I eat once a day

What is metabolism? I hear the term bandied about. It sounds like gunning the ol' engine. I prefer a nice steady pace, like driving with an egg under the accelerator.

I don't stop for gas 5 or 6 times a day...
Wanna lose 1200 Calories a month? Drink a liter of ice water a day. You burn the energy just raising the water to body temp.
Provided you're healthy, I personally believe you should not eat when you are not hungry.

If one meal a day works for you, that's great. I would be cautious what you eat for that one meal - you don't want to slam your blood sugar through the roof by eating a bunch of high glycemic index caca. That said, there's evidence that constantly having food processing through your system is not to your benefit - that giving your system time without food going through it allows it to focus on other tasks such as cellular repair, and that those tasks contribute to overall greater health and longevity.

I used to force-feed myself breakfast because "it's the most important meal of the day!" And I always felt bleh. I don't do that anymore. I have a cup of tea, that's it, and I'm totally fine until lunch. You don't collapse the second your stomach empties. Your body is built to store energy, to withstand famines and lean times.



Provided you're healthy, I personally believe you should not eat when you are not hungry.

If one meal a day works for you, that's great. I would be cautious what you eat for that one meal - you don't want to slam your blood sugar through the roof by eating a bunch of high glycemic index caca. That said, there's evidence that constantly having food processing through your system is not to your benefit - that giving your system time without food going through it allows it to focus on other tasks such as cellular repair, and that those tasks contribute to overall greater health and longevity.

I used to force-feed myself breakfast because "it's the most important meal of the day!" And I always felt bleh. I don't do that anymore. I have a cup of tea, that's it, and I'm totally fine until lunch. You don't collapse the second your stomach empties. Your body is built to store energy, to withstand famines and lean times.




Dr. Jenn Berman with her "no more diets" app recommends eating according to a hunger scale. Never allowing ourself to get truly ravenous, but the key is to stop eating as soon as you are sated, rather than cleaning our plate. Seems logical to me but I haven't actively tried it.

I have heard and it seems true to me that it takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that you have been fed. When I am paying attention to such things I will pause after eating, and see if I still want more in a bit.

Things change as we age. When I was young I could not put on weight, at my age, I could easily pack on pounds.
imagine how much time we could save everyday if we didnt have to eat. these flesh bags we call a body are holding us back from our true potential!

and fuck sleeping, sleeping is for dead people
imagine how much time we could save everyday if we didnt have to eat. these flesh bags we call a body are holding us back from our true potential!

and fuck sleeping, sleeping is for dead people

"I'll get all the sleep I need when I am dead." -Sam Elliot, Road House.

"Guess you finally caught up on that sleep." -Patrick Swayze, Road House.
Intermittent fasting is pretty good. Your body doesn't care if you eat 12 small meals or 3 big ones. The kind of food you eat matters but at the end of the day it's cals in cals out and as long as you eat enough (or less depending on ur goal health etc) your body doesn't care if you ate 10 or 3 meals or 1. I'd rather eat a really tasty lunch /dinner than bother eating 6x a day. It's more satisfying physiologically and socially not to mention very convenient.