The Darker Side of Nothing.

She was pressed against him, and she noted how good he smelled. "Yes," she whispered shyly, looking into those blue eyes with her violet ones.
He smiled softly and leaned closer. Not daring to.look.from her beautiful gaze, his nose brushed her's and then his lips pressed just gently against her top one. It more of a gentle brush than a kiss. Teasingly then he pulled back.
"Prove it..." He spoke with a demanding tone.
She felt his lips brush hers, his command. As though entranced, she leaned forward a little bit and placed her lips on his a little harder than he did to her, making it more of a kiss, sighing softly. She squeezed his hands gently.
His tongue slipped between his soft mouth's entrance and grazed slowly over her full pout. His blue eyes closed softly as he fought to control himself.
She shivered as she felt his tongue and she met it with her own, her violet eyes closed in enjoyment.
He allowed his hands to slip from hers and slowly run down the back of her body. His palms pressing into the small of her back.

Ooc: okay hun. I'm out for the night.
Good night.
She felt his palms on the small of her back and she pressed herself a little more into him gently, her hands snaking up to rest on his shoulders.
The rate of his heart sped gradually, as he took her tongue into his mouth with a gentleness.
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The gentleness surprised her, but also intrigued her, and she continued to kiss him, sighing softly.
He was about to pull his mouth closer to her's when his presence flickered. The image of him faltered in her mind and he sighed stepping from her. "You're waking." His voice soft as he was torn from her conscious.

He sat up slowly in his room. His body prickling softly as the light landed on his form. A sigh left him as he rose for the day and dressed.
She woke up and gently touched her lips, as if expecting his to be still on them. She swung her legs outside of her hammock and jumped out, and began her chores and studies. Today was another tavern day, she typically went several times a week.

As dusk fell, she slipped on her cloak but kept the hood down and made her way to the tavern, her heart fluttering in her chest. She opened the door and took her seat at the bar, her coin placed down and the tankard of apple ale appeared.
He would be found lying across the bar counter, his head filled with nonsense and his vision blurry from drinking the day away. His shirt would be off and bunched under his head revealing his smooth chest and muscular torso. The long jagged scar would shine a pale white against the rest of his skin. A smile would be resting on his thin lips, and his skin would glisten slightly, from either sweat or alcohol. His blue eyes would be closed tightly.
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"Hello, Blithe," she said calmly looking at him with a soft smile, the memory of the dream evident. "Dream searching?"
She chuckled warmly. "Little too much?" she asked. "I can fix the hangover at least, if you'd like."
Angus heard Ivy hold her breath regretting his having been so forward. ''Thank you Ivory...not many folk like their image taken.'' Opening his sketch book taking the stick of charcoal out, he looked over it seeing she seems withdrawn. ''Do forgive me for touching you...even if it was only a lock of hair I beg your pardon'' In his eyes a look of sadness for upsetting her in them.

Laying the sketch book down on the table open facing her, the one of the fifth page is his Ma and Pa. ''Care to take a gander at my little hobby?'' Taking his glass of scotch in hand downing the last of it, the coin put down earlier enough to assure the whiskey kept his glass full. ''It be me favorite.''
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She would study it in silence. Her eyes would flicker softly. "They look so happy." Gently she would run her finger under the woman's jaw. The charcole would smuge just the tiniest bit. She studied it again for a moment then slid it back. Her soft hands brushing against his glass and hand.

"Don't worry." She said lifting her hand to his arm gently. "I only evened the shading. Its not ruined."
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A curious light lit his lupine eyes as she admired his artwork, as she commented on the happy look of their face he smiled. ''I am sure ye only improved it.'' As her soft delicate hand had brushed against his larger callused one, as she placed that hand on his arm, he had a feeling he'd made a true friend indeed.
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She would stand shakily and hum softly, stopping to ask. "Dance?" She held her hand to.him.
She came over to him, curious about what he could want. "Something you need?" she asked, sitting near him.
''Aye I'll dance with ye Lass.'' Angus stood taking Ivory's hand gently in his, leading her to an open area for dancing. The taverns magical properties produced the very tune she'd so softly hummed. ''I warn ye I havna danced in a dogs age.''

Turning about to face the pretty raven haired little barefoot beauty, slipping an arm around her petite waist to rest a hand against her lower back. Leading her in a slow swaying dance the two turn gracefully about the tavern.

''How am I doin Lass...havna stepped on yer toes yet?'' His crooked grin was a very jovial one when he did, hoping for a smile or her musical laughter to reveal itself once again. ''Ye dance like the wee Fairy folk fly.''

(Hopefully Didn't reply to the wrong post)
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A warm smile would graze her lips as she looked up at the large man dancing with her. The hand on her back was comforting. Gently she leaned into it and followed his careful steps. Her hand was engulfed by his rough calloused one. A blush touched her cheeks as she spoke her amber eyes flickering.
"I think you're telling tales of not dancing. You're wonderful." A soft giggle would surpass her lips as the song sped up, influencing their steps to also quicken.

In doing so, her dress would catch on her foot and she would stumble, falling into his sturdy form, catching herself against his chest. Her hands would reach up to his shoulders, the once wounded one avoided as if something told her not to touch it. Instead she would grip his arm. Embarrassed she would hide her sweet, beat red, face against him. She laughing uncontrollably the whole time.

Through her laughter the music slowed to that of a happy, love step.

(Sorry, forgot to put it in purple love.)
He just smiles a bit wider as it would reach his eyes they twinkled. ''It be true wee Lass...I havna danced nary a bit in fifteen years.'' Chuckling when she giggles he whirls her about with ease, his happy heart did skip a beat when she tripped. His powerful yet gentle arms wrapped about her, holding her close but not too tightly afraid he might frighten or hurt her.

When Ivory grabs hold of his shoulder and arm, he could feel the heat of her blush through his shirt. As this sweet little slip of a girls wholeheartedly laughs, Angus just could not hold back a deep rumbling laughter that escapes him. ''Oopsie Daisy we bout went a topsy turvy didna wee?!''

As the music slowed to a easy loving tempo, leaning down his lips rested atop her raven head, as her sent of pine and rainwater fills his senses.
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