note to self

note to self: spending an entire day clearing out the attic and hauling heavy boxes ain't as bad as looking after 2 hyperactive, loud, annoying kids for 2 hours
note to self: it's ok to be all excited about finding your old music box *hums along* :eek:

or your favourite doll. and your barbies :rolleyes:
That works, you've went to watch men try to suck their own penis while comforting caffeine 'cold turkey' people before, haven't you? :)
NTS if Wild_Honey goes to watch some guy suck his own cock, she needs a therapist. Or some nasty sex.
note to self: keep an eye on the time, especially when I have to work in the morning.
note to self: always, ALWAYS use lube when doing anal. even if it's been in your pussy first and you're as wet as a scottish summer and you get carried away. (you really should know better :rolleyes:)