The 'Cuntification of Lit"


Literotica Guru
Nov 24, 2001
Yup, over the years watching alleged men suck up to the women here to such a degree that they have effectively emasculated themselves.

The degree to which the male posters on this board have degenerated is almost incomprehensible. They seem to be incapable of independent thought, and most certainly are unread and narrowly educated. They state their beliefs as if they're facts yet when confronted have absolutely NO rational argument on which to hang these beliefs.

I can only guess that they think that this is the key to the woman's chastity belt. Fools.

You aren't men, not even a reasonable simulacrum of a man. Just confused fools, like Belcher, Cowards unable to be yourselves and in the end too cowardly to face the consequences of the deeds you've done.

Your ignorance and cowardice astounds me.

Were it not for Vatty, I would wonder if you've ever actually been within ten feet of a woman.
Yup, over the years watching alleged men suck up to the women here to such a degree that they have effectively emasculated themselves.

The degree to which the male posters on this board have degenerated is almost incomprehensible. They seem to be incapable of independent thought, and most certainly are unread and narrowly educated. They state their beliefs as if they're facts yet when confronted have absolutely NO rational argument on which to hang these beliefs.

I can only guess that they think that this is the key to the woman's chastity belt. Fools.

You aren't men, not even a reasonable simulacrum of a man. Just confused fools, like Belcher, Cowards unable to be yourselves and in the end too cowardly to face the consequences of the deeds you've done.

Your ignorance and cowardice astounds me.


Irony, thy name is Ishmael. Remember your pet theory of oil-as-renewable-energy?

Ishmael said:
Oil is burned in internal combustion engines. Hydrocarbons float into the upper atmosphere, where they coalesce and return the ground via rainfall. These returned compounds, being heavier than water, seep deep into the ground table where they pool and accumulate in large amounts.


But hey, it was peer-reviewed research!

Ishmael lecturin' us on ignorance. Life doesn't get much better than this, folks!
Yup, over the years watching alleged men suck up to the women here to such a degree that they have effectively emasculated themselves.

The degree to which the male posters on this board have degenerated is almost incomprehensible. They seem to be incapable of independent thought, and most certainly are unread and narrowly educated. They state their beliefs as if they're facts yet when confronted have absolutely NO rational argument on which to hang these beliefs.

I can only guess that they think that this is the key to the woman's chastity belt. Fools.

You aren't men, not even a reasonable simulacrum of a man. Just confused fools, like Belcher, Cowards unable to be yourselves and in the end too cowardly to face the consequences of the deeds you've done.

Your ignorance and cowardice astounds me.


What ARE you on about?
What ARE you on about?

He's doing his "A Man Called Ishmael" schtick tonight. The manliest of men, yadda yadda. "All the women want to see me, all the men want to be me"....the usual posturing he does the day after his hormone replacement therapy.
He's doing his "A Man Called Ishmael" schtick tonight. The manliest of men, yadda yadda. "All the women want to see me, all the men want to be me"....the usual posturing he does the day after his hormone replacement therapy.

I asked Ishmael.