Talkin Dirty

Start with things like "I like the way such-and-such feels" as he's doing it. It took us some time, but easing in is just the nature of it. Also, be confident in yourself and don't be ashamed to say something. He's with you for a reason and shouldn't judge you; so don't be nervous and let out what you're feeling.
I can't offer much advice, since I'm one of those awkward girls. But I find I just don't like using English to talk dirty. lol The words don't sound sexy to me, they feel clunky and tired when I try, but I like Japanese. My boyfriend understands most of it, too, so it works. :eek:

Hai! Hai! Hai! :D
Just don't do it in a freaky exorcist voice or anything like that. Well, maybe for Halloween ;)
I actually would like to recommend my thread "female dirty talkin." It's in the Fetish and Sexuality forum, and not only is it funny, but it also gets to the roots of dirty talking from the male perspective. The short version is that it's super hot and informative, (especially if you're blind as I am), and it definitely doesn't matter if you repeat words as long as your intent and desires are clear. That's sort of been said here as well, but that thread might expand the perspective even further.