Ant Stories


Riding to the Rescue
Jan 25, 2002
No, not "Aunt" misspelled, though if some clever light hearted writer wants to makes it "Aunts with Ants", sure...

Aunt incest NOT my thing, but I noticed on today's Story Ideas that there are a number of ideas floating. My twisted brain went "Aunts? No... ants."

A few variations:

Couple goes to sun resort destination. Find a private beach. Turns out it is private cause whole thing is one big ant hill... they end up stripping BEFORE they run back to the hotel...

OR...same plot, but college chums, not all in a relationship, a group of them, all get ants...

OR...same plot, a family group...

Or... same basic plots, but summer hiking trip instead of sun destination.

OR maybe it is only one of them who strips?

Is the sex within the group, or do they find a helpful stranger/ranger/hotel guest/employee/doctor/nurse to apply ointment? ;)