Handmaid's Tale files

White House Science Division Officially Has Zero Staff Members

Bye, Bye, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Science Division!

Friday, the last three members of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) closed the door to their office for the final time. “Science division out. Mic drop,” one of the employees tweeted.

The EPAs Board of Scientific Counselors will be down to 11 members by September 1st. Just a few months ago there were 68 members on the board.

That should make you happy, because if there were people staffing it, they would most likely be men.
Spokes of the Wheel that Liberal will be broken on
*tip of the hat, to Bacigalupo, for posting Catherine Wheel


After a long cultivation of Donald Trump's image, and building a intersecting network within the Far Right machine, the Psuedo- Republicans had their perfect warrior. Trump has no qualms about selling the United States of America, and the whole world, to Russia. He does not care about the fact his image will be tarnished forever. His image never has shone with the light of decency, wholesomeness, and purity. These qualities had nothing to do with his life. He would lose nothing. He cares nothing for the beacon of values embodied in our laws. He cares nothing for the future of the United States of America. He cares nothing for motives of the men he has lobbied, to win his Emperor's throne.

These men would destroy Liberal influence, Liberal power, and support systems for Liberal institutions.

(I am presented with the image of a snake devouring itself. Liberal attempts to confront the complex of paradoxes that the Psuedo- Conservative presents.)

So far, so good, for The Psuedo- Conservative war effort. The goal of removing Liberal from the map is succeeding.

The weakness of Liberal is money. The people that depend on Liberal are poor.

The goal of removing money resources from Liberal, now has the possibility of occurring.

The government regulations that gave the Liberal the ability to protect, are being removed. The lion is getting declawed and the the lion with be toothless. The lion, will at last, be starved.(The offices are empty, there are no people doing the work. No heads were appointed. No funds were planned. The laws were removed.)

Before the public, a pantomime is performed. The same pantomime, seen a countless number of times. "We are sincerely trying to perform the duties you asked of us. It just so happens, that it is tough to give you what you want."(Sides of the wheel, the two sides, the outer rim.-(There is no intent to fulfill demands, unless it suits the plan of the destruction of Liberal. The weapon that will deliver the blast, is the successful vote of the Obamacare replacement. Each attempt is a skirmish that informs the Pseudo Republicans of how to refine their attack.)

The truth of the matter, is that Liberal builds their constructions with meticulous care. Built to last. The Psuedo- Conservative offers papier mache made of toilet paper, rather than steel and oak. Why ? The Psuedo-Republican are offering endless Potemkin arguments. They may remain the same in theme, but they are disposable. Endless amounts of lies are pitted against truth. Lies add to a complexity, that is already overwhelming.

The many spokes of the wheel differ from each other, in intent of purpose. As a whole, the spokes of the wheel support the framework. Ultimately, the use of the wheel has one purpose, as a weapon of war. Destruction.

The knife will be plunged into the Liberal when the time is optimum. Psuedo-Conservatives see no need to preserve a Democracy. Political genocide was never the intent of Moderate Republicans. Moderate Republicans matched up to Liberal Democrats as diplomats. The Republican party was out- manoeuvred. Pseudo- Conservative politicians perceived no need for diplomacy.


War was declared. Once, again, we see another skirmish. Chris Christie is pitting himself against his own citizens, just as many Pseudo Conservatives are pitting themselves over their citizens, all over the USA.

"Please call an end to the recess,"the Psuedo- Conservatives plead. "The voters are after us, for explanations. We are being attacked for the evils that we are perpetuating. There are demands that we be accountable"

"Save us!"

To think, that it all started with one loudmouth, that was given a media opportunity. The one loudmouth, that gave voice to intellect garbage.
The Handmaid's Tale made me have this really great idea, because it was obvious the women of child-bearing age couldn't do their job right. Instead of sending them in to households for old men to fuck, we should just extract the eggs from the women and then we can kick the women out of civilization.

This would work perfectly. Women are born with all the eggs they'll ever have. So, it's not like sperm, which is always being produced. We can do studies to figure out what the right age to extract the eggs are, and then just nicely ship them off to Syria so they can enjoy a true feminist lifestyle.

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"In The Days Of Rain: A Daughter, A Father, A Cult"

-Author Rebecca Stott

"I was very curious and very angry at the double standards that I saw around me all the time. And the women could see some of these double standards, too, and yet no one was speaking out because everyone was too frightened."

MARTINEZ: Now, you mention you were born into it. And your father wasn't just part of it. He was a high-ranking leader. How high did his influence go?

STOTT: He was ranked as one of the promising young men. When he was dying, he described himself as a brownshirt and as a young Nazi. And I'd say, oh, don't be absurd - that you were a preacher in an extreme religious group. But he'd say, it's not the scale of what we did. It's the pattern, he said. All cults are run in the same way, and they need those kind of young bloods, those zealous young men, to enforce their rules. And he was one of those.

MARTINEZ: How? In what way?

STOTT: He would - one of the ways that they kept the power was to - if anyone was not toeing the party line, they'd be visited by a couple of priests, or ministering brothers. And that person would be interrogated for hours about whatever sinful act or thought they were supposed to have committed. And if they weren't compliant after that, they'd be expected to stay in isolation in a room in their house for as long as it took until the priests, people like my father and my grandfather, deemed them right with the Lord again. And that could go on for weeks. And sometimes people went mad or, in some terrible cases, committed suicide. So...

MARTINEZ: So Rebecca, your father was responsible then, for some of these things in some ways, by enforcing the rules.

STOTT: Him and many, many others. You know, I - when he lay dying, he was absolutely tormented by those memories of things that he had done. He was a very divided man. You know, on the one hand, he wanted to comply. And on the other hand - when I was growing up, I'd listen to him preach about radios and how wicked they were. But I knew he had a radio in the tire compartment of his car, which he listened to the cricket scores on (laughter).

In the land of the Handmaids, fertility is nearly destroyed. Rapists that cause the loss of a viable birth, are executed.

In America, today, overpopulation is a problem. Why is Arkansas allowing men to control women's bodies?

A husband may rape his wife, and sue her for aborting the fetus produced from rape.

A rapist may claim parental rights over a fetus produced from rape. Rapists are given legal rights to prevent an abortion.

All possible blocks to a legal abortion have been placed into the laws of Arkansas.

July 11, 2017

A new law passed in Arkansas means women must obtain permission from the man who impregnated them before they can have an abortion

Even in the case of rape, women wishing to terminate a pregnancy would have to seek the opinion of their attacker or abusive partner – who would be able to refuse and potentially block the procedure.

The bill, which was signed into law in March and is set to come into force at the end of July


Betsy DeVos reveals what she is, by her actions


(The rape victim is automatically suspected of telling a lie. Rape kits are neglected, carelessly destroyed, ruined, discarded.Recently, police officers refused to record the victims complaints.)

The Obama administration did not tip the scales in favor of the accusers — it attempted to make the system, in which too many perpetrators get away with their abhorrent acts and too many victims are scared to come forward, more fair and accessible. It offered guidelines for universities to handle reports in ways that acknowledge the realities of sexual violence. It indicates, for instance, that schools should be aware of the potential for retaliation against someone who files a complaint.

"...men's rights activists — the very people who deny that campus sexual assault occurs at alarming rates — were allotted the same amount of time to meet with DeVos as campus sexual assault survivors and anti-sexual assault advocates to discuss sexual violence at colleges and universities."
Private Club - Keep Out
Kill Democracy Club

Members Only

Top Members

Betsy DeVos, Killing Democracy where Democracy is nurtured.Trump's Secretary of Education, was set in place to destroy public education.

The young people of America are aware that resources for public schools are diverted to private schools and private prisons.

Betsy DeVos undermines public schools. Why ?


How hateful, is Betsy DeVos ? Money spent on campaign to restrict public schools from raising money. Despite all of the cash and resources that Betsy DeVos spent, a judge did not side with the female Grinch. I am hoping the next judge will see that kicking public schools down, does not help lift a community up.


Federal funding and public funding for private Christian schools

DeVos helped get a ballot measure before Michigan voters that would have enshrined a right to vouchers in the state’s Constitution. After the measure failed, she and her husband formed a political action committee to support pro-voucher candidates nationally.



Ravitch, the MSU professor, said such material does not amount to an actual attempt by the state to discriminate against religious schools.

"The fact that people thought, 'oh, this is going to have a bad impact on religion and they felt that was discriminatory, that may be a use of the common term, but not the legal term," he said.

Later, he added: "The goal was not to destroy religious schools. It was to make sure that all private schools, whether religious or not, were privately funded."

Jeffrey Donahue, an attorney representing the public-school groups in the lawsuit against the state of Michigan, said: "To go back to the 1970s and try to resurrect random comments from people does not show animus."

"To suggest that there was religious animus around then and is there now is not supportable," he said.

gsgs comments-

The would-be Republic of Gilead (Handmaid's Tale reference) is a mask for the Republic of A.L.E.C.

Only those that are willing to Kill Democracy, are allowed to participate in profit. Those that required special protections under President Obama, are now judged to be un-deserving. Betsy DeVos is willing to neglect federal civil rights enforcement, willing to roll back protections for students who have been defrauded by shady for-profit colleges. She meets with a steady stream of “edu-preneurs."

Her interest is in those, that are now supporting the New Reich.What will your assigned role be, in this New Reich ? Cheap prison labor for new corporations serving the New Reich ? Welcome to the new America class system! Each state has individual requirements. Will each state have their own class system ?

FLDS will not have to worry about federal interference in religious matters, soon...

Advocates for sexual assault victims were also disappointed by a comment that Candice Jackson, the U.S. Education Department’s top civil rights official, made to the New York Times. “The accusations — 90 percent of them — fall into the category of ‘we were both drunk,’ ‘we broke up, and six months later I found myself under a Title IX investigation because she just decided that our last sleeping together was not quite right,’” Jackson said.

She later walked backed the comment, but the damage was done.

“That is disqualifying,” said Michele Dauber, a law professor at Stanford. “She should absolutely be terminated.




Senate Republicans have confirmed a Donald Trump-appointed judge who once compared abortion to slavery, calling them "the two greatest tragedies in our country".

The confirmation of John Bush to the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit is a huge blow to civil rights groups who had spoken out against the nominee's history of making extreme comments.


He has openly made homophobic comments
He is anti-LGBTQ rights
He has equated abortion with slavery
He has mocked climate change
He called for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to be “gag[ged]”

"...gag the House Speaker."

Despite his obvious lack of fitness for a lifetime appointment to the federal bench, Bush’s significant ties to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appear to have greased the skids for his nomination. Most notably, Bush’s wife, Bridget, has been extremely active in fundraising efforts that netted millions of dollars to benefit Senator McConnell’s 2014 reelection bid. In addition, in 2002 Bush authored an amicus brief on McConnell’s behalf in a case involving Kentucky’s campaign finance laws. And, in paperwork he submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee, Bush explained that in November 2016, presumably after the presidential election, he met with Senator McConnell in Louisville where Bush “expressed [his] interest in serving as a federal judge.” Bush said that he has “been in contact with Leader McConnell and representatives from his office since that time.”


He has aligned himself with originalism
He has “unintentionally” peddled conspiracy theories about former President Barack Obama

Civia Tamarkin wanted to make a film about reproductive rights, but she knew it had to transcend the familiar abortion debate. A veteran criminal justice reporter and two-time documentarian, she was aghast at the Supreme Court’s 2014 Hobby Lobby decision, which rolled back women’s access to low-cost contraceptives.

So Tamarkin jumped into the fray: Birthright: A War Story, in selected theaters starting this month, tells “the real-life Handmaid’s Tale“—of women jailed for smoking marijuana while pregnant, pressured to undergo c-sections against their will, or forced to risk their lives by carrying nonviable pregnancies to term. The film elegantly weaves the history of “pro-life” advocacy with stories of women who have suffered at the hands of their doctors and the system—collateral damage, as it were, of a movement seeking to limit reproductive health care.

In the process, Tamarkin talks candidly with some of the movement’s shakers, from Arizona Republican Rep. Trent Franks to the founder of Personhood USA, providing an inside look at the logic and tactics of powerful abortion foes.

*tip of the hat, to the young men, from across the pond

July 24, 2012

Boston's independent radio station, WFNX, was sold to that stinking, undead carcass,Clear Channel Communications Inc.

What killed the radio station ? Politics.

The Republican Right wing did not like their attitude. WFNX was connected to The Phoenix, an independent newspaper. The Republican Right wing did not like the fact that the newspaper was rooted deeply into the people's community, and knew too much. WFNX and the Phoenix were likely to say and print inconvenient statements, that would expose the rotting underbelly of the Republican party.


Emperor Caligula Carrot is dancing and clowning, on the cake that began to be constructed, with Ronald Reagan in office.

Congratulations, Pseudo-Conservatives, you are torturing Democracy to death. When it dies, everyone will suffer.
Lost everything that made life bearable ?

Life became much easier to bear for those that sold Democracy out.

There is always someone willing to climb the rope from the helicopter, and step on heads and shoulders, to reach that rope.

Words from the future, to everyone but the 1% and their servants-

"Get over it."

(Rep. Bradley Byrne, from Alabama to David Mclean, former Army chaplain.)

What was Bradley Byrne responding to ? Concerns about Trump.


What did Rep. Byrne say in October 7, 2016 ?

"Donald Trump’s comments regarding women were disgraceful and appalling. There are absolutely no circumstances under which it would ever be appropriate to speak of women in such a way.It is now clear Donald Trump is not fit to be President of the United States and cannot defeat Hillary Clinton. I believe he should step aside and allow Governor Pence to lead the Republican ticket.”


That is what Byrne said over the weekend. Wednesday, of the next week, he was on Trump's side, ready to vote Republican.

"...Republican ticket, from top to bottom."

"I am a Republican. I don't vote Democrat."


Too shame-faced to face the press ? A spokesperson is sent out to say the words-

" He will support the Republican ticket on Election Day, as he has pledged to do all along," his spokesman said on Tuesday. "He just believes that person should be Mike Pence."


"I said from the beginning, I will be a supporter of the Republican ticket from top to bottom," said Byrne, R-Fairhope.

"I'm a Republican. I don't vote Democrat," Byrne said. "I would have hoped Mr. Trump would stand aside. He's not. I'm going to support the Republican ticket."

Byrne thought it over, and took it back-

Byrne dismissed Trump for not being "a real candidate" and who was just running "to get some notoriety."

Byrne, called Trump "a real candidate"."

(nom nom nom, eating his own words.)

Trump's Trolls let Byrne know how they felt, about his betrayal of Trump, via Facebook.

It does not take many people to form Trump's enforcer brigade.

Women Need Not Apply: For U.S. Attorney Or The Federal Bench

September 13, 2017

Late last week, Donald Trump nominated Andrew Lelling to be the next U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts

Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren were not consulted, and the formal nominating committee was essentially ignored, I’ve been told by people close to the Senators.

The bypassing of traditional process—and particularly Democrats and non-partisans—might also help explain why Trump is establishing a shocking gender gap among federal prosecutors in the country’s 93 US Attorney offices.


September 13, 2017


Trump on Friday nominated the senior litigation counsel in the Massachusetts US attorney’s office to become the state’s top federal prosecutor

September 8, 2017

Lawyers familiar with the process told the Globe earlier this year that no local committee or senior Republican helped screen applicants, as has been past practice. Governor Charlie Baker, though a Republican, did not endorse Trump.

Lelling was one of three local federal prosecutors to interview for the post earlier this year after the former US attorney, Carmen Ortiz, resigned in January. A sitting US attorney traditionally leaves office when a new party takes over control of the White House; Trump was elected president last November and inaugurated in January.

Previously, Lelling had served as an assistant US attorney in the eastern district of Virginia and as a counsel to the assistant attorney general at the Department of Justice’s civil rights division during President George W. Bush’s administration.

Lelling was one of nine US attorney nominations the Trump administration announced on Friday. The Senate has to confirm the nominees before they can assume their respective offices.

Chilling Behaviour

Power Tripping

September 15, 2017

Not only were they in plainclothes, but they wore no badges or nametags, and carried no walkie-talkies or other law enforcement equipment. Aside from their conspicuously self-assured and imposing manner, they were indistinguishable from the people standing around them. Quite literally, these men were secret police.

The fact that you guys were able to make it down here to document it is what makes it different,” Theodore Hastings said. “Usually they just come, they snatch people up, and they’re gone before anybody even knows.”


Unmarked cars.
Answers to no one.
Do not follow protocol.
Will not identify themselves.
Rep. Tom Price, and his wife, would happily join the Handmaid's Tale regime-

“...vile liberal agenda that is threatening everything we hold dear as Americans...”

-Rep. Tom Price

Of a matter of course, every corrupt, vile, and greedy, self-serving move, on his part, are forgivable. After all, he is doing God's/god's work.

Price, an adamant critic of the expansion of the federal government and of the Obama administration, echoed a sentiment oft-uttered at Tea Party rallies around the country: "We must take our country back."

"Take it back from a vile liberal agenda that is threatening everything we hold dear as Americans," Price said.

When Janine rebels against the Aunts at the Red Center, they remove her right eye as punishment, per the biblical passage about how “if your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.”


The Handmaids beat a man to death. (Offred knows they are killing a man that is innocent of the crime, that they are killing him for. The State is using the Handmaids, as executioners. He is a man that dared to work against their regime. Was it The State's intention to bleed off the stress, anger, and hatred, that was stored inside the Handmaids, by giving them an outlet ?)

Filming the tale-

She had her camera operators on the grass, shooting low angles, and then, she says, “in the moment I had this idea that it would be really cool to see Janine wander off and not participate, but also be in the midst of all this violence, just spinning in circles in the sun. I really loved that moment, because it’s all about how bizarre this situation is, you know?” Morano clearly has a lot of affection for Janine, as does Offred. There’s a beauty in the way she never adopts survival skills, and how removed she often is from the reality of what’s happening around her. “I think she’s a special character,” says Morano. “She’s almost gotten to some kind of higher consciousness. Some would say she’s crazy. I just say she’s just reached another level.”

This week, loss of American fertility was pushed closer to disaster.

Stanley Kubrick might have had something to say...
Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the anti-choice Susan B. Anthony List and one of the conservative leaders who attended Monday’s dinner, told EWTN that the Trump administration had already delivered on several “very successful” items for the Religious Right, including the reinstatement of the Mexico City policy and the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

President Donald J. Trump hosts a dinner Monday evening, September 25, 2017, in the Blue Room at the White House in Washington, D.C., with grassroots leaders, Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America; Tim Phillips, president of the Americans for Prosperity; Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union; Leonard Leo, executive vice president of the The Federalist Society; Ralph Reed, chairman of the Faith & Freedom Coalition; Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of the Susan B. Anthony List; Ed Feulner, Founder and Acting President of The Heritage Foundation; Tim Goeglein, vice president of external relations, Focus on the Family; and Bob McEwen, former congressman and Executive Director of the Council for National Policy.

FFS gotsnowgotslush!

You sure got a lot of posts in this thread: one day I might read them all.

Re: Handmaid's Tale

I only read bits of it—likely the epilogue—if there was one; and I saw the movie with Richardson, Duval, and Dunaway.

If I understand correctly, Atwood's story came out just after the AIDS crises started.

Also if I understand correctly, there was a disease that made most women sterile. Those who aren't are conscripted as "handmaids."

If that's the story then a few points:

1. Is this disease ongoing or not? If so, each handmaid might have to have many children to replenish the population. If the fertile women account for, say, 8% of the population, they'd have to have over 25 babies each. If the disease isn't ongoing, then the population replenishes and the circumstances that lead to it passes.

2. If sterility is that bad, the guy would also be expected to produce.

3. What is the nature of the infertility? Are the ovaries affected? Then why not use IVF for otherwise infertile women?

4. Why not ease up on foreign adoptions?

5. Why won't those women go to other countries? One would presume there's an Underground-Railroad-of-sorts funded by other countries.

I'll read the WP article later.

and now for my blatant plugs for two threads I've create on Literotica:
It is a place where women rule.
CMNF club
in Story Ideas

Later edit:
"It started the late 1940's: when countries like India and Pakistan got their independence, and Israel came into existence. An area of land—say a fraction of Israel's size, but which is still significant, was more-or-less secured by feminists/proto-feminists who declared a country or country-of-sorts—likely more peacefully than the other two entities—and invited women around the world to join them. (At least 1% of 1% of them did.)"

Seventy years later, it's doing well with over a million people. Most of them are female: definitely over 95%, 98%, 99%, or the like, of those over 12, are female."

"To divulge more, I'm thinking more of Islamic countries—like Israel's neighbours. I'm thinking Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia. In the 1940s, things in many of those places were in flux and the Islamacists (at least the modern types we've come to hear about), if any, were nascent. By the time they have gotten powerful and threatening, the women's country/country-of-sorts was also strong. For Israelis it's a religio-tribal thing. For the women, it's a sisterhood thing: some have been intimately acquainted with male oppression and would rather die than suffer it again."
(It is a place where women rule.)
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Each state had a backlog of rape kits, that were neglected, deteriorating , and ruined until they were useless.

Despite the laws on the books, the message to women remains sexist. His life has more value, than your life.

4 Ugly Signs That Rapists Are Getting Their Rights Back
It feels like all three branches of government are out to get women

Abortion is nearly impossible to access. The 20 week limit is having a new vote. If you are impregnated by your rapist, he will be free to torment and torture the victim and her child.


April of this year, a bill that would have protected rape survivors from sharing custody of children with their rapists failed—for the ninth time—to pass Maryland’s legislature. Seven states still have no laws protecting women from this traumatic situation.


Sixty victims came first forward

Jurors refused to believe that women actually believe that they have the right to control their own bodies.

The jurors decided that women do not have the right to control to their own bodies. Women have no right to complain if someone else uses their bodies in ways they do not consent to. A woman who chooses to have sex for pleasure, forfeits her right to bodily autonomy. A woman's opinion on how her body is used matters less than what a man wants. Especially when that man is rich and famous.

If a woman complains about abusive sexism, sexual harassment,sexual physical assault, sexual threats, (rape ?) the woman who complains is sneered.

"snowflake," that has the mistaken thought that she had the right to live her life, unmolested, unharmed, unharrassed.

Bill Cosby is planning to tour the country holding seminars on sexual assault, and more specifically, how to avoid going to court on charges.


DeVos successfully campaigned to defend accused rapists on campus.

DeVos last month rescinded the Title IX campus sexual assault guidance, authored by the Obama administration, that notified universities of their legal requirement to report sexual assault. An estimated 19% of college-age women have suffered sexual assault or attempts at it, or only 12% of those cases ever get reported.

White House website removed its page on sexual assault.

Just as pages on LGBT rights, climate change and animal welfare were taken down after Trump’s win, the new administration removed a significant study titled “Rape And Sexual Assault: A Renewed Call To Action” that was published in 2014. As Know Your IX founder and attorney Alexandra Brodsky told the Huffington Post, “This is a summary of really important, and in some cases, government-funded work that was done to understand the causes and effects of sexual and gender violence. What does it mean that the Trump administration doesn’t want the public to have that information?”

It means that the safety and rights of those who suffer rape and sexual assault don’t matter much in the worldview of our president.

U.S. House voted for the third time on a 20-week national abortion ban with few exceptions and penalties for providers.

So the White House decides to poke its finger in the eye of blue America for a legislative cause that's futile at the very moment they've been telling everyone now's not the time to talk policy.

The hypocrisy is perfectly predictable. We expected nothing less and, sure enough, Team Trump delivered.


Rep. Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania, despite today’s allegations (which he has yet to deny) that he encouraged an extramarital lover to have an abortion, voted for the ban. Only three Democrats (Henry Cuellar of Texas; Daniel Lipinski of Illinois; and Collin Peterson of Minnesota) voted for the ban.

All these symbolic votes on anti-abortion legislation are symbolic so long as there are more than 40 pro-choice senators. And the big question, particularly now that the filibuster for Supreme Court nominations has been “nuked,” is whether Donald Trump will get a second SCOTUS pick while Republicans still control the Senate.
Instead of fulfilling its mission 'to enhance and protect the health and well-being of all Americans,' HHS leaders under the current administration are focused on turning back the clock on women's health," said the organization's president, Dr. Haywood Brown.


"The Trump Administration is forcing women to pay for their boss's religious beliefs," said ACLU senior staff attorney Brigitte Amiri, in a statement.

In addition to the ACLU, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, and California Attorney General Javier Becerra announced they too plan to file suit opposing the new rule.


Continued blind eye, for the women that need it, as medicine that saves their lives.
Harvey Weinstein was a convenient source for campaign funds, for Democrats.

Why Harvey Weinstein was not nailed for sexual assault, earlier

A complicated, messy, and highly publicized case, discourages involvement on behalf of a potential sexual assault victim-

Dominique Strauss-Kahn (IMF) is accused of sexual assault

Strauss-Kahn had been under house arrest for many weeks in NYC, only to be freed after the Manhattan DA's office decided it could not prosecute him because of questions about Diallo's credibility. Upon returning to France, he allegedly admitted to kissing Banon (Tristane Banon)

"We are disappointed that District Attorney Vance apparently does not believe in equal justice under the law. "

Harvey Weinstein's personal attorney, David Boies, contributed $10,000 to Vance's campaign several months after the DA declined to prosecute the case. Vance's office pointed out that Boies did not represent Weinstein in the groping allegations, and has strenuously denied that campaign donations have any effect on his work.


Shortly after Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. declined to pursue sexual assault charges against Harvey Weinstein in 2015, the producer’s lawyer allegedly donated $10,000 to the DA’s office.

Four months earlier, Vance’s office announced that Weinstein would face no charges after being accused of groping a young Italian model.


Vance took Trump money- Ivanka and Donald Jr. got themselves into trouble


Why has Harvey Weinstein been exposed, after all of this time ?

Growing culture of accountability ?

Harvey Weinstein Born-1952 Height- 6 feet tall Weight 300 pounds

If he could not manipulate the victim with threats, he resorted to physically overpowering them.

Harvey Weinstein was a sick fuck that vandalized the emotional interiors of young actresses.

How damaged was he, that he needed to mutilate a young actress's self image, self esteem, self worth, self confidence?

He inserted something into these young women- a sense of shame, that did not belong to them. Modern women are not raised to be ashamed of their sexuality. They are not shamed, until they are raped. Modern psychology attempts to address the shame, that is imposed on women.

He created the impression that they were sexually involved, on the movie set. He created an undercurrent, that would be noticed by others. What a Trump thing to do. Harvey Weinstein wanted to make it all about him?

Or was this some kind of smoke screen ? What was he hiding ?Was this a technique for erasing sexual yearning, in his films ? Erase or diffuse her youthful sexuality, so he would not involuntarily place cinematographic focus on her ? Did he fear that he would color the film, with vulnerable emotions, connected with a particular woman ?

What did he fear, that would be revealed about him, via the films he directed ?

The women that were successfully coerced into a non-consensual relationship, continued to be dominated by him. She was no longer a woman to be respected.

A coerced woman, was a woman that could be trusted ?

“It was like a hunter with a wild animal. The fear turns him on.” -Emma de Caunes


Not A Career For A Respectable Woman
The Casting Couch

Rumors About Women

She Has Lost the Battle, Before the Battle Has Begun

Aristocrats Dominated The Stage, Which Women Were On the Screen ?

"Weinstein combined a keen eye for promising scripts, directors, and actors with a bullying, even threatening, style of doing business, inspiring both fear and gratitude."

He is "used to" (accustomed) to attacking women in a molesting way. He is in a habit of sexually abusing women.


Fear of Retaliation

Harvey Weinstein set his trap for his victim, using people that were also dominated by him. They chose to be loyal to Weinstein, and betray the young woman that would be abused. They feared him.

Threat of lawsuits for violating the nondisclosure agreement attached to their employment contracts.

Is it not strange, that Trump uses the same technique as Harvey Weinstein, to isolate his victims. Lulled into a false sense of security, Comey accepted an invitation to dinner with Trump. Surprised with the fact it was no formal dinner, at a table. Just men in a room, with drinks and snacks. Comey was abandoned, and left to face Trump by himself.

Officials were reluctant to leave Trump alone with Comey

"...Mr. Sessions could not guarantee that the president would not try to talk to Mr. Comey alone again, ..."


Trump’s decision to speak with him alone in mid-February was a “very significant fact” because the president chose to kick out other senior officials for that discussion.

According to Comey, a large group of intelligence officials and White House aides met in the Oval Office for a counterterrorism meeting on Feb. 14. That group included Attorney General Jeff Sessions, key Trump adviser Jared Kushner and others.

Trump effectively emptied the room, and then had to further nudge out Sessions and Kushner, who both lingered, Comey said. The president then asked Comey to let go of the investigation into Michael Flynn, the former FBI director recalled.


October 12, 2017

Have you ever watched videos of dams breaking?

It starts with a leak, some space in the wall that hasn’t been patched well enough or made thick enough to hold a trickle of water. One woman is the trickle, and in her path more can follow until the wall falls down, crumbles under the pressure of all that water, and nothing can be held back any longer. I’ve watched this happen in diners, in classrooms, in small booths at dirty bars like some kind of twisted icebreaker. One person shares, then another, and then the dam breaks. This is what it means to grow up. This is what it means to become a woman.

This week the dam broke. The truth became public.

But every time a dam breaks, every time a name like Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby or Woody Allen or R. Kelly or Bill O’Reilly or Donald Trump leaks through that wall and into the public, there is a moment of hope that maybe something will be done. That there won’t be a hung jury, or a settlement, or a mistrial, or a new album, or the oath of office as president of the United States of America. That hope hangs in the air, dangling for a second in front of all of us who already knew. We’ve already felt the disgust, processed our shock, moved from the innocence of believing people to be good long ago. We see that shining hope and wait, because someone will pull it back eventually and swing it until it hits us in the face.

There it was this morning, the slap. Rose McGowan was deemed by the men in power to be a little too loud.

According to her Instagram, posted at midnight early this morning, her account “violated the Twitter Rules” and the company barred her from tweeting for twelve hours.

"Watch them rebuild the dam, so that we have to break it again."

gsgs comment-

Are the victims facing blame, for what he decided to do ?

Really ?