Confessions: What Are Yours?

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ICT I wish I'd not come home.......Looks like the house has had squatters in! :eek:
ICT I didn't read it that way. Though now you've mentioned it guess it could be worded smoother. Guess what she is wearing is pertinent,
ICT compiling playdates and sessions into a journal style story was an excellent idea.
ICT having the playdate write from her point of view was equally awesome.
Lastly ICT having her over to discuss working on the story was just an excuse to fuck her again - sheer brilliance.
ICT that I read it as "good for you (if you did it on purpose) for having that much confidence to dress like that so you can get those looks.."
and if you didn't dress like that "what kind of looks did you think you would get???"

Cause she said she didn't expect those kind of reactions. So I'm guessing he was asking what kind of reactions she expected (maybe no reaction at all )
ICT I'm confused by SSDs post and that I wasn't aiming to be even more confusing to _me_ though seeing as her name confuses me when I write...
ICT I'm confused by SSDs post and that I wasn't aiming to be even more confusing to _me_ though seeing as her name confuses me when I write...

ICT I think we are all totally confused now, about everything. :D
ICT Lit doesn't make me happy like it used to, I think I need to sleep.
ICT I spoke by phone today with a lady that I would love to have all types of sexual fun with.

IACT I hope she reads this post. She knows who she is. :)
ICT my attempts to be more social, in every facet of my life, continue to fail. Largely because I just don't know how to go about it. I feel like I'm forcing myself into conversations or inviting myself along for stuff. It's probably just insecurity, but I don't want to be the guy that nobody wants around who just won't go away, either.

ICT I suspect it's a similar problem to my frequent shyness around women. I'm so afraid of looking like a creeper that I generally just avoid flirting or non-professional social interactions. Which makes it damn hard when there is somebody I'm genuinely interested in getting to know better (and not even romantically). Where to start?

IFCT I probably need to just suck it up and put myself out there. Bound to get kicked in the shins a time or three, but what I've been doing clearly doesn't work.
ICT- When I read your "don't want to be a creeper" I had to giggle, not cause of you or not understanding. But because my kids say "Creeper" all the time and it reminds me how easily their words rub off on me.. Matter of fact I was just in the kitchen watching my daughter make her lunch and was staring at how pretty she looked this morning and she said "Stop staring Mom, you look like a creeper"

IACT- Confidence goes a long ways and while it's easy to preach it, it's harder to take my own advice. From experience, telling yourself something long enough, you eventually believe it. So even if you "fake it" in the beginning, you can eventually feel less shy and more confident.
ICT I want to rip his fucking suit off, and grab a bunch of his hair, and stick my tongue in his mouth.
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