Immortal Love

"A foreigner? Did she say what the person looked like or for that case anything strange about the person?"
She did not like the way he asked about us... his words were growled like demons... but he smiled. Beyond that she was to scared to remember more at least to tell me perhaps her brother will be able to get more from her.

Shrugging she was not sure how to take it or what to think of it.
He frowned,

"Interesting. Well let me know the moment he comes in."

He moved away, still holding his flute in one hand
Nodding she watched him walk away and turned trying to find the young lady to request she let her knew when her brother arrives as she would like to meet him. It being good to know who has been assembled in case of trouble.
The evening had settled in and in the cooler night air people came out, regular patrons came to their establishment and the music drew in others. Deacon had strapped on his sword, not sure if it was needed, but he wasn't taking any chances
Samira danced as always and the server pointed out her brother to Samira who simply played it off as a birthday surprise for for one of the civilian dressed people at the table. Her own subtle way of revealing the allies to Deacon. Still waiting to see the foreigner arrive though it was not a long wait as the doorway seemed blocked for a time as a small group of people walked in clearly not from the local region.
Samira glanced to them and her blood ran cold. She remained near either Deacon or the civillian clad soldiers as often as she could or regulars she knew well enough. She did not know what to make of the heavy clad strangers.
"You there. The one called Deacon."

The leader walked closer, the soldiers shifted, ready if anything could happen. The face seemed kind of familiar as did the voice, but Deacon was not sure, the accent...the accent was what made him curious.

"Ty, staryy negodyay, ty vse yeshche dolzhen mne pesnyu!" (You old scoundrel, you still owe me a song!)

Deacon could not believe his ears, it was Boris Drugov, the son of the blacksmith, he got to his feet and shook the burly man's hand.

"Boris! What brings you here?"

The big man shrugged,

"Business, we heard that steel is cheaper to buy here and take back to Moscow. You still look the same. You find the fountain of life?"

Deacon chuckled,

"Not yet, just good looks from my parents' side."

Boris nodded,

"We come to hear you sing, we hear that devil woman of yours that comes from the desert still enchants with her dancing."

Deacon nodded towards Samira,

"Indeed, that she does. Have a seat, let me see if I can find that song for you."
She remained close to the soldiers she did not like Russia nor did she trust that this would not be a problem. The soldiers gauged from both Deacon and Samira wary but calm for now and allowed her to dance away from them for a bit.

Samira moved over closer to Deacon still on edge as she did. Looking to him for proof that this situation was not something dangerous to her or to both of them. Twirling around she did unfortunately have to pass by them to get to Deacon and that scared her.
He waited for Samira to reach him and gave her a grim little smile,

"He knows us, he is the blacksmith's son, Boris Dragov."

He motioned the other musicians to silence and rested his guitar on his lap,

"My honored guests, friends, we have visitors from a place far away from here. A song for them is my tribute to their long journey."

He started to play, then started to sing:

"Po dolinam i po vzgoryam
shla diviziya fpyeryot,
shtobý z boyem vzyat' primorye,
Byeloi Armiyi aplot –
shtobý z boyem vzyat' primorye,
Byeloi Armiyi aplot.

Nalivalisya znamyona,
kumatsh tshom paslednikh ran,
shli likhiye eskadroný
priamurskikh partizan –
shli likhiye eskadroný
priamurskikh partizan.

Etikh lyet nye smolknit slava,
nye pamerknit nikagda:
Partizanskiye otryadi
zanimali garada –
partizanskiye otryadi
zanimali garada.

I ostanutsya kak f skaskakh,
kak manyashtshiye agni:
Shturmovýe notshi f Spaskakh,
Volotshayevskiye dnyi –
shturmovýe notshi f Spaskakh,
Volotshayevskiye dnyi.

Razgromili atamanov,
razognali voyevod,
i na Tikhom Okeanye
svoi zakontshili pakhot –
i na Tikhom Okeanye
svoi zakontshili pakhot."

He finished the song with a nice flourish and the Russian and his friends rose to their feet, applauding his version of a folk song. He received their applause with a nod and the other musicians started to play again, he joined them, playing his flute again.
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Once the other musicians began again Samira began once more to dance. Twirling past them and dancing around though never genuinely looking directly to any of them. Then deep into the song a hand gripped her arm as she tried to twirl and get free her eyes did look quickly to Deacon. One of their Russian guests had sealed his hand to her wrist with the intensity of the Russian bear itself.
"I know danced."

The man spoke in Russian, this caught Boris' attention,

"Yeltsin, let her go."

Yeltsin in turn grinned at Boris,

"Ah but she has to sample the taste of the Russian Bear."

Deacon stopped playing and got from his seat, he sauntered over, hand on his sword's hilt,

"What is going on here? Would you insult the owner of this establishment? You will have to answer that insult to me."

Yeltsin scoffed,

"No woman can own land, nor house, that is for a man."

Deacon looked coldly at the bear of a man,

"I say that this place is her's, do you also wish to call me a liar?"
One of the servers hurried over and tried with her tiny hands to free Samira from the strangers grip as her brother and the other soldiers and their civilian clad friends all stood hands resting on weapons and began to close in as well. Samira looked around seeing all the strife and something in her darkened.

ENOUGH! Boris... better control your travel companion and clearly hired muscle for hauling iron or reveal your true reason for being here... NOW!

Her words seemed to halt the guards for moment though they were by that time close enough that a single sword strike could free her the hard way from the stranger's grasp.
Boris turned towards Yeltsin,

"Let go of her you mule idiot! If Deacon says this is her place it is her place. I have all intentions of eating here and listen to him play. If your codpiece is aching take it to a whorehouse."

There was winter in his voice, Yeltsin seemed caught between a rock and a hard place, the rock being Boris and the hard place his ego. In a flurry he pulled Samira, a dagger cioming towards her throat. Deacon moved as Yeltsin pulled Samira to him, blocking the dagger with the flute, his other hand driven into Yeltsin's throat, making the man gag and loosen his grip on Samira, who in turn twisted away. Deacon's sword sang it's deadly song as it left it's sheath and Yeltsin fell to the ground, his throat cut open and a cut across his belly, it happened so fast that no one was sure which cut was made first. Deacon stared at Yeltsin's companions, everybody apart from Boris looked shocked. Boris sighed,

"Bloody idiot, take his carcass out of here. Deacon I truly apologize for his behavior, we are here to buy steel and take it back home, truly that is all. I give you my word of honor."

Deacon nodded, pulled a rag from the serving girl's apron and wiped his sword clean,

"It is up to Samira if you may stay and have your meal and music. I have no problem with it as long as hands stay where they should."
Anger tinged with fear shook her form as she stared from the safety of Deacon's closeness the soldiers attention turned to Samira hearing Deacon say it was her decision as if awaiting her ruling.

If another of your travel companions attempts to lay any form of harmful hand on anyone in here patron staff Deacon or myself then you ALL pay for that action Boris...

The soldier and his companions all just nodded and moved to sit back down though pondering hiring Deacon.
Boris nodded,

"I will personally make certain that the lads contain themselves."

Deacon sheathed his sword and glanced at Samira, he leaned in to whisper in her ear,

"Cover your arm, they will grow suspicious when there is no bruise."
Samira cradled and wrapped her wrist with one of the smaller scarves but remained close to Deacon. Her eyes however seemed strange to the servers and her aid as he moved over to her and had the servers guide her away for a little bit and looked to Deacon speaking soft to him so none could hear them.

She changes... her fear now holds rage... this is good? or bad?
He smiled,

"She is embracing her flame, it is a very, very good thing."

He returned to his seat and calmly continued to play, the flute weaving a spell which made people forget and enjoy their time.
Nodding he took off to go check on her.

Several moments later Samira returned her wrists wrapped up in bracelets and scarves as she danced once more after a costume change and time to calm herself. Smiling to Deacon as she twirled past him in a more favored costume.
He gave her a smile and nod, she was growing, it was a good thing, just she would know how strong she would become. But what he had seen in her, made her quite a powerful woman in his country if only she embraced this.
The night seemed to continue uneventfully far into the morning as the crowd thinned and soon departed. She sat down on the edge of the stage area and relaxed a little listening to the music with a soft sigh.
They kept playing until the last patron left, Deacon had only once touched his guitar the evening. Now he picked it up and started to play a slow song, one who didn't have much rhythm. The other musicians stopped and listened to him, seemingly enjoying the music he was playing.
Samira closed her eyes and listened cradling her wrist as she knew they would expect her to favor it for a while. Taking a deep relaxing breath she dismissed everything that had happened and slowly opened her eyes to find herself looking into Deacon's face.
He on the other hand he had his eyes closed as he played the slow relaxing music, he opened his eyes when he finished his music and smiled. He got up and gathered his flute, then looked at Samira.

"Ah banti you are still here? I thought you would have left already."