Girl Trying To Impress

Aug 24, 2016
I've never written a story before, but I'm curious to try. I can't really agree on a storyline that I like but I can visualize the opening scene:

A girl is lying on a bed. Her boyfriend is working below her waist to take her skirt and panties off. She's nervous but determined to go through with whatever the night holds for her. She's here on a dare. She looks over and tries to see her friend (older sister? Mom?) but she can't see her face; all she sees are her friend's legs parting slightly each time her boyfriend thrusts into her. Finally she catches her friend's eye. It's filled with lust and passion. And a hint of excitement because she knows what lies in store for tonight.

Still haven't decided the background of the story. Or what's driving this girl to go through all of these kinky things for her friend. Anybody have an idea they'd like to share? Thanks in advance!
Try to make the scenario plausible, don't have them instantly start fucking after a couple sentences. My guide when writing a story was that if my dick got hard while writing, then the story was going in the right direction.
What I had in mind was more akin to a movie whose opening scene finds the protagonist in immediate danger and the back story is filled in later.

I'm a big fan of stories the start in the middle of something, rather than giving a lengthy exposition beforehand. In this case, I see two points where I would consider starting the story:
1. at the start/middle of the conversation about the dare
2. the moment the guy/girl starts unzipping her skirt.

For the first point you could just incorporate the required information in the dialogue or some narration, and then the story just keeps moving forward. This would be the most simple to write.

In the second one I would maybe start a bit before that, maybe with a little conversation between her and her friend and once they start removing clothes or kissing (whatever happens first) you could jump back in time to show the reader how she got in this situation. I would probably go for a memory/flashback, where she thinks about the dare and how it got her in this situation and then you switch back to the time where they dared her to do it, then back to the action after the reader has seen enough to know what's going on. Bit more tricky to pull off without confusing the reader but it's not too hard to write either.
I'm a big fan of stories the start in the middle of something, rather than giving a lengthy exposition beforehand.
I write thusly a lot. Sometimes the end mirrors the start. Action occurs, then the backstory fills in WHY it occurs, and then we return to the occurrence and its results. Readers' eyeballs are (hopefully) grabbed if that starting-and-ending event is hot. This is part of my technique of visualizing an ending, then building the story to reach that image.

Something like the OP story could be written with zero sex. Start with her unzipping her skirt nervously; then the backstory of her life and the dare; then back to unzipping, still undecided. Stop there, in suspense. Does she or doesn't she? Oh, the tale needn't be TOTALLY sexless. Told in 3rd person, the start and end follow her thoughts, while the middle/backstory follows fucks by those around her. Then, for fun, give it an O.Henry twist ending.