people were coming, which is average for this, and there was going to be more of the youner people. All the better.
I woke up friday afternoon with a little pep in my step, I was in the best mood I had been in in a month. I showered had my breakfast and headed into work. The day went without any unexpected glitched that sometimes a public relations offical has to deal with so my good mood continued. There is only one draw to being in a good mood and excited about something, I get turned on in a major way and with it being so long since I had had a real fuck it was all the worse, but hey worse things could happen right.

I got out on time rushed home and showered. I slipped on the emerald green dress that made my eyes look more green than hazel. It was spagetthi straped and came low showing a healthy dose of cleavage. The dress was skin tight and barely long enough to be decent. I blow dryed my hair giving it a bit of volume and a freshly fucked look. Next was my make-up in dark but supple shades. Throwing on a pair of black 6" heels I grabbed my email printout and headed out.
Being the boss allowed m to get out of work early. After signing some papers and chatting in a couple of board meetings, everyone I've met knew of and were waiting for the party, some of them even brough their attire with them. All the better.

Excusing myself from the office and heading into the mansion the hired help; caterers, valets, and guards, were all waiting. The estimated 200 people were going to make this place full and the only goal was for the people to have a good time.

It was going a couple of hours until the first guests were to arrive, there were tables full of food and bowls of punch and kegs of beer and alcohol at the ready.
I pulled up to the address and there was a line at the gate there seemed to be a lot of people here. Finally it was my turn to present my invitation at the gate. Once I was in I dropped my car with the valet and headed in.
When they first showed up it was the upper eschelon people, the vice president and his young wife, the upper management, which was to be expected and then came the single people, mainly the ladies wanting to be first so when the single men arrived they would be the first they see. Watching them trickle in I couldn't help but smile. Everything was going just as predicted. All of the politics and such were left at the door. This was not about raising money or like that, this was solely for the people of my company to come and take a load off.

The last time we did this was during the Christmas holiday and it was a night to remember with the vice president literally swimming in vodka. Alot of people outside would call this the typical stereotype of rich people, but this was not company money; this was my money from my paycheck, from my hard work.

Now when the ladies began arriving I watched every one of them from upstairs taking into account of their position; who was available and who was taken. There was a petite one that stood out with carmel colored hair, red highlights and a dress with spaghetti straps.
I walked around watching the people that where already there and the people that where arriving. It was more than I could have guessed liqour flowed with ease people where gathered and already being loud. There was nothing calm or political about this party, I grinned it just kept getting better and better. My body withered for attentioni but I hadn't spotted anyone that would seem to do.

After a while I felt as if someone was watching me, which made me uncomfortable. I love watching people at everything, you see I am a vouyer through and through, but in no way do I like peole watching me. I set off to find out who was watching me or if there was a little corner or cove I could find cover in as I watched the group at large.
There were security cameras but inside I was using my own eyes to grace all of the people inside. When the last of the guests arrived the gate was closed and I went out onto the banester to see all the people. There was the vice president with his young wife whom was wearing a rather seductive, low cut dress with an outrageous set of bombs and there was the secretary out in the corner wearing the tight fitting black dress with elbow length velvet gloves and long red hair already drinking a tall glass of champagne and then there was the woman with the caramel colored hair. She seemed uneasy, always looking about. My eyes followed her about as she graced the main room and a smile came to my face.
I could still feel the eyes on me the place had become a lot more crowded and I couldn't for the life of me find a secluded area that wasn't occupied by people who knew this place better than I, a new comer possibly could. Still I kept looking and didn't loose faith that I could find me a comfy spot to watch all the going ons without being seen easily by others unless I choose to.
I went down the grand staircase halfway my appearance began attracting attention then my voice was carried trough the room, "My friends. My friends." All of their heads traverse towards me and I smiled, "I want to thank you all for coming. I know you would all like to be back at work, filling out paperwork and listening to boring conferences." There was a light laughter.

"For those that are new, this place is all open. My home is your home. So are the grounds. There are pools, jacuzzis, a hedge maze, and really anything a person could want. There is food, drink, and people. So live, eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die." It was a Roman proverb that I liked. There was applause from below then I turned and wet back upstairs to continue watching.
As the host of the party made his announcement the party seemed to get wilder as he headed upstairs. I thought about it and decided upstairs might give me what I wanted after and if I bumped into our host, well he was attractive maybe I could convince him to do another type of bumping. I stayed to the shadows slowly winding my way to and up the stairs. There were less people here and I didn't feel if I was being watch or at least not as easily and I could have a good view of the crowd people in a few spot not to pick the best angle. I went about checking out each one and rating my view over my invisiblity looking for the best combo.
Knowing I've stirred the place up I made my wa to another location with the belief that people will go flocking. There was the jacuzzis and the maze outside the air was slight cold and now the sun was setting. Out here the star were amazing as they were not affected by the lights from Seattle. This place would get wild. I knew it. And to be sure there were bowls of condoms sprinkled all over.
As I found what I judged to be the best spot I looked down and saw a couple fucking. My heart beat sped up and mouth was suddenly dry. It was so erotic to watch other couples fucking the only thing that would make it better was being fucked as I watched since I didn't have anyone to fuck me though my fingers would do. I traced my body and started to lift the hem of my dress to finger fuck myself as I watched them when I got the feeling of being watched again. I froze like a dear in the headlights scarcely even breathing.
I saw her the moment she stepped on the balcony. She was startled when she turned to see me there, off to the side, and in the shadows. Stepping out of the shadow after she started to touch herself there was a smile n my lips and the first question I wsanted to ask was if she needed some help but walking up to the balcony and looking over and seeing what she was, I to was turned on and looked at this woman, "evening."
When I turned slightly I got sight of him I couldn't help but stare and stare. As he moved to the balcony to take a peek at the site I was seeing I tracked his every move. Damn but the man was hotter up close and probably so far out of my leauge I shouldn't even be looking but well one can be forgiven for looking. When he turned and greeted me it actually kick started my brain and I dropped the hem of my dress refusing to be embarressed.

"Evening." I replied.

I don't know why but I took a step closer to see what he would do.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" I askedwalking closer. She took a step to me but I did not mind but my walk carried me to the rail of the balcony to see what she had been watching. There was a couple down below getting it on rather eagerly. Gauging the proximety of them to us I turned and looked at the woman with the caramel colored hair and I remembered whom it was and smiled and asked in a whisper if she was enjoying herself and looked back at the couple down below.
Something naughty came over me I can't say for sure what it was but it was big and it was bold. When I reached him I trailed my well manicured nail down his shirt and whispered, "Not as much as I could be with your cock buried to the hilt deep inside my wet pussy."

I paused and nodded, "Yes I am sure I would really enjoy myself then."

I licked my lips and looked him in the eye daring him to do it and he knew I was I could see it on his face. But I wasn't bluffing watching the couple below the balconey had turned me on and now here he was hot as sin alone up here with me. Yeah it was time to let the naughty Camile come out and play.
"Oh, really?" Raising an eyebrow and her rather brazent response as she traced a finger down my body and to show her my commitment I did the same, trailing a finger from the navel of her neck down to her cleavage as the couple down below were getting more wild and it was turning me on. Taking a step closer to this woman with caramel hair and looked down at her with a wide, seductive smile on my smooth face. "Well, before it goes in there, let's see it go down here." Drawing the line from her cleavage back up her throat to her lovely lips.
I smiled slow and sweet reaching for his pants and slowly undoing them as I dropped to my knees infront him as graceful as if I were a princess. I got his pants undone and pulled them and his underwear down free his already hard cock. Taking my eyes from his she looked at his erection a wickedly naughty smile on my face as I whispered, "Well hello to you too."

Without further delay I took his cock all they way to the back of my throat and held him there as I rubbed my tonuge against the underside of his cock so I could taste him more fully. Slowly I pulled back letting my teeth lightly scrape against him only hard enough to add a sensation but not to cause any pain. When my lips where up around the head I swirls my tongue around before quickly sinking my mouth back down onto him.
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Keeping my voice down I looked down at her, seeing down her dress as well as her wide, fluttering, eyes as she took me in and tossed my head back and stiffled a moan as she dragged the hard rod out from her mouth. I was amazed that she had deep throated me off the back as I had never had that performed on me before and my heart nearly exploded on the spot. Below us I looked and saw the couple doing rather much the same thing as we were.
I smiled at his reaction and pulled him out of my mouth so I could softly tell him, "I want you to tell me everything they are doing since I can't watch and suck your cock at the same time as long as you can keep narrating I will keep sucking this big hard cock until your ready to fuck me silly with it."

With that I went back to sucking his cock in the same slow up fast down I had been doing before and waited to see if he would narrate for me. If I couldn't watch them the least I could do was hear his sexy voice describing to me what I was missing.
Nodding in agreement my head twisted way and watched and there was a smile on my face. I narrated in a whisper, "She was pretty looking, young perhaps early twenties redhead with a large chest hemmed in by a red sports bra underneth a blue uniform of a police officer, perhaps a Halloween costume. She's on her knees, unbuttoning her blouse further and shrugging it off and leaning her head back as one hand opens his fly and pulls his cock out. The 'officer' looks at it and kisses the head and jerks it gingerly several times before kissing the tip and slowly slides it inside her mouth as the man wraps his hands around her head and pulls it towards his crouch."
I moaned my approval and move my hand to unzip my dress and let it fall to the waist baring my generous breast for him and knowing if he peaks back at me he will see a first person view of what he is watching. Well almost any way and I am sure it would be close enough to excite him futhure. I added a hand to his shaft stroking as I sucked I started a steady aroused rythm.
When I looked down at the feeling of another hand I smiled at her chest now free. They were lovely and quickly reached down to fondle them for a moment before rising back up to continue narrating the action:

She's taking him in, deepthroating very vigorously and reaching around and poking his asshole. He's rather timid about that and he reaches down and fondles her chest and tries t have the sports bra taken off but she pulls back, denying him and she goes back to deepthroating him, her head slamming into him hard.