A story dying to be told on Literotica


Mar 5, 2015
Should I tell my fiancée that I’m bisexual and had sex with her dad?

I have been in love for the last year and recently proposed. After 10 years of bisexuality (though I had more female partners than male) I was happy, excited and in love. She introduced me to her parents three months ago and her father and I recognised each other from a local cruising site. We have been intimate on about three or four occasions. He has made contact with me and asked me to tell my fiancée about my sexuality. I asked if his wife knew about his, and we have reached something of an impasse. He has since taken screenshots of old photos of me and I have also found some of him. Shall I just walk away from the woman of my dreams?

Fictionalize it of course, tweak the situation, maybe remove the hints of mutual blackmail that kinda seem to be going on there if that's not your thing... and of course give it your ending, be it happy, tragic or just plain pervy.
I think this would be a marvelous story. I don't know why you would remove the blackmailing . . . I am not seeing a happy ending tied up with a bow here . . . .
My question: How could she be the woman of his dreams if he cannot tell her he is bisexual? Something is missing. if he cannot trust her to know him, then how could he even think of marrying her? Sounds more like limerance than love. Love should be based on knowledge and trust.

Even more so, Marriage,: a promise "to have and hold from this day forward. . .until death. . ." or some variation thereof, cannot hope to work for a lifetime of lies and deceit and undercurrents. His father-in-law to be is doing him a favor. HE MUST TELL HER. She needs to know. He needs to know that it makes no difference to her, or that she can live with whatever difference it makes, (til death you do part).
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