Vampire Roleplay (Closed to SlippedHalo)


Literotica Guru
Jan 2, 2016
Katherine Doyle stepped into the old estate that she had bought several years ago. Her body ached, she'd fought with a couple other rival vampires that night, then hadn't had time to feed before returning home. Her pale grey eyes were rimmed in crimson, as was customary for vampires, they retained their natural born eye color, but a ring of crimson was added. Her long mahogany hair was tied back in a snug tail. She shut the door behind her, She'd been a vampire for nearly 300 years already, and she had never sired a fledgling, now she had two waiting upstairs for her.

Well, one, and an unconscious one. She'd have to decide what to do with the female. She wasn't taking the change well. And Kat serious ly doubted that the woman would ever wake up. Going upstairs, she was met by Anthony, her first fledgling, and lover. He looks to Katherine with imploring eyes. "Please, Dearest Teacher, teach me how to help her! I don't know what to do and I can sense her agony!"

She glanced at the convulsing woman and sighed, scrubbing her hands over her face. "I don't have enough strength ot feed her. And I don't think it will do much good. But you can try." She muttered, her voice held a soft Irish accent. "Go to her. Bite open your wrist and hold it to her mouth, see if she'll latch on to feed. Only give her a minute or two of blood, then pull away. Given the chance, she may drain you." She ordered. "I don't know if she can come out of this. I've never seen a change take this long. But you mind as well try."

They'd kept this woman safe, as healthy as possible, moved her with them when they'd moved here. It would be a waste to just let her die. But Katherine really didn't know if there was a chance at her coming out of this. Katherine leaned against the wall as she watched Anthony, He was the only hope this woman had. Katherine had lost a lot of blood and strength in her fights tonight, she had planned on feeding on Anthony herself, as was common for vampire lovers. But it seemed their charge needed it more. Katherine would survive until the next night, when she would go out to feed. For now she watched the pair, hoping that Anthony was successful.

She knew he was attached to this woman, from his human life, and knew it would likely devastate him if she couldn't be saved. Katherine had no particular attachment to Eva, only because she didn't know her. but she had an attachment to Anthony, and if he wanted her saved then Kat would try her damnest. And she knew she'd grow attached to the woman once she'd gotten to know her. That was just how Kat was. It could take a while to form an attachment, but then she was as loyal as a wolf.
Anthony's pulse thundered in his ears and pain radiated up his arm, originating from the point where the beautiful, unconscious red head voraciously suckled the wound in his wrist. Her fangs pierced his tough, vampire skin rather harmlessly, like sharp but hollow puppy teeth. However, the real discomfort was in the pulling, the drawing of his own stolen life force to steal for her own.

He stifled a cry at the sharpness of her rapid drinking and held her, protectively cradling her small body closer to him. He couldn't explain to his Mistress, his lover (he would've once blushed at such an admission as that...) why keeping this woman with them felt so important. He wasn't entirely sure himself. It wasn't like he had been very close with her in their previous life, before the fire which killed nearly all...They had lived in the same environment, served the same community, worshipped in the same church. Both had been significantly younger than the majority of their peers. They only ate in the same dining hall on holy feast days, and she had never been one of the nuns to accompany him or Monsignior Bailey on the church's errands (If given a choice of duties, most noted that the painfully shy beauty would choose to do things which would have safely kept her on the convent and church properties.). Yet, he could recall he'd been relieved three years ago, when he'd awakened from what he'd thought had been his horrific demise to find that, though he'd been changed into something not entirely human, at least someone else from his old life had come along for this strange, new journey too. She'd been just nineteen but had now accumulated several lifetime's worth of suffering in this in-between state, Anthony thought, as he watched her drink, recalling the horrors of dying.

She, however, hadn't died as suddenly as he had and her wounds had been far more significantly widespread...She'd gone from her human life in torturously slow agony and he could feel her raw emotions and deep pain even still, now, as they touched in this intimate way.

His crimson ringed, sky blue eyes widened and he looked questioningly to Kat who simply nodded her understanding, comfirming his new discovery. A Master or Mistress can sense the emotions of (in rare cases, even read the thoughts of) their fledglings upon physical contact. And, as she now fed from him as well as Mistress Katherine, Eva was becoming as much his fledgling as Kat's. He was honoured to be so young a vampire and yet able to do this. But, that also explained how quickly he was growing fatigued. An older vampire could blood an entire family of fledglings before feeling this weak from exhaustion. Soon he'd have to pull away. Still, her pain, her fear...Eva drew him into her swirling, muddled unconscious for a few seconds more and it was heartbreaking to think she may have been feeling this way all along, for three years!

She was once the youngest novitiate nun in St. Augustine's convent, known to all as Sister Evangeline. Rumour had it that she'd come from a large family with seven daughters and just one son. Her father was nearly financially unstable after paying doweries and wedding expenses for the five previous elder girls of the family, so upon notice that men were beginning to inquire about the pretty Evangeline and her younger sister, Vivienne, their father had promptly decided one girl's fate would be to become a chaste governess and another, a nun.

The more striking and elder of the pair of girls was chosen for a lifetime of chastity and charity because he panicked at her nieve kindness toward strangers, which he thought would serve God well but could create catastrophe in his life if the wrong stranger sought to take advantage of his guilless Evangeline. Plus, he could hardly imagine that quiet, little, ginger mouse commanding a room full of obstinate, spoiled, nobleman's children. Vivienne would fair better at such work with a little further study. So, without a thought for what his daughters might wish for themselves, the decision had been made. At age sixteen, Evangeline had begun training with the Sisters of Charity in the next town over, and she was made a novitiate officially two weeks past her seventeenth birthday. That's when she had been moved into the convent and any last traces of "vanity", "pride", or even just being (in Mother Superior's opinion) "too much like Mary Magdalene" in appearance (Mother Superior had convinced all the convent that Mary Magdalene had fiery red hair to symbolize the color of Eve's punishment for sin, blood. And, that red, the color of skin flushed with desire, was the color of sin...Evangeline looked to be sin embodied based on this description.) was berated, starved, and beaten out of her until she managed to appear apologetic for her very existence with her every action. Only this satisfied those seniors training the young nun.

Her only friend in adulthood had been a very old Sister who was prone to bouts of confusing monologues and forgetfulness, so often avoided and merely tolerated by the others. Keeping the old nun around for charity in itself, they made her useful with small, simple duties. So, frail and rheumatic, Sister Bertha was grateful to the sweet girl of a nun who regularly visited her cell to bring her tea or fetch a high shelved book and help her to look things up in it, mend her robes for her to ease Sister Bertha's failing eyes, tend to her sickbed, and tell her in her soft, melodic voice, barely above whisper, all the news of the day, but Sister Evangeline spoke aloud only when pressed to, for this one seemed to prefer to act in silence and had a reassuring way about her to the elderly nun who was nearly of age to be, all too soon, of little more use to the church.

Anthony was starting to see stars in his field of vision. He knew he should stop the blood flow soon but he also felt subtle changes in his charge. She was stirring. She'd gone from deeply unconscious to merely sleeping, healing more rapidly now. He could hear her heartbeat beginning to match his own rhythm. Her skin had lost its freckled translucency and had become more creamy, smooth white, like marble. Her hair had softened and gained fiery sheen, the red, grown more vibrant, shining once more instead of the earlier dull, dry, nearly decaying color and texture...She'd reached a turning point. How could he stop her now when he knew she now had a chance of survival with enough supernatural blood?!

He thought of those simple times again, before the robbery of the church pantry for the needy and the fire which had blazed out of control, taking out the convent, the priestly quarters, and destroying half of the church proper in the process. He thought back to when he'd simply worked and done good deeds as Father Anthony, charity organizer, confessor, scholar, and had, just upon happenstance, not been in his bed to be burned alive then, but had instead been in the antichamber of the church, in the office he shared with Monsignior, busy writing his first sermon that night...Anthony remembered his brief encounters with each of the Sisters, branding their names and faces onto his consciousness with the guilt of a survivor, wanting to memorialize them in his own way. He looked into the slowly, subtly perfecting features of fledgling, Eva, and thought back on when he knew her as Evangeline...

Timid after her first half year of training had broken her spirit, Evangeline had lived in quiet service to others, ashamed if anyone ever noted the lovely shade of green in her eyes, the radiance of her fair face whenever she smiled, and more than content to wear her wimple to hide her cascading aft waterfall of bright red curls...a subject of much castigating and harassment in her youth. Though, Father Anthony (the young priest he had once been) had always found long, red curls suited her and looked lovely. He'd never have voiced that opinion, of course, nor would he admit that many a penance had been done with his conscience bothered by imaginings of how the little young nun might look naked underneath her costume...Oh, he'd noticed her, alright. But, he'd been far too well trained to do a thing more than think of her and serve her in as friendly and professional a manner as he served the unremarkable looking Sister Theresa, Sister Winnifred, Sister Bertha, or Sister Clementine, Mother Superior, Sister Elizabeth, ecetera. He knew better than that.

Now, Anthony realized, vaguely aware of perhaps too harshly shoving the now writhing vampiress in his arms off of his lap and to the floor, severing their connection with all the abruptness of hanging up one of those new inventions, a telephone, while the person on the other end of the line is still mid-speech, that his early, forbidden fantasies about Sister Evangeline could possibly become reality if she were to want it too. Well, not today, but perhaps someday...if Mistress would allow it...

His face momentarily contorted as he rejected the notion. How disgusting, he thought to himself, the once-Catholic in him deeply ashamed at his titillation in even considering taking two lovers at once...Then again, everything he knew about vampires told him that his old vocation as a mortal would've condemned them as demonic, fallen angels or something...Unnatural and sinful, just by existing...So, if this everlasting life after death was a sin anyway and they committed acts of sin regularly just to survive, it followed logic that adding another sin to the pile wouldn't make very much difference, since he might be a soulless demon anyway.

Ok, then.

Sliding to his knees, he scooped up the, unnaturally cold, yet very much alive, body of Eva and she immediately tried to find his skin with her teeth again but he resisted this time. Their psychic emotional connection was back as soon as flesh met flesh, but he pushed her, more gently this time, back from further biting. She clung to him with her petite frame and he swallowed a lump in his throat, fighting his body as his loins now began to react of their own akkord to the closeness, and he used the last of his energy to put her back onto her bed.

Backing away slowly, Anthony moved to stand, weak knee-ed, beside Katherine. He was panting from the effort all of this had taken and the hardening flush of activity below his waist instead of to his brain, where it could be more useful, was frustrating to him. Even as something other than human he was still enslaved by the desires of men... Taking Kat's hand for reassurance and to feel their own link, he sighed, "It's done. That's the best I can do. But, she's turned a corner, I'm sure. Look at her!" He grinned proudly and the two of them watched their shared fledgling, writhing, near sensually, as final physical changes occurred within her physiology and her coma turned to mere dreaming.
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Katherine sat in a chair, watching as Anthony tried to save Eva. Her pale eyes narrowed though, as she watched him, allowing her to drink too much. A faint smirk on her face said that she knew exactly what he was going through, the mental connection to Eva. An intimate understanding of her emotions, and when she woke, he would have an intimate understanding of how she viewed the world, how she felt about most things. It was a strange thing to get use to. She still had a hard time getting use to being able to feel Anthony's emotions, the longer a pair stayed together, the stronger it got.

Now she didn't even need to be touching Anthony to have a sense of what he felt, but it was profusely stronger when they touched. She continued to watch the pair as she felt Anthony having a wide array of emotions, none of which surprised her, she knew his life before her had been very different. He was still adjusting to this new way of life. When Anthony came over to her, she stood, and nudged him into the chair, he seemed weak after the blood loss. "Relax some," She murmured, then looked over Eva. "She might just pull through." She agreed.

"She's strong, I'll give her that, and if she makes it through this, she 'll be stronger for it." Katherine walked over, to listen to Eva's breathing, listen to her heartrate, yes she was definitely finishing her transformation. Moving back over towards Anthony, she set a hand on his shoulder. "You know, it's okay to imagine being with her." She mused. "It's a normal feeling. Vampires are typically more open with their relationships, even committed mates often add a third partner in on occasion. There's nothing wrong with it." She said, squeezing his shoulder gently.

Kat turned back to watch Eva, "She'll be awake by tomorrow or the following day, most likely." She mused, Honestly she was very surprised that Eva was going to survive. But she was relieved, as it would have damaged Anthony to have lost her.
"No, the door's too hot! Come away from there, Sister!"

Anthony was startled to attention by the sudden shout shattering the peaceful late afternoon's rest. He'd been in repose in the sitting room, his mind gone inward, thinking of how many changes he'd experienced since the life as a human had ended for him three years ago. He was resting more deeply than usual due to the previous day's blood loss in feeding young fledgling Eva.

"Come with me, Sister Bertha! We'll jump out of the window. It's the only way!"

Anthony stood up straight and began his ascent towards the room where he knew the voice was coming from. "She's awake!" He said, knowing he needn't shout it out and startle their newborn one with his voice yet because his connection with Kat meant she'd hear him and Eva both wherever she may be.

Entering the chamber once reserved for art projects and sewing, now called by them both Eva's room, Anthony tried to take his movements slowly, lest he frighten the newly awakened fledgling.

"Sister Bertha! Sister, where are..." Sister Evangeline paused as she looked down on the polished wooden floor beneath her hands and knees. She'd expected to hit dirt, perhaps grass or cobblestones, when she fell, but this..."Sister..." she whispered, her voice quavering now. Her hand had been cut on a glass she'd shattered in her clumsy descent from..."a bed? I? Was I I?" Whispered Evangeline in a baffled tone. She gasped as her bleeding palm began to knit closed and heal. Within seconds, a couple of week's worth of healing was complete, all before the blood on the skin and white nightgown had even dried! Frightened by this, and confused as to where she was, Evangeline curled he legs up close to her chest and hugged her knees, squeezing her eyes shut as she shrieked.

Anthony wasn't sure what to do.
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