The Gamers: Critical Role.


Sweet Rogue
Jan 29, 2000
The seconds fell by like like lonely rain drops outside the gray stone windows of Lysander's wizard tower as he hid in his lab researching and writing a new spell. He had invested most of his days, these past eight months in crafting this spell, putting his heart and soul into its making. This was the day, at last! It was done! Ready... only one thing remained to be done.

Testing it. A dangerous prospect indeed!

He burst from the Door to his private labs and cried out. "It is done! They said it couldn't be... but I have succeeded where all else have failed! Harnessing the weave of magic! I have made it! Permanency! Gingy, where are you, woman?! Come! Rejoice with me, my cleverness and success, my savage lady! Tonight, we soar! Soar beyond boundless shores!"

Lysander Boramyr, a gnome of noble birth, loyal, independant, with a big heart for the peasantry, yet, a weakness for the fairer sex. A thirst that was hard to quench... stood triumphant, eager to share his success with his newest and most constant lover and long time companion in arms, the wild young Halfling woman whose fury was as dangerous as it was beautiful. A spirit, so fierce that she, like so few, had ever yet been able to satisfy his carnal appitites. Oh, but she was far more than his latest conquest, she was an ally and a friend, having saved his life more than once. She might have strange ways, but her heart was good and she always seemed impressed with his power. So, when he invited her to live in his tower to share his bed and all the other comforts he had, and she accepted, he fell madly and deeply in love with her.

"Gingy! Gingy! Now where has my tigress gone off to?!" He called out again, seeking her out in all the usual places.
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Genghis 'Gingy' BoJangles was right where one would expect to find her on such a day like this. She was curled up on one of Lysander's luxurious couches, the one with the big padded cushions and pillows. If she hadn't been there the next logical place would have been his bed, or the chamber where she kept her 'shinies', which were an odd assortment of items both magical and mundane. She didn't care either way, as long as they were pretty and sparkled in the light. The only other place she might have been was out in the fields and forest surrounding the tower, Gingy did like to prowl her 'territory' from time to time. The life of a wizard was awfully boring sometimes, she had absolutely no idea what he did in his lab, what with all the writing of words she didn't understand (not that she understood any) and the odd chanting of magic. She liked it when that babbling came with an explosion of fire or an arc of lighting, especially at her enemies. Nothing smelled better in the morning than crispy fried goblin (don't ask).

Gingy was as far removed from nobility as they came, the halfling's origins were questionable at best. To have her tell the story, she was raised by a pair of mighty and proud tigers. They taught her the ways of survial and showed her how to tap into the bestial wrath of a true tiger. Tragically, they were killed by a ranger that had wandered into their territory. He had sought to save the young halfling from being the tiger's next meal, instead he ended up filling Gingy's belly. She took up their skins, which the Ranger had preserved himself. Some might find the idea of wearing their parents skin as morbid, along with the skull of her mother which she donned as a helmet, but Gingy was obviously no ordinary halfling. She was wild at heart, but that didn't mean she was a savage beast. Indeed, she had something of a soft side, an insatiable desire to make things right in the world. Of course, what was right in Gingy's mind wasn't often the acceptable 'right' by society. Still, she tried her best, luckily enough she had some stout companions to keep her on the straight and narrow (more often than not).

Lysander had proven to be a difficult concept for Gingy to fully understand. He was small, like her, but not like her. No, he was no tiger, but he had a fierce and independent nature. And he was nice to people, despite claiming to be raised in some kind of castle (to Gingy anything bigger than a shack was a castle – his tower included). He was nice to look at too, always a plus, and most of all had the stamina to keep up with a frisky barbarian, even when she would go into her so called 'heat'. They had traveled for a time as fellow adventurers and just kind of became lovers, at least that was how Gingy saw it. She laid claim to his territory, marking him and making sure everyone knew he was her mate. She was far from the jealous type, but she would not suffer another tigeress trying to fill her place.

“Mmmhnf,” Gingy snorted from her place upon the biggest pillow she could find. It was 'her' pillow by rights, she had marked it enough and left an indention in it from sleeping so many times upon the thing. She was more or less curled up on her side into a tight ball, her arms curled before her and her head buried against them. All that could be see of her was her customary leather attire, form fitting to hold her bits in place but not confining enough to restrict movement. Of her head nothing but that wild mop of crimson could be seen, it was wild and untame much like Gingy herself. It could have used a brushing, though it was short enough that she could lick her hand and smooth it back when it came time for cleaning. The voice of her mate roused her from her slumber though, Gingy let out an annoyed little growl as she raised her head and proceed to languidly stretch, her arms locking out before her as she kneaded the pillow. Gingy had a sleek and svelte frame, compact but solidly built. Her skin was a lovely shade of mocha, tanned from constant exposure to the sun. She wore little in the way of clothing, even armor was too restricting for her wild nature. That leather attire clung to her rather ample chest in a criss cross fashion, a X of leather that held her in place, while her lower half was clad in a simple loincloth. That was her lounging attire, simple and effective, something that Lysander seemed to enjoy staring at. She waited for him to emerge from wherever he was, his voice drawing her out of her daze slowly but surely.

“Mmmhn. Wat?” She grumbled irritably as she rolled over on her back, her arms folding behind her head as she looked back at Lysander, her bright hazel gaze lingering upon him from an upside down position.


The Real World

It was the that the needle skipped on the record of the fantasy music that played about the scene, followed by a most contemptuous snort.

“Whoa! Wait a sec. Did you just say Permanency? Dude, seriously? That's not even a thing in Fifth Edition. You can't just make shit up like that without telling someone!”
"Hmmm..." Lysander paused to think. "Where might she be..." (There was the faintest sound of tumbling dice.) "Oh yes! In the study! She loves the big leathery couch there! The smells remind her of the wilderness." He said to himself, rushing off to look for her there. As he walked, he thought about Gingy's past. Her story was unique if not a little unsettling, but damn, if she weren't the best lover and fighting companion he had ever known. And many of her cat like mannerisms were just... adorable? Was that the right word? Lysander wasn't sure, but chose to believe that it was. Being a gnome and male, he was a little more stoutly built than Gingy, but not by much, their life styles were so vastly different. Her prowling versus his hours of study had definatly balanced things out, if not given her the upper hand in the physical department. That didn't mean he was some weakling though, he had been forced to maintain a fair amount of physical activity in his youth due to his noble birth and the constant tutoring with the weapons of his station as such.

One might wonder how the two of them had become lovers. Well, the way he remembered it, he had been annoyed with the party's rogue going off for hours at a time, claiming that he was scouting ahead, only to come back with a shrug, and seemingly heavier pouches, always claiming to have not found anything ahead. It was clear to him that their rogue was being less than honest, so after ten minutes of waiting around in some necromancer's hide out, Lysander got to his feet and stormed after the selfish rogue, intent on catching him in the act of pocketing treasure without first splitting it with the party. Unfortunately, he was in such a rush and a huff, disgusted by the notion that any of them would go off and solo, or worse, showboat, and potentially get themselves killed, that he completely failed to notice the pit trap he walked into!

One moment he's stomping down a hall, angry, the next, he was tumbling down a stony shaft, head over heels, and crashing in a painful heap at the bottom. It hurt... a lot! He broke a leg and got all banged up and bruised, he was lucky it hadn't out right killed him. The only one that came after him was Gingy, and he had gone far enough that she was the only one close enough to hear his pathetic crys for help. She sent down a rope, and he had just enough strength to tie it securely around himself and help her pull him out before the pain and shock of his fall overwhelmed him and he fell unconcious.

When he woke, he found her next to him, cleaning his wounds. That was when he fell for her. He liked to joke that he fell for her so hard that he broke a leg. (Which was quickly mended buy the party's cleric, of course.)

"Gingy!" He exclaimed again as he flung open the doors to his study and found her stretching in that sexy way she did. By the gods, he loved the way she moved! She grumbled at him, sounding annoyed that he'd awakened her but the view she gave him was quite nice. "I've done it! I've invented a new spell! One more powerful than any before! I can make certain magics last forever! Isn't that amazing?!" It wasn't the flashy kind of magic that he knew that she liked but in wizards circles, it was damn near impossible, what few attempts before to make such a spell were very unreliable and often times had dangerous and costly side effects. He'd gotten around all that by...


The Real World

"Hey! Careful, you'll scratch the vinyl!" Jacen chirped as his friend and fellow gamer (insert name here) slapped the table, making his old record skip. He saw this coming and had his argument all ready for it. "I knew you'd say that..." he grinned from ear to ear, checking the record to make sure it wax okay. "Yes, yes I did. Permanency! Isn't it awesome?!"

He turned back to her and gave her a wiggle of his eye brows. "Seriously, dudette!" He was more than confident that it was legal. "It is now, at least in this campaign. I've even sent it in to wizards, in the hopes that they'll make it official published material soon." He frowned slightly at her next statement. "Oh, but I didnt, though. This is what I've been having Lysander working on with all those free days he's accumulated! It's vague, but in the p.h.b. it does say wizards can invent their own spells! Or was that in the d.m.g.? I forget... anyway, I started it under Joe, before he moved, told him what I wanted it to do and how. Here, read it for yourself! It's not that broken, if that's what you're worried about. It's dispelable. See, he even initialed it, to prove I got his okay on it! Besides, it only works on spells with a duration longer than a minute because it takes a minute to cast, so no permanent attack spells. Just stuff like fly or seeming... it's pretty limited, really, and it's a ninth level spell."

The Real World

Aurora or 'Rory' as she preferred to be called, scowled at Jacen from over the table. In her hand she clutched a fistful of dice, which she crunched and clicked together much like one would squeeze a squeeze ball. She had seen this coming, she knew Jacen all too well and even as she called bullshit on his escapades of homebrewing new spells, she knew too that he had thought out every angle of it. Still, she had every right to call him out on it, especially when no one had heard of him doing it except for their for old DM Joe.

“I think it's in the D.M.G.,” Rory grumbled lightly, giving her dice a roll on her character sheet and idly looking down at the numbers. She plucked the ones that gave her the lowest results, obviously they were going to give her nothing but trouble tonight so she had to switch them out for ones that had more accrued luck built up. Yes, she was the type to believe in cursed dice, after all who didn't have their lucky d20 ready for those important rolls? It was the one that sat there with the number twenty facing up, never rolled before needed, oh no, best not to tempt fate with that one.

Brown eyes rolled slowly behind the lenses of her large, black framed glasses. Rory was blind as a bat without them and she refused to wear contact, the very thought of putting her finger in her eyes made her start to have a panic attack. She had a pretty face, though the annoyed scowl she wore upon it now was something that usually kept her from being considered that. Rory always looked annoyed, or pissed off at something, that just seemed nature for her. She had a septum piercing and minor gauges in both ears. Her hair, while normally brown, was dyed a bright blue, with some lighter shades mixed in, at least on the top, where it was wild and unkempt, resulting in a mop that hung over her brow and to the right. The rest was shaved down to a burr, left the natural hue resulting in a stark contrast. She was on the skinny side, lanky some might even call her, despite her typical ravenous appetite, the girl had a superior metabolism going on. The definition of her body was hidden behind a black T-shirt with an 8-bit representation of the most epic battle in history.

“Fine, let's just keep going then. Unless you got more surprises?” She eyed Jacen with her typical disdain. Sure they were friends and fellow gamers, but Rory always seemed to hold people off with her general attitude. She wasn't always like that, no, the girl had moments where she was lost in her own mind, almost to the point of concern. And when she was at the table she was ready to game, in character, until they dropped. It was one reason why she called Jacen out so quickly, anything that might imped their game session was to be handled as quickly as possible.


Gingy lay there on her back, eyeing the gnome wizard with a hint of suspicion and a good dose of confusion. She knew the words, though they mostly held no meaning to her. Even as she tried to contemplate it the blood started to rush to her head. She rolled over with a grunt as the rush made her light headed for a few moments.

“So. That means. We can kill stuff faster?” She came to the only logical conclusion her intelligence of 8 could muster. She peered up at him from underneath that mop of red, her hazel gaze partially blocked by the thick, red strands of hair. She gave a subtle wiggle of her bottom on the cushion as she looked at him, her head tilting to the side as she proceeded to change the topic without his approval.

“Does that mean yer done in there? We've been couped up in here for years,” She exaggerated with nothing short of a mewling whine. She gave another stretch, her back arching and her delicious rump thrust up into the air before she sat up straight and flopped back onto the cushion, slid right off the edge and promptly tumbled onto the leather couch behind her.


The Real World

“Hey wait. So does that mean you can get Barkskin cast on me? I can't remember if that stacks with my barbarian's unarmored bonus or not,” Rory cut into the action without thinking. The Player's Handbook was brought to bear and slammed down on the clipboard containing her character sheet and notes. She started to thumb through it with a determined look on her face, obvious to the rest of the group or the table as a whole.
The Real World

Jacen grinned at Rory's scowl, he liked to mess with her when she got like this, heck, she was even squeezing her dice! Boy, he really got to her this time! "Hey, at least I wasn't trying to bring awaken intelligence into the game." He offered with a laugh, remembering the time he had used it in B.A.S.I.C. to make a car come to life. That had been an accident, using a wand they found in an old run down house, the bus they turned into its wife wasnt, nor was the racoon. "Hmm... come to think of it..." he jotted the idea down and made a mental note to call Joe, he let Jacen get away with anything, he knew he could get Joe to sign off on this one too. "I'm gonna have fun with that! Do you think Gingy would like me to wake her mom up?" He knew it was a low blow, but he wanted to get a rise out of Rory, she was being too gloomy today!

"Oh yeah, I think it is, thank you!" He started looking through the D.M.G. for the rules on spell creation. He glanced up as she rolled her dice, going through her luck-check ritual as usual, it made him smirk. He loved that about her, not that he'd ever admit it, that's what Gingy was for, flirting with her, even being intimate with her, without actually risking any hurt feelings, or fucking up their friendship, not that he'd ever admit that to himself. She was so discerning, she didn't even fall for that tempting natural twenty. "Pretty sure it's a ruse sent by the dice gods to trick you?" He teased her over it, but he was pretty sure that was the case himself, he knew a fools roll when he saw one. All the rest had rolled low, so the natch twenty was suspect. Dice stuck together and bad luck travels, don't you know? Well, except for Will Wheaton's, that poor guys dice rolling luck was epic in its badness! It's like he held the cosmic balance of bad luck so other players could roll criticals, or something!

Jacen was usually pretty good at ignoring Rory's good looks but this time, he noticed when she rolled her gorgeous brown eyes and scowled some more. Looking for spell creation was a lost cause, for now. Even when she scowled like this, he still liked the way she looked. And her dark, dry sense of humor... Boy, he sure would like some peril... But no! It was too perilous! He snickered under his breath, forcing his attention back to the book, she'd never go for a guy like him anyway, he thought, she was too smart.

As it turned out, she didn't have the patience to let him find the rules and just called for them to continue playing. "Nope, no more surprises, not for another eight months at any rate!" One thing was for sure, when she gamed, she gamed hard nothing was going to get in the way of that! Not even Jacen's annoying home brews. "Back to the game!" He exclaimed, slapping the D.M.G. shut with a triumphant grin.


Lysander came up short as he admired Gingy laying on her pillow. She was something to see, the way she would roll over and stretch, just like a cat... "Um...Well... Sort of... Maybe not faster, but I won't have to worry about concentrating on a lot of spells any more... we just have to be very careful around clerics and other magic users whow can dispel my spell." He explained, distracted by the way Gingy moved. He felt himself stir with desire. She was good, so good, she didn't even need to try and turn him on, just watching her wake up was all it took.

Lysander nodded at her next question as he stalked up to her, getting that glint in his eyes like he did when it had been too long since he last got to lay with her. He was just about to pounce on her when...


The Real World

Jacen sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Your A.C. can't be less than sixteen, regardless of what kind of armor you wear, I think your dex and con bonuses actually give you a better A.C. NOW. ... but stone skin is better, it halves all non magical B.P.S. damage, I think you quarter it when you rage, or don't two instances of resistance stack? Anyway... The real reason Lysander made the spell was so he could have 'protected' sex with Gingy. She's really rough on him, you know, always biting and clawing at him..." Jacen balked at the look she gave him and tried to back peddle. "Oh, don't get me wrong, he loves it, just kind of hard to explain to the nobles why he's always walking funny and wincing when they clap him on the back."
The Real World

“Huh. Oh yeah. They changed it didn't they?” Rory said causally over the edge of her Player's Handbook, skimming over the page briskly. “I suppose I'm still in Pathfinder mode. Gingy was a beast back then.”

There was a little nostalgic sigh as she closed the book, her gaze lifting as she drifted off briefly into her own little world. It was easy enough for Rory to do that. She was a pretty smart cookie, though she often couldn't see the forest because of the damn trees, or something like that. She was often lost in her own little world, drifting off mid-sentence sometimes as her mind raced onto another topic. It wasn't all that uncommon, but the slapping of the book closed brought her back from her reverie and she just shook her head, blue bangs falling out over her brow.

“Pah. I'll leave the spell casting to you,” She said with a huff, even as she reopened the handbook to hurriedly turn the pages again. She didn't bother to discuss what she was looking for, since it only pertained to her character. Rory still felt pretty new to this edition, even if they had been playing for awhile. She was always going back and rechecking herself, just so she didn't pull another Barkskin incident. It was about then that the discussion of sex arose, which wasn't uncommon at the table either. The simmer sexual tension was interesting to say the least, though they tried to keep it to a minimum when the entire group was there or they were in the middle of a dungeon. Tried being the key word there.

“If he cast Stoneskin on himself would he really be unprotected though? Also...he'd be pretty rock hard for her. Maybe you just shoulda put more points in Constitution instead of Charisma. But then Gingy might not sleep with him, she doesn't like em ugly.” Rory went over the idea in her head, gave it a thought and shook the bangs out from her eyes. She adjusted her glasses, pushing them back up the bridge of her nose before a little smirk of her own drifted across her lips.

“I'm sure we can find a Manual of Bodily Health somewhere,” She teased briefly before she turned her attention back to the table.


Gingy pushed up with a huff, her wild mane even wilder after that quick tumble backwards. She gave a snort, wrinkled her nose up and crawled back onto the pillow. That was when she caught the glint in Lysander's eyes. She knew that look, it was a hungry and devious look. She was surprised it took him this long. He had been couped up in that lab for...well...Gingy couldn't count that high, but a lot of hours. It was pretty common for them to spend at least that much time together working out the frustrations of adventuring. She licked at her lips, those large, expressive eyes narrowing ever so slightly.

“What else can it do?” She asked suggestively, arching a knowing brow as she scooted closer towards the edge of the pillow. She kneaded it gingerly, offered a nibble to her bottom lip that she knew would set the gnome off. He was so easy that way, just the way Gingy liked it.
The Real World

"Yeah, they had to, to incorporate the idea of advantage, disadvantage, I think." Jacen replied with a slight snicker. "Yeah, no kidding, you must have sunk, what, like three thousand bucks into pathfinder? I can't really blame you, it was really crunchy and the art was awesome, but boy did theyou pump out the content!" Jacen pretended that the companies rigorous publishing schedule upset him, mainly because he couldn't afford everything they put out. Behind his front of moral disgust with the perceived greed of the company was more than a bit of jealousy and longing to have more of their books. He tried not to show it because Rory really worked hard on her collection, between winning them at conventions or just out right buying them, he was pretty impressed with her. "She's still a beast if you ask me." Jacen offered, giving Rory a look of fondness that she probably didn't notice as she drifted off in thought.

He wondered what she was thinking about, it must be about Gingy, he figured and he waited just long enough to catch her grinning over something before he slapped the D.M.G. shut. A Tom Smith song popped into Jacen head and he went over to his tablet that he usually used for pdfs of game books to search for it on youtube. "Hey, I've got a song for you..." He posted it to her face book wall. "It's called rich fantasy lives and it's by Tom Smith, you know, that filk singer I took you to see at Gencon a few years ago." He looked up just in time to see her blue hair fall down into her eyes. Man, she was pretty...

Jacen was in full on music sharing mode when Rory said she'd leave the spell casting to him and he quickly sent her links to both C.C.R.'S rendition of I Put a Spell on You and Santana's Black Magic Woman. They would make great background for Gingy and Lysander's sex sceen, he thought. Thank god none of the other players were coming tonight. They didn't appreciate this sort of role playing like Rory and him did. They roll their eyes and hurry the two of them along whenever they made eyes at each other... in game!

Jacen narrowed his eyes at Rory as she spared cracking jokes about Lysander's sexy stoneskin. "It doesn't seal off everything you know, he still has a pee hole and stuff, so he can still knock her up if he cums inside her. I can't guarantee that she won't have rock babies if he did though. I... bwahahahaha! You're too much Rory! I thought she liked it hard!" He stopped to really consider raising his con. "Yeah... I really should, I'd hate to fail a stamina check with her in the middle of doing it. But I needed the high charisma so that he had a high spell DC, he is a sorcerer after all." Jacen nodded slowly over the idea of hunting down some Stat boosting tomes. "Yeah, and while we're at it, maybe we can find some manuals of physical dexterity for Gingy, make her more... bendy?"


Oh, she was good, Gingy knew just how to play Lysander. And he knew that she knew he knew. ...or something like that! "Well... it can..." Lysander cast invisibility on their clothes, trying to be creative. "Do that!" It probably wasn't the smartest idea really, even though they looked to each other to be naked, their clothes were still on. He wasn't thinking very clearly at the moment, after all, he only had one blood supply and two heads. And the other one was using it right now. Without thinking, he jumped on top of her and started kissing her all over, eager to be inside of her!


"Oh no... come on! Seriously?!" Jacen had rolled the dice to check for his stamina to see how long he could go. And... he pulled his hand away from a botch... a natural one! "Shit... um... apparently Lysander either just came in his pants or he broke his penis... or something... I'm too embarrassed, Rory, you decide, please?" He covered his face and half weeped, half laughed.
The Real World

“Hmph. Don't remind me,” Rory grumbled as the thought of how much money she had spent on gaming materials crossed her mind. The number was pretty high, Jacen was pretty close though Rory didn't know the specific number. She did like to hunt for a good bargain, though there was of course that one item that cried out to her she just had to have regardless of the cost. Despite her general attitude towards society and people in general, Rory was able to hold down a steady job, even if it was mind numbing at the best of times. But that was where D&D came into play, one of those outlets that she could pour all her creative energies into. Of course she had more than creative juices flowing through her, as she and Jacen displayed many a time between their characters. Lysander and Gingy were just the latest characters to hook up in the fantasy world they inhabited, but they surely weren't the first. While the game was fun and all, sometimes it was just a flimsy excuse to hang out with people she might not otherwise have any reason to be around. Jacen though was a friend that transcended the gaming table, since they shared similar interests it was easy to just hang out. Not that Rory was the hang out type, since there was barely a moment she could spare with all the ideas coming and going through her head.

She was always writing down something, either another character concept, an idea for a magic item or monster, she had journals filled with her chicken scratch handwriting of campaigns that would probably never see the light of day. Rory was the type that enjoyed the mechanics of the game as much as playing it. It was obvious she enjoyed roleplaying, perhaps a bit too much if some players were to be asked. She was an odd combination of power gamer and laid back roleplayer, she loved to have a personality to go along with the incredible build she just created. Gingy had been all that and more in Pathfinder, she was a literal beast in every sense. The little halfling was a massive HP soak, though she had absolutely no armor class to speak of. She didn't need it, things usually died within a few rounds if they got within melee reach. Rory was too busy drifting on the waves of nostalgia to notice the look of fondness that Jacen shot in her direction as he commented on Gingy.

She snapped out of her reverie just in time to hear her phone go off, which she picked up off the desk and swiped through a few times. She blinked a couple times as well, as if focusing were a bit to hard for the moment. “Uh...well...thanks.” Was all she muttered before a few more songs were rocked her way. Instead of bothering with them she went to work, throwing back a few of her own. Since they were basically on the topic of their character's bumping uglies she went straight for it with some David Bowie and Depeche Mode. Her interest in music was a little odd, though she often found something of interest from most genres. Just as she finished though the conversation drifted back towards the application of Stoneskin in the carnal acts. Rory looked up from her phone and gave him a look mixed between disgust and confusion.

“You know it's super hot when you say words like 'pee hole'.” She scrunched up her nose in disgust at the comment before she just rolled with it (rock pun intended). “That would be one hell of a way to get kidney stones, though.”


With a snap of his fingers the clothing separating their bodies was gone. Just poof, like magic. Of course it was magic, what else would it be? Gingy glanced down at herself as the clothing disappeared from her frame, though there was no sense of coolness that came from disrobing. She wasn't shocked by her sudden nakedness, clothing wasn't something she readily enjoyed anyway. She didn't need any excuse to wiggle out of her attire to go 'all natural'. She didn't have much time to react to the sudden vanishing of their clothing, no, a naked and very eager Lysander had leapt over the pillows and was upon her quickly. Gingy greeted him with a growl of approval, smashing her lips against his own to return the greedy kiss. Her hands pawed at his frame, though the fact he felt all...clothy instead of fleshy sent her mind for a loop.

“Er...” She paused, her brows arching as she leaned back from the kiss and gave him confounded look.


The Real World

Rory wasn't watching Jacen's roll, so his sudden exclamation caught her attention. She arched both brows and looked down to see the glaring 1 resting so smugly upon the table. She cringed at the very sight, letting out a groan as well.

“Ah shit, seriously man? What a time to roll a 1.” Rory said with a loathsome sigh. She felt bad for him, both in and out of character. It was then that she felt the stirring within her chest at the sight of Jacen hiding his face behind his hand. It was a confusing feeling, usually she'd enjoy a good laugh at someone fumbling on roll at a moment like this. But...

“I got this,” Rory said with a sudden serious look, before a knowing little smirk drifted out over her lips. “Well...Gingy does...all she'll do is---”


Gingy watched the flicker of passion drift across Lysander's face, followed by the look she knew all too well. Her nose wrinkled as she sniffed the air and took in the knowing scent of his seed. She let out a soft growl of annoyance even as her fingers curled into the invisible clothing that clung to Lysander's frame.

“You started and finished without me?” She said in a huff, before the sleek muscles in her arms and shoulders tensed and with it came the sudden and violent sound of ripping fabric. Gingy did what she did best, destroyed stuffed. In an instant Lysander was really standing in nothing but his birthday suit, his clothing reverting to their visible nature as Gingy shredded them. She freed the gnome, her eyes locking upon his girth that still glistened with the spent seed.

“Yer just lucky you didn't break it,” She said with a mirth-filled little smirk before she pushed Lysander into place. It wasn't hard to gnome-handle him, he was the brains and she was brawn of the operation after all. One hand shoved him back onto his rump at the edge of the couch before she climbed onto her hands and knees before him. She urged his thighs to spread as she moved closer, that wild mop of red falling out over her eyes as she bowed her head. She gave him one final look before Gingy bowed her head fully and let her tongue snake forth. She offered one slow, teasing lap over his shaft, from base to tip before she set to cleaning off the sticky mess he had left. She cooed softly, a rumble like a purr vibrating up from her chest as she drew up to the tip of his head and drew him into the warm confines of her mouth with a sloppy slurping sound. “Mmmhn!” She moaned in delight as her cheeks caved in and the halfling offered a fierce suckle.
The Real World

Jacen wasn'the far behind in the amount of dough he'did spent on books and stuff either. He had manuals for games no one played. Like the Buffy Manuel or his mostly unread copy of aces and eights, signed by the creators. He even had a copy of the book of erotica fantasy, something he was certain he would never get to use, until Rory showed interest one day, years ago. And the miniatures... he'd spent soo much money on miniatures! He had the red and black dragons and once he was so lucky, he pulled Artemis Entrari from a pack! Now, all he needed was a copy of Drizzt to fight him. But he was just too pricey right now. He tried pulling him from a case once after tax returns, but didn't get him. That was before Wizards pumped out those pre set play sets. And by that time, he'd moved on to pathfinder with Rory and the group.

"You're welcome!" He shot back, eager what she threw his way as she went to work linking him songs. Some people might think it strange, but he liked her style, and he always went back to check out what she sent him after gaming, when he was alone. Before they went back to role playing out his botched sext scene, Jacen sent her one more link that he hoped she would really like. "Promise me you'll watch this one later tonight, okay?" He asked her as he sent it.

Jacen just grinned and nodded, playing along with her. "I know, you just can't keep your hands off me when I talk like that, can you, Rory?!" He joked as she scrunched her nose up. Man, she was cute when she was grossed out! "Stones? More like boulders!" He sat up on his knees and pretended to flex his arms and chest, like he was an 80's wrestler, or something.


That casual pride Gingy always sported over her naked body really threw Lysander off the deep end of desire this time! He'd intended to spend a few hours enjoying her, in all her slender but he apparently went way too long without her that his body suddenly and violently betrayed him and his intentions! One hot kiss from her and the promise of the pleasure to come was all it took to make poor Lysander cum, flooding his pants with hot, sticky seed. He was mortified, his face frozen in a look of tortured pleasure and embarrassment, perhaps even a little fear that he hadn't managed to give Gingy any loving before he went off.


The Real World

"I know... I know... I should have cast bears endurance on myself first! This never happens to me, I swear!" He was in agony, completely embarrassed that his character had become a premature ejaculator! Lysander was better than that! He was still hiding his face, awaiting Rory's mocking laughter over Lysander's poor performance in bed, but it never came... unlike him... lol! No, instead, she got serious and lowered her voice into a conspiritorial tone, saying she had this. "She?" Jacen peaked out at her from between his fingers as she amended that Gingy had it. "Oh sh..."


"!" Lysander finished what Jacen had started as he saw the look of realization of what he had done for on Gingy's pretty face. She knew... she could smell it on him... Ilmater preserve him, she knew! And what's more... she was annoyed! "I... I..." Lysander stammered, his eyes wide with fear, it didn't take much to set this fiery red head off and she didn't stop until everyone but her was left standing. He knew, he'd seen her decimate whole gangs of thieves and brigade with her bare hands! She was scary when she was pissed! And not getting her rightful due in the sack wax pretty irritating for her, obviously!

He thought for sure she was going to continue shredding him up but she only shredded his clothes, breaking the spell on them. She'd found her prize apparently, his wizards rod, still dripping with seed. "Oh gods..." he groaned, embarrassed beyond cogent thought or reason, his staff still twitching in her grasp.

He was, very lucky, it was still hard and unharmed. Well... not yet anyway... he still wasn't sure what his little fire cracker had in store for him as punishment for not giving her what she wanted, when she wanted it. "Whah-ooph!" He gasped out as she pushed him down, on his butt with one effortless shove of her hand against his chest. She went all cat like and saunter-stalked up to him, pushing his legs apart as she did. It made him twitch and throb, watching her like this and even though he'd blown his load, he was still hard for her! He just didn't know for how long...

Lysander's body tensed up as Gingy snaked her tongue along his sticky, messy length. She was astounding! He never expected she would react like this over failing to perform for her! He was completely disarmed and at her tender mercy.


Jacen grabbed a pillow off the couch behind him and plopped it in his lap, hoping Rory hadn't noticed him getting a stiff over this scene. He played it off like he needed a surface to put his character sheet and note pad on. Real smooth like, or so he thought. The last thing he he needed after that botch was for his best friend catching him sporting wood over a couple of fictional characters doing it!


Gingy's cooing purr made Lysander spasm with desire and instead of deflating, he just got harder for her. But then, she took the head of his wand into her mouth and suckled fiercely on him! He just about his the roof, the sensation was so intense! "Ah! Ah! Gods!" He yelped, reaching down to try and push her back for a moment. He was insanely over sensitive at the moment, and the tight, warm embrace of her lips and tongue working against the excited head of his throbbed penis was way more intense than he could bare. But she was just too dam strong! He couldn't push her away! He quirmed and gasped, losing his mind from how painfully wonderful it felt. It was like tickle torture!
Gingy felt the hand on her head, but it wasn't there to pet, oh no, it was there to shove her way. The redheaded halfling glanced up at him, her gaze twinkling from behind her crimson bangs. She still had him in her mouth, her lips pursed about the girth with her cheeks slightly caved in. Her hand firmly held him by the base of his wizardly wand, offering a squeeze and a stroke even as he squirmed before him. Causally Gingy released him, with a slick pop she drew her head up, whipping her hair from her face briefly.

“Stop squirmin'.” She muttered with a feral growl, even as she pumped her fist over his girth slowly but firmly. “I'm getting' you nice and ready for round two.” She said with no hint of mincing her words. She had a desire in her that Lysander had awoken by his actions, Gingy wouldn't be content until she had her fill. With a contemptuous snort at her lover she bowed her head again before she took him within the warm confines of her mouth. The halfling barbarian set to work, wiggling her head back and forth as she worked him further still, her hand holding him steady even as the other slid over his sac, cupping and squeezing to keep him fully stimulated.


The Real World

Rory was too caught up in the moment to notice, after all she did enjoy a good description of things. She snatched up her d20 even while she spoke, holding it between two fingers before she allowed it to settle in the palm of her hand.

“Not sure how good she is now, what without having her perform – Oral skill anymore. But a Charisma Check should work nicely enough.” Rory offered a devious little grin as she gave the die a shake and sent it rolling across the table. It clattered and skipped across the table before finally coming to a stop upon the table between them. She had really hoped for a natural twenty, if only to go balls to the wall since Jacen had rolled a one. She didn't get it, but a seventeen was good enough. Rory pursed her lips and offered a shrug as she glanced down at her Charisma.

“I'll say she can add her Proficiency bonus to this check cuz...well...she's pretty proficient,” Rory couldn't help the giggle that came from her throat, one that made her nostrils flare as she tried to keep it in check. “So...Twenty-Six...I think that's enough right?”

Rory finally looked up at Jacen as she confirmed the outcome of her roll. There was something odd about these moments, yet also something completely natural. Jacen was, well, he was a dork, Rory had told him so much to his face. But it was in a good way, of course, she always called him that with a certain fondness. He was cute, the way he looked at her sometimes made her feel all weird though, right in her stomach like she was nervous or something. She didn't like that feeling, it was easier to cover it up and focus on the game.

“So she really slobbed his knob. He might pop again before she even gets what she wants.” Rory murmured as she looked back down at her sheet, offering an unconscious nibble to her bottom lip. The roleplay was not without affect upon her own frame. She felt the familiar warmth of her arousal, even as she tried to avoid it, which seemed counter productive, didn't it?

“So uh...I think that's about all she can do with her action, she spent her bonus action squeezing his gnome bits,” Rory added in, if only to try and lighten the mood before it got to serious, something she was always afraid of.
"OhmMMM!" It was apparent that Ginger wasn't going to let go of his gnome bits any time soon, so he tried a meditative moan to keep his screaming nerve endings from driving him over the edge, into oblivion again. However, the look she gave him made him spasm and thrust to the back of her mouth by accident. She took it in stride and casually drew off of him with a wet little pop. "Ah! Gods!" He whispered under his breath, now more desperate to have her do more to him with her talented mouth than make her stop. He groaned with need and nodded, accepting her warning with wide eyed desire.

She had him in the palm of her hand, litterally, there was nothing he could do to stop her. Nothing he wanted to do, quite frankly, she was in control, and he was loving it! "R-Round t-two?!" He exclaimed in a gasp, straining hard against her firm grasp. He collapsed flat on his back and covered his face, rubbing it. "Okay... okay... Gyah! I can do this..." he told himself, trying to regain some shred of control, but she wasn't having any of it as she snorted contemptuously at him and went right back at him with her hot little mouth! "Oooooh... Gingy..." he moaned, gently rocking his hips against her face, slowly getting into it now that he wasn't quite so overly sensitive. Oh, it was still torture, but by the gods, it was the best sort of torture!

The sudden sudden shock of having his balls tickled and squeezed sent him shooting up in surprise, shouting. "Ilmater's balls! You're killing me here, love! Unh..." he flopped back, slipping his fingers through her wild hair, this time to keep her down on him, not to push her away. "Please... I'm sorry I came... I don't know how I let that happen... just... no more, torture, please? I need you... I need to feel you... it's been too long..." he pleaded with her, swallowing back his lust before he choked on it.


The Real World

Jacen let out a sigh of relief, she hadn't noticed his boner or him hiding it under a pillow. She was far too focused on the game. For a moment he watched her tease her die twenty between her fingers before palming it and he found himself wishing he was that dice. Her voice snapped him out of his little fantasy and he snickered. Oral skill? Didn't she mean oration? Oh wait, that's right! It was in the book of erotic fantasy! God damn! He loved that book! It was actually perform - sexual techniques, because it encompassed all different styles and positions from milking yo basket weaving and beyond, but that was splitting hairs. "Yeah, but you clearly get advantage on this roll, he's prone and begging you for mercy after all."

At first, it looked as though her die roll was going to go off the coffee table, but it hit a stack of game books and bounced back, settling on a seventeen. "Seventeen, not bad, is that with your charisma mod? Oh and roll a second die, you have advantage, remember?" He would totally shit if she managed to get a natural twenty right now! Poor Lysander wouldn't stand a chance if she did! He'd cream right in her mouth! "Obviously! I'll say she is!" Jacen agreed, letting her add her prof mod as well.

That giggle of hers! And the way her nostrils flared! She was really enjoying this just a bit too much! Jacen didn't mind one bit though. "Yeah, I'd say itsomething freaking over kill!" He smirked from ear to ear. "I'll say you have just such fine control over Lysanders staff of lordy might that you can chose weather or not you let him cum in Gingy's mouth, or hold him off until she can at least get some of her own back from him. Still, roll a second time, if you get a natch twenty, he can't control himself and just Cums in her mouth!"

When Rory looked up at him, there was definitely a bit of sexual tension going on between them, but it was okay, because it was just their characters doing it, not them, right? They were fine, he didn't have to worry about risking their friendship or getting stuck in the friend zone forever... it was fine... right?

"Jesus, Rory?! Really? 'Slobber his knob?!' Oh em gee!" The way she said it made him laugh. Laugh so hard he snorted and nearly fall over! It was so funny because it was so out of no where! He hadn't been expecting it! He forgot about his erections and threw his pillow at her in a fit of laughter, snorting some more. That had really tickled him stupid for some reason!

"Oh, don't worry, if he does pop, he'll let her chain him up and lap the sweet cream from her pink chalice for a year in repentance for his folly!" He sat back up, Indian style, with nothing to hide his boner now and completely forgetting he was sporting it, he leaned back, red faced and smiling like a goon. "Yeah... yeah... I think thatshe all you can do this turn, but isn't that enough?" He giggled again not noticing her gaze falling toward his crotch.