UTI due to overstimulation?


Literotica Guru
Oct 18, 2017
I'm one of those unfortunate frequent-UTI-sufferers and was wondering what the experience of other women is. When I've had UTIs in the past, they were caused by either too much coffee/stress and drinking too little other fluids or sex.

I've been told by multiple doctors to make sure I drink a lot, pee after sex, and use condoms, but even when I follow these instructions, I frequently end up with bladder infections after sex. Especially condom or no condom seems to make no difference.

Sitting here with another post-fucking UTI, I'm wondering whether it might be caused by overstimulation of the urethra/g-spot area. I have this hunch that I tend to end up with infections more often if there was a lot of stimulation of that area.

Does anyone else have a similar experience?
Mot female but a medical person. Instead of going after sex, i would make sure to go before sex. Also increase cranberry juice intake as it is proven to help reduce UTI.
Mot female but a medical person. Instead of going after sex, i would make sure to go before sex. Also increase cranberry juice intake as it is proven to help reduce UTI.

Thank you, I do take cranberry pills. What's the rational behind peeing before sex?
If yoy have long drawn out intercourse, the bacteria have the fluid to enter your bladder, and then multiply. But if you go before that prevents the bacteria from having a fluid to grow in. Also you never completely empty your bladder, even after sex so if it gets there it stays there. But if there is less fluid you are less likely to have the infection.

Also may i all if they have ever done a culture? If you would rather PM i understand
If yoy have long drawn out intercourse, the bacteria have the fluid to enter your bladder, and then multiply. But if you go before that prevents the bacteria from having a fluid to grow in. Also you never completely empty your bladder, even after sex so if it gets there it stays there. But if there is less fluid you are less likely to have the infection.

Also may i all if they have ever done a culture? If you would rather PM i understand

Ah, I see.
Yes, and I've been told that they didn't find anything, whatever that means.
Elli... A couple of things, hygeine is as important for me as having a wee after sex i.e clean fingers toys, cocks, no mixing anal then vaginal contact etc. Also for me the angle the stimulation is coming from (if it is for a significant length of time) can be problematic - particularly if toys or tongues are involved.

I would not be at all surprised if your hunch is correct.

Also I forgot to add, there is an X-ray you can have that tells you how you’re emptying your bladder. I had when I was much younger and a frequent sufferer of UTIs - it is fairly simple and quick to do. Maybe you could ask your doctor to order it. Aside from the hideous discomfort of an active UTI there can be significant and serious long-term risks associated with ongoing and recurring UTIs.

Thank you! I'll talk to my GP about it, but I have a feeling they won't 'waste' money on an X-Ray for a something so 'trivial'. In my experience, doctors don't take UTIs very serious – they prescribe antibiotics, give you the standard advice and that's it.
Agreed, money always has power, but if you have symptoms but no growth they are obligated to seek the proper diagnosis. I truly hope this helps.

But about question, again not trying to pry, but do you get the infection after oral (performed on you), or after vaginal, or after other activities
Recurrent chronic UTIs should be investigated.

There’s also the obvious things to always be mindful of, wipe front to back, not holding on for overly long periods of time, how quickly you’re on the loo post-sex (straight away), drink lots of water, be mindful of any additions to the mix such as lubes and some birth control methods (from memory) also make a woman more suspectible.

Oh, I wasn't aware that lubes and birth control can be an issue!

So many things to consider for some fun and pleasure :(
Also I forgot to add, there is an X-ray you can have that tells you how you’re emptying your bladder.

My urologist performed an ultrasound for this. He had me pee first and then measured the volume remaining in my bladder with ultrasound. I don't know how the billing worked behind the scenes, but I only payed my standard office copay.
My wife suffer with UTI's for most of her life, until a urologist found she actually had an over active bladder. Prescribed med for OAB and the pain associated with UTI's disappeared. She has been happy ever since.