If you could have any job in the world....

I've heard of the book. You know, I'm hoping the sun just shines generously on me and something magical drops in my lap so I won't have to read this book or fill in a linked in profile. :rolleyes:

I'm my entire work life, I've never done a resume. Why start now?

Actually, thanks for the reference. I will check in to it.

That sun might never rise, just saying. This book is about as far from the usual how-to-write-a-resume guide as you will ever find. In fact, they spend almost none of the 400+ pages on resumes and such. About a third of the book is on how to figure out the best job for you and the rest tells you how to find that job without relying on a resume, job listings of any kind, or LinkedIn.
To be able to end all suffering, pain and discomfort without the need for Thumpers, caretakers and 'music therapists' (ewww, shudders). I think the job title is 'Grim Reaper', but I'd take the grim out of it.
I've heard of the book. You know, I'm hoping the sun just shines generously on me and something magical drops in my lap so I won't have to read this book or fill in a linked in profile. :rolleyes:

I'm my entire work life, I've never done a resume. Why start now?

Actually, thanks for the reference. I will check in to it.

Speaking of things dropping on people, one of my jack assy co workers almost dropped a fridge on me today. May have an opening soon. You a people person Cookie? :D
30 years in the medical profession and I was so burned out. After moving 1500 miles, I answered a Craigslist ad on a whim and now do office admin in a single person office so it's a great job.

I always wanted to be an architect but now I feel a landscape architect would be even more cool.
I would be a programmer/designer for a super-realistic vr porn "game" :cattail:
That sun might never rise, just saying. This book is about as far from the usual how-to-write-a-resume guide as you will ever find. In fact, they spend almost none of the 400+ pages on resumes and such. About a third of the book is on how to figure out the best job for you and the rest tells you how to find that job without relying on a resume, job listings of any kind, or LinkedIn.

I choose to think the sun, stars AND moon will align in some way to to forge out my future. :rolleyes: I will check out the book! Thanks.

Speaking of things dropping on people, one of my jack assy co workers almost dropped a fridge on me today. May have an opening soon. You a people person Cookie? :D

Actually, Necro, I'm looking for something with minimal people contact. That being said, I would never drop a fridge on ya!

30 years in the medical profession and I was so burned out. After moving 1500 miles, I answered a Craigslist ad on a whim and now do office admin in a single person office so it's a great job.

I always wanted to be an architect but now I feel a landscape architect would be even more cool.

I love this, gracie! A complete 180 and it worked out.

I've thought a golf course architect would be pretty nifty.
Is marrying rich an option?

Then I could keep on doing more or less what I do now and not feel shitty every month for making so little money.

I guess that answers cookie's question, though. I'd keep on doing something similar to what I do now, only in a perfect world I'd be able to be more picky about my jobs and I'd make a crap load more money.
I'd love to own a used bookstore, like a little labyrinth full of curiosities and little corners and nooks you could get lost in. Would probably have a shop kitty and the coffee pot would always be on for friends and regulars.

I'll do it someday when I retire. Won't even matter whether or not it makes money.
I want to work in that warehouse from the end of "Raiders of the Lost Ark", that labyrinth of lost antiquities
I would have liked to be the judge in a courtroom.

I've sat as a judge pro tem hearing cases in small claims court. It's very interesting, challenging, and intriguing and I enjoyed it very much. Everyone thinks it's about the power and authority, but for me it was about the responsibility to do the right thing and follow the law and facts.

Unfortunately I don't have the education or professional pedigree I'd need to actually make it to the big leagues.

But it's still fun to dream.
Horse trainer, riding coach.


Motivational speaker or college level prof.
Some days I want to be a cricket writer/commentator/journalist or merely the guy that changes the sight screen each over. Or maybe football. Or just sport in general. I'm sure curling can't be that hard to write about?
Some days I want to be the curator of a bunch of seemingly random seedlings that, long after I'm gone, some kid will be able to build one heck of a tree house in.
Some days I want to be a teacher or coach of some sort. Two things I love about this type of job; witnessing the light bulb moment when two weeks of talking finally sinks in and you know they've got it. Not just for the next 5 minutes so they can regurgitate it for a test, but for life.
Or when someone is bitching and moaning about how hard/difficult/complex what you're trying to teach is and how they'll never possibly be able to do it. Then you come back next week and they're bitching and moaning about how hard/difficult/complex this new thing is. Then you get to ask them about last weeks lessons and they wave it off "yeah got that now, but there's no way I'm going to master this new thing. It's so hard/difficult/complex." Not sure what it says about me, but I get an irrational amount of laughter pouring out of me in moments like these.

Good thing I left my dead end gas station job to become a teacher (although some meaningful employment while I'm studying wouldn't go astray).
My wife's employer cut her hours, she warned them that she couldn't support her family on two days of work in two weeks, and two days later she already has a job offer for another job.

My wife kicks ass....

But between this and that other stress, and that other one, and this other one too...

It's been awhile since I have been so in loathing of myself.

Good on Mrs. Stag for the job change.

Not so good on the loathing. Am glad you're back. In a weird way can sharing here be useful?