Ladies and gents, I present you with...

Aw, thank you :) I want to reply to everything but fear that it would be a lackadaisical use of time for a girl who still has half an essay to write...

I can use big words. :D
Also, how is it I'm SO horny whilst having work to do? The two should surely be mutually exclusive...
My dear, you possess what may be the most perfectly proportioned derrière I have ever laid eyes on.
Hello Calypso
I will never understand why women who look as great as you do don't believe that they are beautiful. What do I think of your photos? You are gorgeous. Thank you for your posts. I love them.
Also, how is it I'm SO horny whilst having work to do? The two should surely be mutually exclusive...

Essay writing is the most erotic of all the arts. I think it was Shakespeare that said "When pen doth cross paper to make honest truths loosed, 'tis then when boners are most often produced."

In fact, I believe he abandoned his essayist career in favor of theater because he couldn't finish the work without trying to fuck his writing desk.
Hello Calypso
I will never understand why women who look as great as you do don't believe that they are beautiful. What do I think of your photos? You are gorgeous. Thank you for your posts. I love them.

aw, thank you :) I enjoy doing it.
Essay writing is the most erotic of all the arts. I think it was Shakespeare that said "When pen doth cross paper to make honest truths loosed, 'tis then when boners are most often produced."

In fact, I believe he abandoned his essayist career in favor of theater because he couldn't finish the work without trying to fuck his writing desk.

I so want that to be true, it would justify everything I'm feeling right now :p although I'm not quite that far gone...
Good morning to you as well. What a great start to the day - looking at that mighty fine ass of yours.
Have a told you before that your rear is amazing! The way the fabric hugs to you shape. Fingers trailing across it, teasing lightly before giving it a good grab. Mmmm :devil: Your curve is fantastic! and the little bow is adorable as well.

I'll offer any assistance you need;)
OH damn! you have a delicious body darlin! :) I have some wicked thoughts on what I could do to you! :)

Hope your having a great day!
GUILTY...Guilty of being amazingly beautiful! And wow, what a sweet, sincere smile!
Well I got my essay done, then went to find more than a 1 ft wave all today...we searched the beaches of north cornwall and there was no surf to be found. So after a lovely afternoon tea of bacon sandwiches and CAKE with mah boys, I am off to break myself climbing :D
But I thought I'd give you a little something.

I have a fruuuube :)