V Day votes question


Literotica Guru
Dec 28, 2017
This isn't so much of a "how" to but a wondering why. At one point, when I checked, I had 38 votes and a score of 3.something. Now I have dropped to 28 votes but my score is 4.something. How/why did this happen? Thanks!
This isn't so much of a "how" to but a wondering why. At one point, when I checked, I had 38 votes and a score of 3.something. Now I have dropped to 28 votes but my score is 4.something. How/why did this happen? Thanks!
There are periodic sweeps to remove "invalid" votes. Lit doesn't disclose or discuss what constitures and "invalid vote," but logic dictates that multiple votes from the same ISP are the primary concern.; most of such votes will be low votes, but multiple high votes from the same source will get removed, too.