Free Thoughts~on One word...

I relate to the feeling of being naked on paper. Poetry is particularly personal. I tend to reveal more of myself in poetry, than I might in a conversation.

Try to think of it as being a nudist. You might not walk down the street in all your naked glory, because people just wouldn't get it. Well that, and you'd be arrested. :rolleyes:. But if you're at a nudist colony, you're in like company. Suddenly, naked ain't such a big deal.

So, get your feet wet, then go skinny dippin'. It's not so bad once you get used to it. :cattail:

skinny dipping I can soooo relate to.:eek:

I was a teen
with brothers friends, me a tag-a-lone
sharp edge rocks, a creek
kudzu run wild, slippery, icky pebbles
top down, feet planted
placing my trust in whatever
will be. free style running, frantic
to be water-bound. shy,
feelings of seductiveness
with tomboy habits
never ending ...

Everything has it's place - and time ~~

Brought over from the 100 words thread ~~

When the muse let's loose,
lord knows what's
to be said. From skinny dipping
teen - me, to a proud
primal animal - laying in wait.

watching, needing, horny
has to be said - but loneliness did
play her role - that aside, watch
as I freefall into nothingness
catch a whiff
perfumed sheets, naked nymph
gone wild -- willing a partner, any partner
to partake. wild, wanton woman, needing
a hard, rough lay, beside
inside. deeply worshiping
with fingers, like glue, stuck on
him. he who is always there, inside
my head, whispering -- glitter,
our code word for, lay down, throw down
let it all go.

scream the rafters down, debauch
every memory, just be here
now - with me. Take what I offer,
slap, kiss,
nip, tug
on my heart strings as I yo-yo
back to catch wind
over and over again.

my light in the darkness,
soft landing place. a man
I can count on, who never
seems outta space, for me to curl up
on long, cold nights,
who understands my sighs, and knows
my grace. standing alone, a terrible
terrible spot - clinging to a dream
a memory
a delusion
of what really, was not ....


just rambling and thinking, most def. a free thoguht ~~

Good morning. I would like to try and do our free thoughts on a word again. That being said, here it is ....


Syllables: spir-it
Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation spi riht

Definition 1. the vital force that is thought to be an element of
human beings; soul.
Synonyms soul , anima
Crossref. Syn. animus , ghost , psyche , mind

Definition 2. a supernatural being, such as a devil, ghost, fairy, or elf.
Synonyms presence , ghost , apparition , specter
Crossref. Syn. phantom

Definition 3. the part of human nature that is separate and distinct
from the physical.
Synonyms soul , psyche , mind

Definition 4. fundamental nature; essence.
Synonyms core , essence
Crossref. Syn. essence , character , quintessence , genius , nature ,
flavor , being

Definition 5. disposition or character as marked by certain qualities
such as courage and energy.
Synonyms vitality , vigor , pluck , élan , vivacity
Crossref. Syn. disposition , grain , heart , morale , nature

Definition 6. (pl.) a feeling or mood.
Example in low spirits from the bad news.
Synonyms mood , humor , feeling
Crossref. Syn. tone , temper

Definition 7. the essential meaning or intent of a thing.
Example the spirit of the law.
Synonyms purpose , intention , aim , intent

Definition 8. the prevailing character of something.
Example the revolutionary spirit of the century.
Synonyms mood , character
Crossref. Syn. temper , complexion , genius , flavor

Definition 9. (pl.) alcoholic liquor.
Synonyms alcohol , liquor

Definition 10. (cap.) in Christianity, the Holy Ghost; third person of
the Trinity.
Synonyms Holy Ghost , Paraclete {paraclete } , Holy Spirit

Related Words energy , bounce , fight , odor , frame , apparition ,
vitality , purport , interior , person , aroma , presence , genius , drink ,
temperament , mettle , enterprise , ghost , gist , ambiance , warmth ,
go , blood , angel , essence , zip , grit , constitution , dash , air

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms spirited, spiriting, spirits

Definition 1. to remove secretly or mysteriously (usu. fol. by off or
Example The thieves spirited away our car.
Similar Words steal , abduct , sneak

Definition 2. to infuse with spirit or determination; inspirit.
Synonyms inspirit , animate , hearten
Similar Words embolden , arouse , kindle , inspire , encourage ,


Write whatever comes to mind. Have fun and let it go ~~

Happy Writing ~~:rose:

but the question

If you spirit
to a spirit
will you raise
her spirits?
Read this:

Oh, God, I know no joy as great as a moment of rushing into a new love, no ecstasy like that of a new love. I swim in the sky; I float; my body is full of flowers, flowers with fingers giving me acute, acute caresses, sparks, jewels, quivers of joy, dizziness, such dizziness. Music inside of one, drunkenness. Only closing the eyes and remembering, and the hunger, the hunger for more, more, the great hunger, the voracious hunger, and thirst.

~~ Anaïs Nin - May 30, 1934

growl, eh ~~~ That's spirit ~~ I have to get ready for work. Will be back for my contribution a bit later. Have fun my friends ~~

Although very tired, I did promise. Sorry it's a bit late but I got real busy ~

My take, at this moment, on spirit ~~:rolleyes:


as the day closes, my spirit wains.
I turn down the bed - flip the knob, lights out
and memories flood. there once was a time

when his loving ghost would meet me
half way, between covers and kisses.
his whispering caress camped out
in my spot. although miles separated
I always felt him there - rejuvenating
my heart and holding me. sometimes

that's all we need. to know another
is there. a shoulder, a hand, a warm
velvet voice cuddling us, through the dark.


Hoping to get better as I go along, lol.
Nighty night my friends. Have a great one -
and Happy Writing ~~


in life we are taught many things. from never talking back
to mamma, eat all your veggies, never lie, be caring and
always stand up for what's right. these are but a few
of the lessons my parents instilled in me.

I always thought if we lived by these codes and behaved
reasonably, graduated and went to college everything
in our world, would be right, but the harder I try
the more I do, the further I reach, it all seems - not

I've had so many good times to even out
the harder times but what I really want to know
is when life started? While I was watching the stars,
reading a book, or riding through the fields? When
did it come and go so quickly?

I'm working, taking care of my loved ones
and still, I stand by, watching time fly. It's time,
time to reach out, grab a star and see
what really happens .....


grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, lost it, whatever it was ... seems too much a narrative but it's said and done, lol ~ will think on it, rehash and come back at another time with what I REALLY wanted to write:rolleyes:

Good morning. Ever be in a lusty mood and just feel like throwing down a good write??? Go for it ~~ :devil:;)


Syllables: car-nal

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation kar nEl

Definition 1. of or pertaining to the flesh or body, esp. sexual appetites
and activities.
Synonyms erotic, sensual , fleshly , sexual , libidinous
Crossref. Syn. earthy , animal

Similar Words bodily , lustful , voluptuous , lascivious

Definition 2. of this world; human or earthly rather than spiritual.
Synonyms material , worldly , secular , temporal , mundane ,
profane , earthly
Crossref. Syn. sensual

Similar Words sensual , nonspiritual , corporeal , terrestrial , physical ,

Related Words worldly , secular , mundane , erotic , lecherous ,
passionate , outward

Derived Forms carnality, n. ; carnally, adv.

Have fun with this one, it promises to be .... interesting ;)
Happy Happy writing ~~

carnal: inspiraion ...


Your Body Is A Wonderland
John Mayer - Artist

we got the afternoon,
you got this room for two.
one thing i've left to do,
discover me discovering you.
one mile to every inch, and,
your skin like porcelain,
one pair of candy lips and your bubblegum
tongue and if you want love
We'll make it Swim a deep sea
Of blankets Take all your big plans
And break 'em
This is bound to be a while
Your body
Is a wonderland
Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands)
Your body Is a wonderland

Something 'bout the way your hair falls in your face
I love the shape you take when crawling towards the pillowcase
You tell me where to go and
Though I might leave to find it
I'll never let your head hit the bed
Without my hand behind it you want love?
We'll make it
Swimming a deep sea Of blankets
Take all your big plans
And break 'em
This is bound to be a while
Your body Is a wonderland
Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands)
Your body Is a wonderland

Damn baby You frustrate me
I know you're mine all mine all mine
But you look so good it hurts sometimes

Your body Is a wonderland
Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands)
Your body Is a wonderland
Your body is a wonderland.......

some kinda sexy, this song. Let it "move" you. Enjoy the ride and dive, deep to "feel" it's motion ~ grrrrrrrrrrr~~~

Good morning. Ever be in a lusty mood and just feel like throwing down a good write??? Go for it ~~ :devil:;)


Syllables: car-nal

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation kar nEl

Definition 1. of or pertaining to the flesh or body, esp. sexual appetites
and activities.
Synonyms erotic, sensual , fleshly , sexual , libidinous
Crossref. Syn. earthy , animal

Similar Words bodily , lustful , voluptuous , lascivious

Definition 2. of this world; human or earthly rather than spiritual.
Synonyms material , worldly , secular , temporal , mundane ,
profane , earthly
Crossref. Syn. sensual

Similar Words sensual , nonspiritual , corporeal , terrestrial , physical ,

Related Words worldly , secular , mundane , erotic , lecherous ,
passionate , outward

Derived Forms carnality, n. ; carnally, adv.

Have fun with this one, it promises to be .... interesting ;)
Happy Happy writing ~~



my appetite increases
when I taste her lips
that carnal desire
to eat her alive

live sushi?
no, passion on a half shell
romance on a platter
sipping love
and gulping flesh by the handfull

to tame the hunger
I need you
unbridled passion

(~_~) grin...

RF, good to hear
your near (~_*)

All I ever wanted to know
rapt in sinuous fibers


Underscored by

The same yen gave rise to
between serpent and ingénue
and the first taste
of forbidden fruit
Last edited:
carnal knowledge, spurred the poet ..... :devil:

three joined
a'hip. honey pours,
purrs. mouths meeting,
inhale. long, languorous


a playing with words, three word, thought ~~~ ;)

passion thread bring-over ~~~


back road romance

sexy tunes, tempting us to obey
the speed limit. sixty miles, outta way
to reach - the perfect spot. rattled
by memories. a perchance meeting,
as two conspire a compromising
position. backseat bodies, wrapped
in heat, heading into a hailstorm
of sex and booze.

I've lost my words, to lists
and chores. Another day calls, phone
rings. All nerves on guard. Searching
for that inspiration to inspect, dissect,
digest every moment, in thought
to break free - let loose this pint up
emotion that hide inside.

I wait for the lyrics, to that elusive melody
playing out in my mind. The phantom
of the opera, Casper's friendly uncles,
those who trespass, bearing up the wall,
while bleaching colors with whites -
spinning my world, outta control.

I've lost my words, to lists
and chores. Another day calls, phone
rings. All nerves on guard. Searching
for that inspiration to inspect, dissect,
digest every moment, in thought
to break free - let loose this pint up
emotion that hide inside.

I wait for the lyrics, to that elusive melody
playing out in my mind. The phantom
of the opera, Casper's friendly uncles,
those who trespass, bearing up the wall,
while bleaching colors with whites -
spinning my world, outta control.


a casper smile
ghostly chills
singing opera
with nursery ryhmes

poetry time....(~_~)
I want a cool hard one,
scalding down deep, make me sputter
a cough. Still yet, I beg
for more. Fill'r up, leave the bottle
this intoxication - stirs me.

How about a free thought ......

mind walk

wooded bed of leaves and moss,
bodies bend, limbed with arching
desires. a tender caress, whispering
words, lounging thoughts. a slow mind
walk through - senses and nerves, on edge
from fingertip forging and tongue trailing.
bodies silently walking, in place. keeping rhythm
with hypnotic trickle in our creek bed boudoir.

you know who you are ---- when you get there, enjoy ~

just a thought ~~ Happy Writing ~~~

dipping passion
a salsa delight
hot and spicey
licking lips
between little nibbles
savoring love
of finger foods
beneath you
dipping passion
a salsa delight
hot and spicey
licking lips
between little nibbles
savoring love
of finger foods
beneath you

i am
the perfect
your every
comes in
assorted flavors
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Free thought bounce on passion

passion fruit, nubbed
between fingers, nimble.
pressing- indentations excite.
a little slap, straining situations
homing in, deep down pulsing
patting out pressure points
to see him, pop.

Quote: Originally Posted by bluerains

born in blue
a safe space for you
grey skies lifted...


grey skies part
taking his hand, leading
the way. skinny dipping, bubbles
blowing, tounge lathers
scenic views. joining in our vision
of the future, forget-me-not
dipping passion
a salsa delight
hot and spicey
licking lips
between little nibbles
savoring love
of finger foods
beneath you

salsa, nibbles
and dipping.

yummy imagery and I'm not just talking about the food. ;)
Nice pen Art, missed you my friend ...

The new season for TV is kicking off and I am all jazzed up about quiet a few of the season premiers. After work, dinner and clean up, there's nothing quiet like sitting down and watching a great comedy or daring drama .... jus sayin'

So ..... anyone get any inspiration from a TV show ? Movie?

Bring'm on .... :rose:
