Experience is the Best Teacher (CLOSED for Sidney_1)

Jason was momentarily disappointed when Jessica didn't seem to prefer any of the romantic movies. On second thought, though, he realized that if they were watching a lot of hot love scenes he might not be able to control himself. He reminded himself that the point of this date wasn't to try to get Jessica into bed as soon as possible, necessarily. Whatever happened, happened.

A small smile spread across Jason's face as another thought crowded into his mind. The characters in 21 were grad students at MIT, all about Jessica's age. And, yes, 21 was rated only PG, but he'd seen the official trailer when he did his background research. Kate Bosworth, the female lead, was not too hard on the eyes, and the trailer did hint at least one love scene with partial nudity. Hmm.

"OK", Jason said cheerily as he returned with the popcorn. "21, it is!"