The Last Thing You Thought...

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BUT~ you didn't serve me.

*pokes around in wallet and leaves a tip for the lemondrop*

She just made a funny and didn't offer me a pocket or a coat or good advice or a smack...or nothing!

*grins, pocketing the tip* Thanks Miss Luna! Glad to be of service! :D
LT ~ Damn dinner was delicious!

FLT ~ Why is it that now I finally have time to sit down and eyes feel like they won't stay open for more than a few minutes at a time...?

Brit, darling go to bed. We need you alert for whenever Bubbles gets home and I'm asleep and he'll need torturing.

Welcome Lemondrop, watch out for the Vailish one, she bites when she promises kisses.

Alright, I should be working, but I'm wasting time.
Brit, darling go to bed. We need you alert for whenever Bubbles gets home and I'm asleep and he'll need torturing.

Welcome Lemondrop, watch out for the Vailish one, she bites when she promises kisses.

Alright, I should be working, but I'm wasting time.

Would love to oblige you, you know I like nothing better ;)
But there's a tiny person here who thinks sleep is for wimps...trying to convince her otherwise... :rolleyes:

I mean, it is somewhat true.
But mostly not true.
Alright, not COMPLETELY true.
As true as i have need of it to be.
Biting is excellent. Its like kissing, but there's a winner!


I love you, nerd.

Would love to oblige you, you know I like nothing better ;)
But there's a tiny person here who thinks sleep is for wimps...trying to convince her otherwise... :rolleyes:

Tiny people can be such assholes sometimes, there they are all cute and wonderful and then they decide not to listen or communicate their needs except through loud yelling.

Bullies. :D
C'mere babydream
We're gonna put you in a nice hot bath where I'm gonna wash your hair
then get you all dry
then put you under the covers so you can sleep with your head resting on me

My Sweet Vail, I can't do anything other than obliged on this. It sounds perfect. :heart:
Never let it be said that I don't know how to take care of my girls

I would never even consider saying it. Although, I'm not too fond of just being categorized as one of your girls.

One of your girls I am, sure, but I like to think I'm something special :D
I'm about to bath and wash you and tuck you in, and give you a warm, soft place for your head.
Exactly how much more special would you like to be?

Well you haven't mentioned picking me up in the short bus and putting a helmet on my head yet so OBVIOUSLY I'm not that special!
Shhh...once you are asleep I'm sneaking out and buying you what you'll be wearing tomorrow night when I take you out...I don't have time for helmets ;)

Ah, I'm okay without the helmet. I'm sure whatever you pick will be amazingly lovely!

Of course, I'm good with absolutely nothing.
Cuddle time with my Vaily will have to wait, back to work I go! Only like... ten more hours until I'm off. Yay me!

I have to be at work in less than 6 hours for a 9 hour shift. I won't see my house until sometime Friday morning...maybe, if the snows hold off that why the fuck am I still awake??

followed by

I hate the cold.

and then

I will be so glad to escape south in three months.


I need a fucking vacation from stress.


egads that is a big fuckin' spider...

*i needa piece of...* got away...who knew spiders came out in December??


I should really go out front and salt my sidewalk.
Eeeek! A Wolf If Trying To Eat M-
Oh... Hi Miss Luna. *Hugs And nuzzles, Then Pouts At A Momma's Words*

You're One Of My Apologies....

*snuggles, nuzzles and cuddles*

If I were trying to eat you, would NOT yell EEEK...

I would bet my entire income tax return on it.

*grins, kisses cheek, helps up*

Now go give the GG apologies...

Last Thought

I am so happy I found her....The original pet....and so tasty...too bad she's mostly straight. That luscious frame. That NATURAL red hair.

Ahhh if only she didn't reside on the West Coast.

*pouts but then does happy dance cuz I know she will call this week*
*snuggles, nuzzles and cuddles*

If I were trying to eat you, would NOT yell EEEK...

I would bet my entire income tax return on it.

*grins, kisses cheek, helps up*

Now go give the GG apologies...

Last Thought

I am so happy I found her....The original pet....and so tasty...too bad she's mostly straight. That luscious frame. That NATURAL red hair.

Ahhh if only she didn't reside on the West Coast.

*pouts but then does happy dance cuz I know she will call this week*

I yell Eek At Everything. My Cat... The Snowplow... My Alarm Clock... Freekles Yming Me...

*Gives Another Good Cuddle Then Goes To Hunt Down Lady*
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