Did you piss off any LIT people today?

I hope not. But if I did, it wasn't intentional, and yes, I would definitely attempt to right it. :):rose:
Pretty sure I haven't. Although I haven't had much time yet, so things may still change. :)
Well I haven't tried to piss anyone off today, here or otherwise but anything is often as not quite possible. But then, the days not over yet...
More than likely...never intentional.

And I'm sure I'll do it again tomorrow :)
I hope not! I know I've done so without knowing in the past, and finding out weeks later. :p Never intentional though.
I know I piss a certain someone off on a regular basis. Its my sense of humor :(
I am sure I have. It is one of my specialties. I seem to be able to do it without even trying. It is awesome to have this very valuable skill. :D
So when we say "today", do count since midnight or when I got up? Either way, someone out there is rolling their eyes. It's the nature of the beast. :rolleyes: